A Few Good Men: The Bodhisattva Path According to the Inquiry of Ugra (Ugraparipṛcchā)A Few Good Men is a study and translationn of The Inquiry of Ugra (Ugrapariprccha), one of most influential Mahayana sutras on the bodhisattva path, but also one of the most neglected texts in Western treatments of Buddhism. To achieve a better understanding of the universe of ideas, activities, and institutional structures within which early self-proclaimed bodhisattvas lived, the author first considers the Ugra as a literary document, employing new methodological tools to examine the genre to which it belongs, the age of its extant versions, and their relationships to one another. She goes on to challenge the dominant notions that the Mahayana emerged as a reform of earlier Buddhism and offered lay people an easier option. A Few Good Men will be compelling reading for scholars and practitioners alike and others interested in the history of Indian Buddhism and the formation of Mahayana. |
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A Few Good Men: The Bodhisattva Path According to the Inquiry of Ugra ... Jan Nattier Limited preview - 2003 |
A Few Good Men: The Bodhisattva Path according to The Inquiry of Ugra ... Jan Nattier No preview available - 2005 |
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Ananda appears Arhat Arhatship Aṣṭa attain Avalokitesvara AY and Dh AY or Dh beggar bhikṣu BHSD Blessed bodhicitta bodhisattva path bodhisattva sūtras bodhisattva who lives bring forth three Buddha Buddhahood Buddhist community Buddhist texts canon century Chapter Chinese translations citations Conze cultivation dāna Dbhv Dharma Dharmarakṣa discussion dwell Eminent Householder example extant versions fact four gṛhapati Hirakawa home should bring householder bodhisattva Indian text Inquiry of Ugra interpolations Kumārajīva lay bodhisattva lives at home Lotus Sutra Mahāyāna sūtras Maitreya Māra means meditation mind monastery monastic community monk Nikaya occurs offers one's Pāli pāramitās passage Perfection of Wisdom portrayed practice prajñā Prajñāpāramitā Prakrit pratyekabuddha precepts reads recensions reference renunciant bodhisattva Sakurabe Sangha Sanskrit Schopen scriptures simply sources śrāvaka stūpa sutra Tathāgata term three thoughts Tibetan Tibetan text Tibetan version traditional Triskandhaka Ugra Ugra's authors underlying vehicle Vinaya wilderness wilderness-dwelling word