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ceptance for a hundred francs payable to the bearer. This acceptance was presented to the cashier, who paid it immediately, and the banker was convinced that he himself should have taken it. The publick At the meeting of the British association, Mr. treasury has suffered by this discovery. In fact Cross of Bloomfield, Somerset, stated, that he had the sale of stamped paper is not near so large as latterly been occupied in improvements in the volta- before, for any one may restore, by means of this ick power, by which he had succeeded in keeping wash leaving the stamp, &c., old papers, which are it in full force for twelve months by water alone, re- no longer of any use. Several chymists are now Jecting acids entirely. Mr. Cross proceeded to occupied in preparing an ink which shall be truly state, that he had obtained water from a fine crys- indelible; others in making a paper which shall be tallized cave at Holway, and by the action of the vol-proof against this terrible discovery. In the mean taick battery had succeeded in producing from that time government has changed its stamp. The new water, in the course of ten days, numerous rhomboi-one bears the cypher of the year, and must ali be dal crystals, resembling those of the cave; in order renewed on the first of January.

to ascertain if light had any influence in the process, he tried it again in a dark cellar, and produced similar crystals in six days, with one fourth of the voltaick power. He had repeated the experiments a hundred times, and always with the same results. He was fully convinced that it was possible to make even diamonds, and that at no distant period every kind of mineral would be formed by the ingenuity of man. By a variation of his experiments he had obtained gray and blue carbonate of copper, phosphate of soda, and twenty or thirty other specimens.



Among the evidences occasionally seen that Europe is advancing in civilization, is the interesting fact that publick executions are far less common now than they were some years since. In Bavaria and Prussia the number of capital punishments have been greatly diminished; and in France there has been a similar diminution. So in England and Wales; and, as far as our information goes, the same is true of almost every division in Europe. The following is an account of the average number of persons executed at different periods from 1805 to


From 1805 to 1811 Average of seven years 57
1812 to 1818
1819 to 1825





1826 to 1832



1831 to 1833

three years

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1834 to 1837



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We are, in France, on the eve of a new kind of revolution, which will, without doubt, make the tour of the world. Chymists have just discovered a process by which they can remove writing from any paper without leaving the slightest mark which might lead to the suspicion of fraud. No ink can resist the power of this composition, and no kind of paper can retain the character it bears. That the government might be satisfied of the dangerous nature of this discovery, a chymist went to the prefec-victions in France and England for a period or two ture of police, and requested a passport for a stranger, which was immediately granted. The next day the years, for simple larcenies, viz :same chymist went to the house of the prefecture himself, and showed him a passport in blank, signed with his own hand. "It was only yesterday," said he, "that this passport was given me at your office; and if this is the avay the police conducts, no wonder that Don Carlos could traverse from one end of France to the other, in order to reach Spain !" The prefect, astonished, sent for all the agents of his office. All denied that they ever delivered this unfortunate passport; but they finally agreed that it was certainly the signature of the prefect which it bore, the particular kind of paper which was used in the office of police, and the royal stamp with which it was impressed.

It had already become a subject of legal inquiry, of deposition from office, &c., when the chymist appeased the anger of the prefect and the fears of his agents, by explaining the means which he had used to remove the writing. One of the first bankers of the capital maintained that the act of washing alone, by means of which a written paper should be returned to its virgin whiteness, would leave some marks by which it could be detected. The same chymist, who was in epistolary correspondence with this banker, took a letter which he had formerly received from him, removed the writing by this composition, except the signature, wrote above it an ac

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A History of New York, for Schools. BY WILLIAM DUNIn two volumes, 18 mo. Collins, Keese, & Co., 1837. Hardly a more acceptable service of the kind, could have been rendered the rising youth of this American republick, than the publication of these two manageable volumes, by this well-known and judicious author. Among the things most to be desired for the literary wants of the present generation, is a series of books of a character and object such as the volume now before us. We have long been accustomed to the pabulum of instruction from English and other foreign sources, even when the topicks upon which we looked for information, concerned our own immediate historical and physical resources, and our youth have too generally been permitted' to grow up satisfied with the scanty and erroneous knowledge of crude, and prejudiced, and ignorant writers, whose lucubrations have for the most part, proved wholly inadequate to the end proposed, and whose information wher, correct, is saturated with prejudices and speculations of a most detrimental tendency

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The work before us is wholly free from objections of this sort the excelient author evinces throughout a close and severe examination of historical data, and occurences, and while he betrays a proper and wholesome predilection for his native * country and its government, is remarkably free from prejudices, and assumes the character of a faithful and impartial writer. His materials are drawn from the most authentick records, and in many instances we are furnished with novel and interesting particulars now for the first time made publick. The author for many of his details is indebted we believe to the archives of the New York Historical Society, and in stating this circumstance we feel that we do no more than justice to that valuable institution whose labours for years, have been steadily directed to the accumulation of matters which must prove of singular utility to every one who contemplates becoming the historian of the American people. We are informed that Mr. Dunlap's work is rapidly making its way into the publick schoois, and seminaries of general instruction. we rejoice at so wholesome a measure; which cannot fail to prove of lasting utility to the generation

now coming onward.

The Madisonian.-Ere this number reaches them, most of our readers will have heard of the "Madisonian"' a new political paper recently issued at Washington, D. C. by a gentleman whose name and writings are familiar to most of our subscribers. The editor and proprietor Thomas Allen, Esq., was formerly editor of the Family Magazine, he now enters the arena of politicks.

If a thorough classical education, followed by several years of close application to the study and practice of law, united to talents of no common order, gentlemanly address and deportment be qualifications which a political editor ought to possess. Mr. Allen will hold an elevated situation in the fraternity to which he is attached.

Attila. BY THE AUTHOR OF THE GIPSEY, ONE IN A THOU SAND, &c. New York, published by Harper and Brothers, 82 Cliff street. It is truly refreshing in the present dearth of publications to be treated with a work from the pen of the accomplished James, than whom no one is more popular both in this country and abroad. We like Attila as well as any of Mr. James's books, and cordially recommend it to our readers.

The Eye, with reference to natural theology. BY WILLIAM WALLACE, M. D. OCULIST. New York, Wiley & Long. This unpretending little volume conveys a better description of the eye than is to be found in any other book, and although many books have been written upon this important organ, yet it was reserved for Dr. W. to give the best account of the formation of the retina. Dr. Wallace deserves to be encouraged.

Peter Parley's Book of the United States, Geographical, Political and Historical, with a comparative view of other countrics. Boston, published by C. J. Hendee, 1837. Another of the capital series of books so well adapted for the instruction of youth. Truly, Peter Parley is always conjuring up some new mode of conveying information and amusement to the minds of the young. The present, one of his most successful efforts, is rendered more attractive by numerous cuts.

Live and let live. BY THE AUTHOR OF THE POOR RICH MAN, is the last book issued from the press of the Harpers. This is truly a very valuable, and a most important book to be read by a young housekeeper, or in fact by any one who is called upon to exercise authority over others. The moral which it conveys is excellent.

The Harcourts, or Stories from Real Life, published by S. Colman, 114 Fulton street N. Y, and Weeks, Jordan & Co. Boston, is another of those useful and interesting publications belonging to the series of the "Three Experiments." Twentyfive cents can hardly be better employed, than in purchasing such

a book as this.

Travels in Egypt, Palestine and the Holy Land, by a young American, 2 vols. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1837. These are two the most interesting volumes the present bookprolifick age has brought forth. We have read them again and again, and marked more extracts for the Family Magazine than would make up a whole number. We can at this time merely notice the publication; but shall endeavour to give some extracts in a future No. The Christian reader will be delighted with the descriptions given by Mr. Stephens of many of the places mentioned in scripture. The visit to the tomb of Aaron, on Mount Hor; and the journey through the land of Edom; to the Dead Sea, etc. etc., are exceedingly interesting

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room of which was tenanted by the old lady herself, together with two grown sons, and a widowed daugh NOR was it man alone who boldly adventured ter, at that time suckling an infant, while the other into the untrodden forests of the west, to found new was occupied by two unmarried daughters from sixstates and cities. Woman, gentle and confiding teen to twenty years of age, together with a little woman, was present, to share the dangers and perils girl not more than half grown. The hour was of the lords of creation. The legends of the west, eleven o'clock at night. One of the unmarried the tales of chivalry and adventure, which are in- daughters was still busily engaged at the loom, but timately connected with the formation and progress the other members of the family, with the exception of those members of the confederacy which at some of one of the sons, had retired to rest. Some sympfuture period are destined to exercise an immense toms of an alarming nature had engaged the atteninfluence on the fortunes of our country, often pre- tion of the young man for an hour before any thing sent woman as taking an active part in the perils of of a decided character took place. The cry of Indian warfare; and it is by no means unusual, for owls were heard in the adjoining wood, answering the traveller in wandering over the western frontier, each other in rather an unusual manner. The horto hear a thrilling narrative of a devoted wife, stand-ses, which were inclosed as usual in a pound near ing up at her husband's side, and perilling her life with a generous devotion which none but woman can know, and rendering to the beloved of her bosom, assistance which was often of vital importance to him.

the house, were more than commonly excited, and by repeated snorting and galloping, announced the presence of some object of terrour. The young man was often upon the point of awakening his brother, but was as often restrained by the fear of M'Clung in his interesting Sketches of Western incurring ridicule and the reproach of timidity, at Adventure has recorded among many others of a that time an unpardonable blemish in the character kindred character, the following sketch, an illustra of a Kentuckian. At length, hasty steps were tion of which, we have selected as the frontispiece heard in the yard, and quickly afterward, several for the present number of the Family Magazine. loud knocks at the door, accompanied by the usual "During the summer, the house of Mr. John Mer-exclamation," who keeps house?" in very good Enril, of Nelson county, Ky., was attacked by the In-glish. The young man, supposing from the landians, and defended with singular address and good fortune. Merril was alarmed by the barking of a dog about midnight, and upon opening the door in order to ascertain the cause of the disturbance, he received the fire of six or seven Indians, by which his arm and thigh were both broken. He instantly sunk upon the floor and called upon his wife to close the door. This had scarcely been done, when it was violently assailed by the tomahawks of the enemy, and a large breach soon effected.

guage, that some benighted settlers were at the door, hastily arose, and was advancing to withdraw the bar which secured it, when his mother, who had long lived upon the frontiers, and had probably detected the Indian tone in the demand for admission, instantly sprung out of bed, and ordered her son not to admit them, declaring that they were Indians. She instantly awakened her other son, and the two young men seizing their guns, which were always

Merril, however, being a perfect Amazon bo charged, prepared to repel the enemy. The In

in to enter their asstrength and courage, guarded it with an axe, and sumed characters, began to thunder at the door with successively killed or badly wounded four of the great violence, but a single shot from a loophole, enemy as they attempted to force their way into the compelled them to shift the attack to some less excabin. The Indians then ascended the roof and at-posed point; and, unfortunately, they discovered the tempted to enter by way of the chimney, but here, door of the other cabin, which contained the three again, they were met by the same determined en-daughters. The rifles of the brothers could not be emy. Mrs. Merril seized the only feather bed, brought to bear upon this point, and by means of which the cabin afforded, and hastily ripping it several rails taken from the yard fence, the door was open, poured its contents upon the fire. A furious forced from its hinges and the three girls were at blaze and stifling smoke instantly ascended the the mercy of the savages. One was instantly sechimney, and quickly brought down two of the en-cured, but the eldest defended herself desperately emy, who lay for a few moments at the mercy of with a knife which she had been using at the loom, the lady. Seizing the axe, she quickly despatched them, and was instantly afterward summoned to the door, where the only remaining savage now appeared, endeavouring to effect an entrance while she was engaged at the chimney. He soon received a gash in the cheek, which compelled him with a loud yell to relinquish his purpose. He returned to Chilicothe, where, from the report of a prisoner, he gave an exaggerated account of the fierceness, strength and courage of the long-knife squaw !"

The following is another thrilling story from M'Clung's book.

"On the night of the eleventh of April, 1787, the house of a widow, in Bourbon county, became the scene of an adventure, which we think deserves to be related. She occupied what is generally called a double cabin, in a lonely part of the county, one

and stabbed one of the Indians to the heart, before she was tomahawked. In the mean time the little girl, who had been overlooked by the enemy in their eagerness to secure the others, ran out into the yard, and might have effected her escape, had she taken advantage of the darkness and fled, but instead of that the terrified little creature ran around the house wringing her hands, and crying out that her sisters were killed. The brothers, unable to hear her cries, without risking every thing for her rescue, rushed to the door and were preparing to sally out to her assistance, when their mother threw herself before them and calmly declared that the child must be abandoned to its fate-that the sally would sacrifice the lives of all the rest without the slightest benefit to the little girl. Just then the child uttered a loud scream, followed by a few faint moans and all was

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