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Thefe are the Heads I propofe to Difcourfe of Only before I begin, I muft, as I have already done under the Head of Conjectures, to which this Part will commonly bear a very near Relation, intreat the Reader to diftinguifh exactly between the foregoing Propofitions, with their Inferences, as to Natural Religion, Chapters IV. and VI. which I propofe as certain; and the foregoing Conjectures, with their Inferences, as to Reveal'd Religion, Chapters V. and VII. which I propofe as Probable only. I do not mean, that the Doctrines themfelves, contain'd in Scripture, are only Probable; for I believe they have the Certainty of Divine Revelation it felf: But that the Accounts, or Natural Solutions of those Points here offered, which are commonly the Refult of my own peculiar Thoughts and Notions, upon the Comparison of Scripture and Philofophy together, are not yet to be look'd on as more than private or probable Conjectures, humbly proposed to the Confideration of the Publick. I fpeak this in the general, and with regard to the greatest number of them: For as for fome few of them, efpecially that relating to the Deluge of Noah, I cannot but look on them as fo exceeding probable, that I can fcarcely avoid placing them under the foregoing Affirmations, or Affertions. But to come to Particulars,

(1.) I obferve that the Sacred Accounts desclare the very fame, all the fame Truths, afcribe the very fame, all the fame Attributes to God, which we have fhewed to be real, and to be


fore-mentioned Divine Attributes, as the Heathens differ'd from the Jews and Chriftians in; wherein the Syftem of the Univerfe does, as we have feen, every where bear Witness against the Heathen, and for the Jewish and Chriftian Notions in thofe important Matters. I inftance diftinctly in that grand Doctrine of theUnity of God, wherein thefe Sacred Records did all along differ from the current Notions, and confequent Practices of the reft of the World, in all thofe Ages whereto they belong; and indeed infifted on it to that degree, as to lay their entire Foundations on that Unity of God, in the directeft oppofition to the Polytheifm of the reft of the World; and this without the Pretence of greater Natural Knowledge than was in other Nations, to derive that Notion from; and yet with fuch Boldnefs and Affurance, as to Ordain the shazard of Life it felf, and of all the Comforts thereof upon its Truth, and the Hopes derived from it. This Agreement of the System of the World to the Unity of God, now fo certainly difcovered by the Syftem of the Univerfe, in bexact Concord with the Jewish and Chriftian Reel cords; and in direct Contradiction to the Opinions of the generality of the Heathen World, even in the Politeft and moft Learned Ages of it, is like a Solemn Determination upon an Open Appeal made on the fides of the Jews and Chriftians, against all the reft of the World, in this moft Important and Fundamental Point of true Religion. Which Determination ought therefore to be own'd as the highest Atteftation to that true Religion, and thofe Original Records wherein it is contain'd, that could eafily be defir'd or expected:

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