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The Committee advert with peculiar satisfaction to the share which is now borne in works of Christian benevolence by the labouring classes and the young, and to the benign effect of this participation on their minds. From this source many thousand pounds have been added to the Society's find daring the past year; and it is obvious that the minute contributions of the great mass of the people will prove the most effectual and unfailing support of the efforts of charity. But they have to record, also, particular instances of extraordinary munificence, An anonymous lady has presented 8001. to the Society, A respectable but plain countryman, and his sister, lately paid to the secretary a benefaction of 3001.; and in reply to an expression of surprize, observed, "God, sir, has put it into our power, and he has also given us the will."

The exertions of the Society have kept pace with the increase of its


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In Western Africa and in New Zealand, they are attempting at once to civilize and to evangelize. "In the endeavour to evangelize a nation wholly or partially civilized, the expense is better known and more definite; and it is comparatively small, But, where the first rudiments of letters are to be made known; where the language of the natives is first to be fixed, and then taught to themselves; where the very children who receive Christian instruction, must be fed and clothed; where even the simple arts of life must be made known or improved; where the servant of God not only can derive little toward his own support from all around him, but must maintain the character of a liberal benefactor-it is obvious that the expense of such efforts must be large, fluctuating, and indefinite. But shall these forlorn heathen be, therefore, abandoned? Shall injured Africa plead in vain? Shall that noble race of half a million of men, who inhabit the New Zealand islands, be left to the wanton cruelty of men who disgrace the British name?"-One very important part of the Society's plans is the establishment of Christian Institutions, under the protection of British authority, in the most favourable stations for diffusing the light of truth among the heathen. In these institutions, it is proposed that provision shall be made for training up the native youth in the

knowledge of agriculture and the simple arts, and for qualifying some of them to become teachers of their country, men, and others, if it shall please. God, preachers of the Gospel. These Institutions will serve as points of support to the exertions of the Society in their respective quarters: they may be ren dered the asylums of its widows and orphans; and they will become, in various ways, a source of beneficent influence over the surrounding tribes. Such an institution is about to be es tablished within the Colony of Sierra Leone. It is proposed to receive into this institution the multitudes of African children, who are liberated from smuggling slave vessels. A very laudable regard has been paid to education in the Colony, and exertions are now making in this respect; but the rapid accession to the number of these des titute children, by the liberation of them from slave smugglers, and the large increase which may yet be expected from the same source, demand more energetic and systematic efforts to rescue them from ignorance, and to train them up in the knowledge of Christianity, and of such occupations as may benefit themselves and their country. On whom does this office of Christian charity so naturally devolve, as on the Church Missionary Society?...

A grant of land having been made to the Society by Government, the way is prepared for an establishment adapted to carry these plans into execution. There a school-house will be erect ed, for 1200 or 1500 children; with a church or chapel, and suitable accommodations for the children, for a master and mistress, and a missionary and his family; all in a plain and substantial style. The Society's printing press may also be there established, at which the Scriptures in the languages of Western Africa, with various elementary books, may be printed. This proposal has been laid before his Majesty's Ministers, who have very liberally promised to assist the design, and to place all the liberated children under the Society's care. The prayer also of a memorial to Government, on the erection of a church at Sierra Leone, and the augmentation of the Chaplain's salary, from the Com. mittee, and from that zealous and unwearied friend of Africa, Governor Maxwell, has been readily granted

The Committee have great pleasure in stating the success of the plan pre

posed in the last Report, of taking under the Society's protection such African children as might be named by persons in this country, willing to con tribute five pounds per annum for the support of each child. The names of more than a hundred children have been received, and upwards of 5001. is annually paid to the Society for the benevolent purpose of their maintenance and education in Africa. Charitable persons, who feel for Africa, cannot apply to a nobler purpose an annual benefaction of five pounds, than in the support and Christian education of a little African pensioner, to be succeeded by another when the instruction of one may have been completed.

The West-African Mission has, how ever, to contend with peculiar difficulties. The habits and supposed interests of the native chiefs, lead them to sus picion and jealousy of the motives of the Society and its Missionaries; and these feelings have been cherished by men who live on the misery of Africa. The adherents of the slave trade have persisted in calumniating them as spies and informers; and the efforts of his Majesty's Government at Sierra Leone, for the eradication of this commerce, have been revenged on the Society's establishments. One of the houses in the Bashia settlement has been burnt; and the school-house in the Canoffee settlement burst into flames, in the dead of night, while the children were asleep; but they were alarmed in sufficient time to escape. In short, the Society's Missionaries on this coast are called to encounter difficulties from the climate, from the habits of the natives, and from the machinations of bad men, which seem unequalled in any other part of the great missionary field. One of the laymen and one of the females had died since the last Report, and the Missionaries generally had suffered much from illness. In dependence on Divine aid, the Committee, however, determined to continue, in the face of difficulties, its efforts for the good of Africa. Seven persons connected with the Society have lately been sent out to strengthen the Mission.

The attempts of the Society in Africa are unavoidably attended with a great expenditure. In the state of insecurity under which the settlements have hitherto laboured, little or nothing could be done by them toward their own support. When the total destruction of

the slave trade shall give security to the plans of the Society, there is reason to hope, that, by the produce of the soil, its settlements may be brought, in a great measure at least, to support them. selves.

Mr. Butscher has accepted the office of Chaplain to the Colony, by permis sion of the Committee, and will probably occupy that station until a suitable English Chaplain shall be found.

In India, the Society's labours appear to have been very eminently successful. In the former Numbers of our work, we have already alluded to the efforts of the Society, to extend the benefits of instruction among the native youth, on the plan suggested by the late Dr. John; and we have detailed largely the interesting and beneficial results of its mission at Agra. The unlooked-for success which has crowned the labours of the Society in this extensive field of service has opened new prospects and plans of usefulness. A proposal has been transmitted to the Corresponding Committee at Calcutta, for founding an extensive institution in the neighbour hood of that city, for the education of native youth; and in the mean time an annual sum of 15001, has been placed at the disposal of that Committee. The mission at Agra commenced in March, 1813. Before the close of that year, 41 adults and 14 children had been bap tized into the faith of Christ, all of whom continued to walk in the truth. But the effect of the Society's labours are of a still wider extent. A growing attention is excited on the part of resident Europeans to the wants of the natives. Schools are formed by individuals for the instruction of children. Copies of the Scriptures are circulated, which excite reflection and inquiry. Christian truth gradually diffuses itself; and the fabric of idolatry seems to totter more and more. Even the native poets begin to make the popular superstitions the subject of their satirical effusions,

Mr. Martyn's Hindoostanee New Tes tament in the Persian character has been completed, and is in extensive circulation.

The principal parts of the Liturgy have been translated, by Mr. Corrie, into Hindoostanee, and an edition printed for the use of the native con gregations. The Liturgy is peculiarly adapted to the habits and state of feeling of many among the couverts, and the Committee trust that they shall eré


Relig. Intell.-Church Missionary Society.

Tong witness the wide diffusion of our apostolical formularies in the most popular languages of India. The Rev. Messrs. Schnarrè and Rhenius have arrived at Madras. About 500 persons were on board their ship, and they had maintained Divine Service when circumstances admitted. They were received with Christian cordiality by the Rev, M. Thompson, chaplain of the Company. Here they were met by the afflicting intelligence of the death of Dr. John; and with the news, still more afflicting to them, of the decease of the Rev. Mr. Jacobi, with whom they were personally acquainted. Mr. Caemmerer, who has become, by the death of Dr. John, Senior of the Royal Danish Mission at Tranquebar, inviting them to proceed to Tranquebar, they left Madras on the 20th of July; Mr. Thompson having, with great kindness and care, provided for their convenience and comfort.

They reached this place on the 28th of July, and were very kindly received by Mr. Caemmerer and his coadjutor Mr. Schreivogel, and there, in the mean time, they are diligently employed in the acquisition of the Tamul language, for which Tranquebar affords the very best opportunities.

The school establishments of the late Dr. John were preserved from disso Iution by the timely application of the Society's funds, and have been since supported and extended by an allow ance of about 1807. per annum. The number of children in these establishments amounted, on the 1st of June, 1814, to 863.

The Society's missionaries are already rendering good service in the inspection of the English schools; and will extend their care to the Tamul establishments, as their knowledge of that tongue shall increase.

In the island of CEYLON, Government have pursued the wise and liberal policy of inviting and encouraging the efforts of Missionary Societies, to diffuse the light of Divine truth among the Mohammedan and Pagan inhabitants. Three of the Society's missionaries have proceeded to this island, with the view of fixing themselves there or on the adjoining continent, as may be deemed on their arrival to be most expedient.

The projected mission to NEW ZEALAND engages the unwearied attention of the Rev. Mr. Marsden, the principal chaplain of New South Wales; and CHRIST, OBSERV. No. 167.

773 assigned by the Society for its promo the sum of 5001. per annum has beeu tion.

Mr. Marsden had purchased the brig ċiety's missionaries, Mr. Kendall and Active, of 110 tons; and two of the soMr. Hall, visited New Zealand in her, others, who, after passing some time and brought back some chiefs and with Mr. Marsden, were to return, accompanied by him, to New Zealand. On this subject Mr. Marsden thus writes:

"Parramatta, Sept. 20, 1814. Jackson will, I trust, lay a firm founda"The chiefs coming over to Port tion for the work of the Mission, and secure the comfort and safety of those I'young and free, I should offer myself who may be employed therein. Were and my joy. to this work. It would be my delight

"The chiefs are all happy with us at Parramatta, and their minds enlarging very fast. Beholding the various works carpenters' shops, the spinning and that are going on in the smiths' and weaving, brick-making, and building houses, together with all the operations of agriculture and gardening, has a wonderful effect on their minds, and will excite all their natural powers to improve their own country. The idea of my visiting them is very gratifying to their minds. At present I spend all versing with them ou all the different the time I can spare with them, in consubjects that appear necessary for them the subjects of religion, government, to be acquainted with, particularly on and agriculture.

them of the institution of the Sabbath"With respect to religion, I talk to day by God himself; and they see it observed by us with particular attention. They see the prisoners mustered over, and then marched to church. on Sunday mornings, their names called They see the soldiers and officers marched to church likewise; and most of the people of the town of Parramatta.

"As I have many complaints to settle
as a magistrate, they frequently attend;
when I explain to them, afterward, the
ted, and what sentence is passed upon
different crimes that each has commit
them-some men confined for one moon,
ing to their crimes.
and some for more, in prison, accord-

different farms, observe the plough at
"With respect to agriculture, they visit
work, some men with the hoe, some
5 G

threshing, &c. &c. They tell me, that, when they return, they shall sit up whole nights, telling their people what they have seen; and that their men will stop their ears with their fingers: We have heard enough,' they will say, of your incredible accounts, and we will hear no more: they cannot be true.'

"I am fully convinced that the chiefs, and particularly Duaterra, and Shunghee who commands seventeen districts, will apply all their strength to agricul ture, if they can obtain hoes and axes. "I think no society was ever engaged in a greater work than the Church Missionary Society is in this. The ground is wholly occupied by the prince of darkness; and many and powerful difficulties will, no doubt, one way or another, spring up to oppose this great work. But the Lord is King amongst the Heathen, and will, I have no doubt, establish his throne there."

A Society has been established in New South Wales, for affording protection to the natives of the South Sea Islands against the oppressions of Europeans, and for the advancement of their civilization and their instruction in the principles of Christianity. This institution owes its existence to the deep interest which Mr. Marsden has long felt in the improvement and conversion of the islanders of the South Seas. The Governor is patron; the Leutenant-governor, president: the Deputy Commissary-general is appointed treasurer; and Mr. Marsden, secretary. This philanthropic society cannot fail, by due exertions, to rescue the British name from the opprobrium to which it has been too often exposed in those seas, and to facilitate the efforts of Christian societies to diffuse the blessings of the Gospel throughout their shores.

The Committee have been desirous of contributing to the translation and circulation of the Scriptures in the languages of Africa and the East. The translation of the New Testament into two African languages, Susoo and Bullom, has been begun. The Committee are endeavouring also to add the Old Testament in Hindoostanee and Persian to the New Testament already translated into these languages by Mr.Martyn. A translation of the Scriptures into Arabic is also proceeding at Calcutta. The Liturgy, as has been already men tioned, has been translated into Hindoos

tanee, and the greater part of it into Persian. Tracts in several languages are also preparing, with a view to circulation in Africa, in India,and in the Levant.

Besides the missionaries already sent out, four German students are under a course of preparatory instruction, and no less than nine English students are preparing for holy orders, and three laymen with their wives to act as teach, ers of schools. The Committee, how ever, renew their call on the younger part of the English Clergy to consider the spiritual wants of the heathen world, and to rival the zeal of those holy men who have already devoted themselves to this blessed work. We desire cordially to second the call, -BAPTIST MISSION IN INDIA.

(Concluded from p. 701.)

V. The mission at SURAT is as yet in its infancy. The missionary C. C. Aratoon, is employed in translating the Scriptures into the Gujuratee language, and in conversing with the Mussulmans, Armenians, Parsees, Jews, Hindoos, Portuguese, &c. who resort thither, and in distributing copies of the Scriptures among them.

VI. At Columbo, in the island of CEYLON, Mr. Chater is labouring to acquire the Cingalese and Portuguese lan guages, and in the mean time preaches in English to as many as choose to attend, and attends also to the instruction of youth.

VII. Two missionaries, Mr. F. Carey and Mr. Judson, are stationed at Rangoon, in BURMAH, and continue to receive the countenance and protection of his Burman majesty. The only thing which occurs in the account of this mission worthy of remark, is the extraordinary frequency of crime, and the still more extraordinary and revolting severity of the punishments inflicted for these crimes. Human ingenuity seems to be exhausted in contriving more exquisite modes of torture to punish criminals, and deter others from their practices; but the only effect of these tortures (the very mention of which is sufficient to harrow up the soul of the English reader) seems to be, to produce a savage ferocity of character, delighting in blood, and indifferent to life; aud thus to multiply crimes rather than to diminish them. What a striking illus tration do the facts here brought before us furnish of the justice of those princi ples on which Sir Samuel Romilly has

founded his benevolent efforts to abate the rigour of our own criminal code!

VIII. At JAVA Mr. Robinson is acquiring a knowledge of the Malay and Portuguese languages, with a view to preach the Gospel to the natives. He speaks very favourably both of the country and of its inhabitants. The former he represents as abounding in every comfort of life; the latter as a very superior race of men.

IX. Mr. J. Carey has recently been placed at AMBOYNA, and has obtained from the Government there the superintendence of all the Christian schools, 42 in number. He is studying the Malay language, and finds the Malay Christian school-masters well acquainted with the Scriptures. How greatly does this fact redound to the credit of the Dutch Government. The Christians, amounting to about 20,000, are, he says, the best of the people. The following extract from an account of this island, by a gentleman long resident there, will interest our readers:"The government of Amboyna comprises several islands, situated almost all within sight of each other, the inhabitants of which are partly Christians and partly Mahometans*, who live in distinct villages. These villages are governed by hereditary chiefs, as the inhabitants of Europe were, not many hundred years ago; that is, the people are fixed to the village in which they happen to be born, and the males are liable to be called to work for the sovereign, that is (at present) the Honourable Company. The Mahometans have the Koran and other religious books in manuscript in the Arabic character, and they make use of this character in all their transactions.

"The Christians have the Bible and other books printed in the Malay language with the Roman character, and they make use of this character only in all their transactions. Every Christian village has a church, in which the congregation, not only on Sundays but once or twice in the week, assemble. The Government maintains in every Christian village a school-master: this

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person was formerly appointed upon the recommendation of the clergy only, who were responsible for his conduct and qualifications, as he is not only charged with the education of the chil dren, but has to perform all the duties of a minister to the church, except administering the sacrament and performing the ceremonies of marriage and baptism; for which purposes a regular clergyman would formerly make, from time to time, a tour to the dif ferent islands, and visit the churches on them."-There is, however, at present, we are sorry to say, no clergyman in the island. The Malay Scriptures are now printing at Serampore, for the use of the Christians of Amboyna.

X. To the account of these different stations are subjoined some general observations on the best means of conducting and multiplying schools, In addition to the Scriptures, and the more usual elementary books, the missionaries recommend "A simple and concise Introduction to Arithmetic;" "A concise System of Geography;" "A chronological Epitome of General History" "A Selection of the best Ideas found among Native Writers relat ing to the Duties of Life;" and "Selections from the Sacred Oracles." This recommendation they support by very cogent reasons. They dwell strongly on the necessity of an active and gratuitous superintendence. If this could be obtained, the expense of each school of forty scholars would not exceed (including every charge) 120 rupees, or 151. sterling per annum: 15001. annually would, therefore, maintain a hundred village schools, containing 4000 children;-and they add, "Whoever considers that these 4000 youths will probably impart to others the knowledge they have received in history, geography, &c., to say nothing of the Gospel of Christ, must be convinced that such a sum could scarcely be expended in a more profitable manner."

We omit the account of the horrible immolation of four women in Bengal, which is given by the Missionaries, and close our extracts with their remarks on a swinging festival, which lately occurred.

"In May, 1813, this abominable festival was held, according to the annual custom, on the last day of the Hindoo year. There were fewer gibbet-posts erected at Serampore; but we hear that amongst the swingers was one female.

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