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Eugenio. I fear you not. [He attacks Leander, and makes him give back so much that finding the door of the dancing girl's house open, Leander escapes through, and so finishes.]


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* Σώνεται "finishes" awkwardly enough, but it is the literal translation of the Romaic. The original of this comedy of Goldoni's I never read, but it does not appear one of his best. "Il Bugiardo" is one of the most lively; but I do not think it has been translated into Romaic: it is much more amusing than our own "Liar," by Foote. The character of Lelio is better drawn than Young Wilding. Goldoni's comedies amount to fifty; some perhaps the best in Europe, and others the worst. His life is also one of the best specimens of autobiography, and, as Gibbon has observed, "more dramatic than any of his plays." The above scene was selected as containing some of the most familiar Romaic idioms, not for any wit which it displays, since there is more done than said, the greater part consisting of stage directions. The original is one of the few comedies by Goldoni which is without the buffoonery of the speaking Harlequin.

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Διὰ νὰ εὐχαριζήσης, νὰ κάτ μης περιποίησες, καὶ φιλι καῖς δεξίωσες.

Εγω σᾶς εὐχαρικών

Σας γνωρίζω χάριν.

To thank, pay compliments and testify regard.

I thank you.

I return you thanks.

Σᾶς εἶμαι ὑπόχρεος κατὰ I am much obliged to you, πολλά.

Εγώ θέλω τὸ κάμει μετὰ I will do it with pleasure.


Μὲ ὕλήν με τὴν καρδίαν. Μὲ καλὴν με καρδίαν. Σᾶς εἶμαι υπόχρεος. Εἶμαι ὅλος ἐδίκος σας. Είμαι δύλος σας. Ταπεινότατος δέλος.

Εἶςε κατὰ πολλὰ εὐγενικός. Πολλὰ πειράζεσθε.

With all my heart.
Most cordially.

I am obliged to you.

I am wholly yours.

I am your servant.

Your most humble servant. You are too obliging.

You take too much trouble.

Τὸ ἔχω διὰ χαράν με τὰ I have a pleasure in serving τὰς δελεύσω.


Εἶςε εὐγενικὸς καὶ εὐπρος - You are obliging and kind.


Αὐτὸ εἶναι πρέπον.

Τι θέλετε; τὶ ὁρίζετε;

Σᾶς παρακαλῶ νὰ μὲ με ταχειρίζεσθε ἐλεύθερα.

Χωρὶς περιποίησες.

That is right.

What is your pleasure?

What are your commands? I beg you will treat me

freely. Without ceremony.

Σᾶς ἀγαπῶ ἐξ ὅλης με καρ- I love you with all my

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Εχετε τίποτες να με προςτάξετε ; Προεάξετε τὸν δῆλον σας. Προσμένω τὰς προςαγὰς σας. Μὲ κάμνετε μεγάλην τιμήν. Φθάνον ἡ περιποίησης σας παρακαλώ.

Προσκυνήσετε ἐκ μέρες με τὸν ἄρχοντα, ἢ τὸν κύριον. Βεβαιώσετε τον πῶς τὸν ἐνθυμῦμαι.

Have you any commands

for me? Command your servant. I wait your commands. You do me great honour. Not so much ceremony I beg.

Present my respects to the

gentleman, or his lordship. Assure him of my remem brance.

Βεβαιώσετε τον πῶς τὸν Assure him of my friendship. ἀγαπῶ.

Δὲν θέλω λείψει νά τε τὸ I will not fail to tell him εἰπώ. Προσκυνήματα εἰς τὴν ἀρ- My compliments to her la


Πηγαίνετε έμπροσθὰ καὶ

σᾶς ἀκολυθώ.

of it.


Go before, and I will follow


Εξεύρω καλὰ τὸ χρέος μᾶ. I well know my duty.

Ηξεύρω τὸ εἶναι με

Μὲ κάμνετε νὰ ἐντρέπωμαι μὲ ταῖς τόσαις φιλοφρο

σύναις σας,

I know my situation.

You confound me with so much civility.

Θέλετε λοιπὸν νὰ κάμω μίαν Would you have me then be


guilty of an incivility? ̔Υπάγω ἐμπροσθὰ διὰ νὰ Igo before to obey you. σᾶς ὑπακέσω.

Διὰ νὰ κάμω τὴν προςαγήν To comply with your com

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Δὲν ἀγαπῶ τόσαις περί I do not like so much cere





Δὲν εἶμαι τελείως περιποιήσ

Αὐτὸ εἶναι τὸ καλίτερον.
Τόσον τὸ καλίτερον.

̓́Εχετε λόγον, ἔχετε δίκαιον.

I am not at all ceremonions.

This is better,

So much the better.

You are in the right.

Διὰ νὰ βεβαιώσης, νὰ ἀρ- To afirm, deny, consent, etc. τηθῆς, νὰ σιγκατανεύσης,

καὶ τξ.

Εἶναι ἀληθινόν, εἶναι ἀλη- It is true, it is


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Δὰ νὰ σᾶς εἴπω τὴν ἀλή- Το tell you the truth.

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Really, it is so.

Who doubts it?
There is no doubt.

I believe it, I do not believe

I say yes.
I say no.

I wager it is.

I wager it is not so.

Yes, by my faith.
In conscience.
By my life.

Yes, I swear it to you.

I swear to you as an honest


Σᾶς ὀμνύω ἐπάνω εἰς τὴν I swear to you on my lo

τιμήν με.


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