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fently begun, and a committee appointed to promote this noble defign. This academy received the name of Harvard college from one of its first and principal benefactors. While this college was building, a number of fcholars were preparing under one Nathaniel Eaton, an excellent fcholar, but a man of bad morals, and a great tyrant. Cotton Mather, in his Hiftory of New-England, obferves of him, that it might be truly faid, that fuch as were educated under him, received their education in the school of Tyrannus.

of the customes, fubfidies and impofts, and other the officers and ministers of us, our heires and fucceffors, whatfoever for the time being, that they and every of them, upon the fhewing forth unto them of these letters parents, or the duplicate or exemplification of the fame, without any other writt or warrant whatfoever from us, our heires or fucceffors, to be obtained or fued forth, do and fhall make full, whole, entire and due allowance and cleare discharge unto the faid Governour and Companie and thene fucceffors, of all cutoms, fubfidies, impofitions, taxes, and duties whatsoever that shall or may be claymed by us, our heires and fucceffors, of or from the faid Governour and Companie and their fucceffors, for or by reafon of the fa'd goods, chattels wares, merchandifes and premifes, to be exported out of our faid dominions, or any of them, into any part of the faid lands or premifes hereby mentioned to be given, granted and confirmed, or for, or by reason of, any of the faid goods, chattels, wares, or merchandises to be imported from the faid lands and premifes hereby mentioned to be given, granted and confirmed, into any of our faid dominions, or any part thereof, as aforefaid, excepting only the faid five pounds per


centum hereby referved and pay able after the expiration of the faid terme of seven years as aforefaid and not before. And these our letters patents, or the inrollment, duplicate, or exemplification of the fame fhall for ever hereafter from time to time, as well to the Treafarer, Chancellor and Barons of the Exchequer of us, our heires, and fucceffors, as to all and fingular the cuftomers, Farmers and Collectors of the cuftomes, fubfidies, and impofts, of us, our heires, and fucceffors, and all fearchers and other the officers and minifters whatsoever of us, our heires, and fucceffors, for the time being, be a fufficient warrant and difcharge in this behalfe.

And further our will and pleafure is, and we doe hereby for us, our heires and fucceffors, ordaine, declare and grant to the faid Governour and Companie and theire fucceffors, That all and every the fubjects of us our heires or fucceffors, which fhall goe to and inhabite within the faid lands and premiffes hereby mentioned to be granted, and every of theire children which fhall happen to be borne there, or on the feas in going thither or returning from thence, fhall have and enjoy all li berties and immunities of free and naturall fubjects within any of the dominions

On August 27th 1640, the magiftrates and ministers of the colony chose Mr Henry Dunftar, prefident of this new college; and afterwards the general affembly endowed it with a charter, and made it a corporation, confifting of a prefident, two fellows, and a treafurer; referving unto the governor, deputy governor, and all the magistrates of the colonies, and the minifters of the fix nearest towns for the time being, tó be overfeers or vifitors of this fociety. The languages and arts were now taught in the college and great regularity

dominions of us, our heires or fucceffors, to all intents, constructions and purposes whatsoever, as if they and every of them were borne within the realme of England. And that the Governour and DeputyGovernour of the faid Companie for the time being, or either of them, and any two, or more, of fuch of the faid Affiftants as fhall be thereunto appointed by the faid Governour and Companie, at any of their courts or affemblies to be held as aforefaid, fhall and may at all tymes, and from tyme to tyme, hereafter have full power and authority to adminifter and give the path and oaths of fupremacie and allegiance, or either of them, to all and every perfon and perfons which fhall at any tyme, or tymes, hereafter goe or paffe to the lands and premiffes hereby mentioned to be granted, to inhabite in the fame.

And wee do of our further grace, certaine knowledge and meere motion give and grant to the faid Governour and Companie and their fucceffors, that it fhall and may be lawful to and for the Goververnour Deputy-Governour and fuch of the Affiftants and Freemen of the faid Company for the tyme being as fhall be affembled in any of their generall courts aforesaid.. or in any other courts to be fpe

cially fummoned and affembled for that purpose, or the greater part of them (whereof the Governour or Deputy-Governour and. fixe of the Affiftants to be always feven) from tyme to tyme to make, ordaine, and establish all manner of wholesome and reasonable orders, laws, ftatutes and ordinances, directions and inftructions not contrary to the lawes of this our realme of England, as well for the fettling of the formes and ceremonies of government and magistracie fitt and neceffary for the faid plantation and the inhabitants there, and for nameing and ftyling of all forts of officers both fuperior and inferiour which they shall find needful for that government and plantation, and the diflinguifhing and fetting forth of the feverall. duties, powers, and limits of every fuch office and place, and the formes of fuch oathes warrantable by the lawes and statutes of this our realme of England, as fhall be refpectively ministered unto them, for the execution of the said feveral offices and places, as alfo for the difpofing and ordering of the elections of fuch of the faid officers as fhall be annual, and of fuch others as fhall be to fucceed in cafe of death or removal, and miniftering the said oathes to the new elected officers; and for impofi

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regularity was obferved. To fupport this college, the revenues of Charlestown Ferry were appropria ted by an act of a general court, but the benefactions at laft were fo numerous, that the funds thereof became exceedingly ftrong. A good library was fet up, and enriched by many donations of books from gentlemen in England, among whom were Sir Knelem Digby, Sir John Maynard, Mr Richard Baxter, and Mr Jofeph Hill. To all thefe benefactions the famous Theophilus Gale, who wrote the Court

tion of lawfull fynes, mulets, imprifonment, or other lawfull correction, according to the course of other Corporations in this our realme of England, and for the directing, ruleing and difpofeing of all other matters and things whereby our faid people inhabiting there may be fo religiously, peaceably and civilly governed, as theire good life and orderly converfation may winne and invite the natives of that country to the knowledge and obedience of the onely true God and Saviour of mankind, and the chriftian faith, which in our royall intention and the adventurers free profeffion is the principal end of this plantation. Willing, commanding and requiring, and by these presents for us, our heires and fucceffors, ordaineing and appointing, that all fuch orders, lawes, ftatutes and ordinances, inftructious and directions as fhall be made by the Governour or Deputy-Governour of the faid Company and fuch of the Affiftants and Freemen as aforefaid, and published in writing under theire common feale, fhall be carefully and duely observed, kept, performed and putt in execution according to the true intent and meaneing of the fame. And these our letters patents, or the duplicate, or exemplification, thereof,


fhall be to all and every fuch officers, fuperiour and inferiour, from tyme to tyme, for the putting of the fame orders, lawes, ftatutes and ordinances, inftructions and directions in due execution, against us, our heires and fucceffors, a fufficient warrant and discharge.

And wee doe further, for us, our heirs, and fucceffors, give and grant to the faid Governor and Companie and their fucceffors, by thefe prefents, That all and every fuch chiefe commanders, captains, governours and other officers and minifters, as by the faid orders, lawes, ftatutes, ordinances, inftructions or directions of the said Governour and Companie for the tyme being, fhall be from tyme to tyme hereafter imployed either in the government of the faid inhabitants and plantation, or in the way by fea thither or from thence, according to the natures and limits of theire offices and places refpectively, fhall from tyme to tyme hereafter forever within the precincts and parts of New-England hereby mentioned to be granted and confirmed, or in the way by fea thither, or from thence, have full and abfolute power and authority to correct, punish, pardon, governe and rule fuch the subjects of us, our heirs, and fucceffors, as fhall from tymę to tyme adven


of the Gentiles, added his own library which he left to Harvard college. Thus was this academy furnished with mathematical instruments, and books of all forts, and fupplied with the best of masters. Dun. ftar, who was the firft prefident, loft his place by turning Anabaptift, and Mr Charles Chancey was ap pointed in his ftead. Both the manner of admiffion and the method of teaching in this college were very exact and particular.

Those who had attended a grammar-fchool till they

ture themselves in any voyage thi ther or from thence, or that shall at any tyme hereafter inhabite within the precincts and parts of New England aforesaid, according to the orders, lawes, ordinances, inftructions and directions aforefaid, not being repugnant to the laws and ftatutes of our realme of England as aforefaid.

And we do further, for us our heires and fucceffors, give and grant to the faid Governour and Companie and their fucceffors, by thefe prefents, That it hall and may be lawful to 'and for the chief commanders, governours and offiers of the faid companie for the tyme being, who shall be refident in the faid part of New-England in America by thefe prefents granted, and others there inbabiteing, by their appointment and direction from tyme to tyme and at all tymes hereafter, for their fpeciall defence and fafety to incounter, repulfe, repell and refift by force of armes, as well by fea as by land, and by all fitting wayes and means whatfoever, all fuch person and perfons as hall at any tyme hereafter attempt or enterprise the deftruction, invafion, detriment or annoyance of the said plantation or inhabitants: And to take and furprise by all wayes and means whatfoever all and every fuch per


fon and perfons, with their shipps, armour, munition, and other goods, as fhall in hoftile manner invade and attempt the defeatinge of the faid plantation, or the hurt of the faid Companie and inhabitants. Nevertheless, our will and pleasure is, and we do hereby declare to all Chriftian Kings, Princes and States. That if any perfon or perfons which fhall hereafter be of the faid Companie or plantation, or any other by lycenfe or appointment of the faid Governour and Companie for the tyme being, shall at any tyme or tymes hereafter, robb or fpoyle by fea or by land, or do any hurt, violence, or unlawfull hoftility to any of the subjects of us, our heires or fucceffors, or any of the fubjects of any Prince or State being then in league and amity with us, our heires and fucceffors, and that upon fuch injury done, and upon just complaint of fuch Prince or State or theire fubjets, Wee, our heires, or fucceffors, fhall make open proclamation within any of the parts within our realme of England commodieus for that purpote, that the perfon or perfons having committed any fuch robbery or fpoyle, fhall, within the terme limited by fuch a proclamation, make full reftitution or fatisfaction of all fuch injuries done. fo as the faid Princes or others fo complaining

could read any claffical author, and turn it into Eng lish, could readily make and fpeak Latin, and write it in profe or verfe, and could decline Greek nouns and verbs, were judged qualified for admiffion, and upon examination, were accordingly admitted by the prefident and fellows: After that, they figned the college laws, which they were to tranfcribe and preferve as continual monitors of the duties which they were obliged by their privileges to obferve. The prefident infpected the manners of the students, and

complaining may hould themselves fully fatisfied and contented. And that if the faid perion or perfons having committed such robbery or fpoyle fhall not make, or cause to be made, fatisfaction accordingly, within such tyme fo to be lymited, that then it shall be lawfull for us, our heires and fucceffors, to putt the faid perfon or perfons out of our allegiance and protection; and that it fhall be lawful andfree for all Princes to profecute with hoftility the faid offenders and every of them theire procurers, ayders, abettors and comforters in that behalfe. Provided alfo, and our expreffe will and pleafure is, and wee do by thefe prefents for us, our heires and fucceffors, ordaine and appoint, that thefe prefents fhall not in any manner enure, or be taken to abridge, barre or hinder any of our loving fubjects whatfoever to fe and exercife the trade of fishing upon that coaft of New-England in America by thefe prefents mentioned to be granted: But that they or any and every or any of them fhall have full and free power and liberty to continue and ufe their faid trade of fishing upon the faid coaft in any of the feas thereunto adjoineing, or any armes of the feas or falt-water rivers where they have beene wont to fish, and to build and fet up upon the lands


by thefe prefents granted fuch wharfes, ftages, and workhouses as fhall be neceffary for the falting, drying, keeping and packing up of theire fish to be taken or gotten upon that coaft; and to cut downe and take fuch trees and other materials there growing, or being, as fhall be needfull for that purpose, and for other neceffary eafements, helps and advantage concerning theire faid trade of fishing there, in fuch manner and forme as they have beene heretofore at any tyme accustomed to doe, without makeing any wilfull waste or spoyle, any thing in thefe prefents contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

And we do further for us, our heires and fucceffors, ordaine and grant the faid Governour and Companie and their fucceffors by these prefents, that thefe our letters patents fhall be firme, good, effectual, and available in all things and to all intents and constructions of lawe, according to our true meaning herein before declared, and fhall be conftrued, reputed, and adjudged in all cafes most favourably on the behalfe and for the be-nefit and behoofe of the said Governour and Companie and their fucceffors; Although expreffe mention of the true yearly value, or certainty, of the premiffes, or any of them, or of any other gifts or


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