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words represent sounds, and the sounds they represent, represent or stand for thoughts or ideas; while those thoughts or states of mind represent things, objects in the inner world or in the outer world. This statement will require thought. Do not trouble yourself too much about it now, you will understand it by and bye. But observe that Grammar is the science by which you learn to express your ideas correctly, that is, according to the usages of the best authors. And a book in which these usages are set forth as rules is also called a Grammar. Every language has rules peculiar to itself. Hence we have French Grammar, Greek Grammar,' as well as 'English Grammar.'

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The prefixes and suffixes of which I have treated, are connected with certain roots or stems. So far as these stems are of Saxon birth, you need little instruction in them; they are your mother tongue, and, in general, are as readily understood by you as the words which denote the members of your body, or the food that. you eat. With other stems you are not acquainted. Among the words I gave you for exercise in composition in the last lesson, there are words for the meaning of which you have probably had to resort to a dictionary. Such a word is accessary. Now accessary being made up of the Latin words ad, to, cedo, I go, and the termination ary, would have occasioned you no difficulty had you been familiar with the foreign or exotic stems of our language. In origin, those stems are various. Chiefly they are derived from the Latin, as in the word accessary. Some come from the Greek; others are of different parentage. These must all be separately considered. I begin with an example of

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Now let me explain the process I here intend. Adelphos is found in Philadelphia, but not in its full form. It is found as it appears under "Stems;" for adelphos, passing into Philadelphia, loses os, and takes ia. By this time you know enough of the changes in language to be aware that these changes in the terminations do not affect the root-meaning, or the essential import of the word. Prefixes and suffixes convert verbs into nouns, and adjectives into adverbs; or they may modify the signification; they may even reverse it, but they nevertheless leave the import of the stem still traceable after it has undergone their influence. Philadelphia, then, has clearly something to do with adelphos, a brother. What that something is, you find indicated in the next Greek word and its stem, namely, philos, loving, and phil. Putting the two together, you have Philadelphia, and putting the two meanings together, namely, love and brother, you obtain brotherly-love as the import of the word under consideration. Remembering that Philadelphia is the name of a town in the United States, you are reminded that the

name, brotherly-love, was given to it by its founder Penn, as indicative of the spirit with which he dealt with the original inhabitants of that region. Passing on to the next word, philosophy, I find at the beginning of it the same phil of which I have already spoken. But I find, also, sophy. What am I to do with sophy? First, I know that they may represent the Greek ia, as is set forth in the remarks on suffixes Changing the one into the other, I thus get sophia. Now, by referring to the next line in my list of words, I see one which is very like sophia; that is, sophos. I already know enough of the changes which words undergo to find reason for thinking that sophia is connected with sophos in meaning and source as well as in form. This idea is confirmed by my seeing that soph is given as the stem of sophos. Now soph is equivalent to our wise; here love and wise must be put together, and so I learn that philosophy is the love of what is wise, or the love of wisdom. Such being the case, a philosopher must be one who loves wisdom.

But soph is given as the origin of sophist. Sophist obviously consists of two parts; the part which is given, that is, soph. meaning wise, and ist. What is this ist? Let me think. Have I not had ist before? O yes, I remember, ist is a suffix, a Greek suffix, and denotes a partisan, one who follows a party in an opinion; like baptist, one who observes baptism. Sophist, then, must be one who pursues wisdom, one who is given to wisdom. Now such is the meaning of the word, and such is the whole meaning of the word as taught by etymology, or the doctrine of tracing out the root-signification of words. And here you have an instance of the short-comings of etymology. So far as I have yet gone you see no difference between philosopher and sophist, for both are students of wisdom. Yet, if you meet with the two in a narrative or a discussion, you find that their meanings are different; at least, a philosopher is spoken of with respect, a sophist is spoken of slightingly.

I have entered into these details in order to show you that history must be taken as an ally to etymology in the study of languages. In the case before us history supplies the lacking information. From history we learn that the sophists were a set of Greek teachers who, not content to be called philosophers or lovers of wisdom, pretended to be sophoi or wise men, and so came to be designated sophistai, sophists, disparagingly. A sophist, then, you thus learn, is a pretender to wisdom; and as all pretenders are obliged to resort to trickery, so a sophist is one who, by unsound and cunning arguments or delusive appeals, aims, for his own purposes, to produce a false impression. Knowing what a sophist is, you easily infer the meaning of sophism, or a means by which the sophist works; and sophistry, his art. Advanced thus far, you have no difficulty with sophistical, nor with sophistically.

Turn your attention for a moment to the English representatives given above, and observe generally that in representatives, whether designated English or foreign, I mean the radical parts of the words, in each case the radical or essential elements of each word. Now, you have above these three combinations of letters, namely,

adelph, phil, and soph.

These three parts are the parents of all the words of which I have just treated, and connected with them is all the information I have here set forth. When I have added, that what I have said is only a very small part of what I might have said, you will have some idea of the extent and value of etymological studies.

The branchings of these three stems may be exhibited thus :—

adelph Philadelphia


soph philosophy

philosopher, philosophically

sophist, sophism, sophistry,
sophistical, sophistically.

Do not suppose that I have chosen these three terms because they were specially prolific. I took adelph because it begins with the first letter of the alphabet. The other words followed of course. So far from the series being very prolific, one member of it, adelph, gives birth to only one word, and that word is etymologically unproductive.

My chief object, however, in going into this detail was to lay before you the principle on which the following list of words is drawn out, and the manner in which you are to study them. If you will faithfully, diligently, and perseveringly study these lists, combining with them the knowledge communicated in previous lessons, you will make rapid progress, and acquire a superior familiarity with the English language in all its elements.

Having done with this triplet of words, and pursuing the order of the alphabet, I come to other Greek terms found in English :GREEK STEMS.

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In these lists I do not give the English meanings of the examples, lest you should be turned away from the efforts by which, from the aids furnished, you ought to be able to gather the significations yourself. When, however, it may appear desirable, I will quote instances from good authors of the employment of the words, and so you will obtain another kind of assistance. The most effectual teaching is that which leads persons to teach themselves.

"David's combat (with Goliah) compared with that of Dioxippus the Athenian Athlete."-Delaney.

"The legislature of the kingdom (of England) is entrusted to three distinct powers, entirely independent of each other; first, the king; secondly, the lords, spiritual and temporal, which is an aristocratical Essembly of persons selected for their piety, their birth, their wisdom, their valour, or their property; and thirdly, of the House of Commons (the representative of the democracy).”—Blackstone: "Commentaries."


Philadelphia is the word employed by the Apostle Paul in his epistle to the Romans (xii. 10). Philadelphia, as employed by the Apostle to the Gentiles, is rendered in our English version by "brotherly love." A word of the same origin is used by the Apostle Peter, where (1. Pet. iii. 8) he gives the injunction "love as brethren." Sophos is the Greek term found in that text: "Professing themselves to be wise they became fools." (Rom. i. 22) The words just cited accurately describe the character of a sophist. A word derived from sophos is the word employed in this question: "Whence hath this man this wisdom?" (Matt. xiii. 54.) Our word athletic has a word of the same origin in the words: "Ye endured a great fight of afflictions." (Heb. x. 32.) The Greek demos is, in the original, used in the passage." The people gave a shout." (Acts xii. 22.) Kratos is in the New Testament represented by these English words, namely, strength (Luke i. 51), power (Ephes. i. 10), and dominion (1. Pet. iv. 11).


Words with their proper Prepositions to be formed into sentences. F. R.

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just, just, right
mone, to remind
miss, sent (mission)
mitt (miss), to send
avant, before
vis, sight, vision
Voca, to call

fici (fac, fec) making

fini, an end (final)

grat, pleasing

grat, pleasing.

alien, another's (an alien)

Questions: Where is the difference between to agree with and to agree to? also between agree to and agree on? Form illustrative sentences. Where is the difference between admonish and admonish of? Form illustrative sentences. Besides working each term given in this list into a simple sentence, work into simple sentences words formed from them; as, admonition, admission, advocacy, agreement, alienation, taking care to employ the proper prepositions.

Study the following anecdote; write down the substance of it from memory; and then give an account of it to your fireside companions.


About eleven o'clock, I ventured on deck, and, for the first time in my life, saw what the ocean looks like in a storm. I could see nothing all around but heaving mountains of water; each succeeding wave seemed as if it would swallow up the labouring vessel, but it always appeared to melt away gently under us, except when one more rapid, or "cross," would send water and spray washing over her decks and high up into the rigging. The motion of the ship was not uncomfortable, being very different from the short cross pitching we had experienced in the North Sea. I remained on deck about a quarter of an hour, gazing about me in silent wonder

and admiration, little thinking that the hitherto harmless waves were upon the very eve of proving their might over man's puny bolts and beams. Feeling it chilly, I went below. I had just entered the cabin and taken my seat, when the ship became motionless, as it were, and seemed to tremble in every beam. A report, like thunder, mingled with the rending and crashing of timber; sudden, and complete darkness, with a rush of water through the skylight, and the ship thrown on her beam-ends, showed me what one has to expect occasionally at sea. I scrambled on deck after the captain as I best could, scarcely knowing what had happened. Here nothing was to be seen but wreck and destruction. The quarter-deck was literally swept of everything, rails and bulwarks, almost all the stanchions, the binnacle, compasses, dog's couch, and nothing could be seen of the wheel but the nave. But the worst was still to come; two poor fellows were missing. One had perished unnoticed; he must have been killed amongst the wreck, washed overboard, and sunk like a stone. The other had been seen by the mate-for an instant only-floating on the binnacle and just sinking. No human assistance could have been rendered to them with such a sea running. Two other poor fellows were rather seriously injured, and took up my attention for some time. The captain, cool and collected, soon restored confidence to his men, and, in a short time, had the wreck cleared away, a long tiller shipped, and the vessel.again hove to. Spare spars were lashed to the stanchions that remained, so that we had again something like bulwarks, but for many a day afterwards, the ship had a sadly-damaged and wrecky appearance.Goodsir's Arctic Voyage.

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CONVERSATIONS ON ENGLISH GRAMMAR.-No. II. "Mr. Mather laughed at me, to-day, when, in conversation with him, I said he like reading."""Who is Mr. Mather?"—“The secretary of the Mechanics' Institution."-"An unfit man for his office, I should judge, if he is accustomed to laugh at the mistakes of the members."-" Well, however that may be, I really fancy I shall never be able to speak correct English, for I suppose he like reading' is wrong."-" Certainly, it is not good English."-“ And yet, brother, I have tried to correct what you term the errors of my bringing-up; and now, alas! I am as far off as ever."-"No, by no means as far off as ever, if only because you are trying to get right; earnest effort never wholly fails; you are a little too impatient; why, one thing you have overcome; you used to say 'I speaks,' and they speaks."""Yes, and I someway had got it into my head that by dropping the s I should put all right."-"I have known others make a similar mistake. But come, I will endeavour to give you such instructions and explanations as shall make the case clear to you. Only observe that you must watch and suspect yourself, and you must never cease your self-questioning until you have rigidly applied and know that you habitually apply in practice that which you learn in study. For your comfort I may tell you that I know many persons who once spoke as ungrammatically as you do, nay, as you did, and who now both speak and write our language with neatness as well as strict accuracy. Let us begin. You know. what a noun is ?""Yes, a noun is a name."-"Exactly, the noun may be called the namer, for it is the part of speech which gives ames to things, to all objects and realities whether they are audible or visible, whether they are thoughts or feelings, whether

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