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.KNOW YE THEREFORE, That we (favouring the Petition and good Purpose of the faid William Penn, and having Regard to the Memory and Merits of his late Father in divers Services, and particularly to his Conduct, Courage, and Discretion under our deareft Brother JAMES Duke of York, in that fignal Battle and Victory fought and obtained against the Dutch Fleet, commanded by the Heer Van Opdam, in the Year 1665 In Confideration thereof, of our fpecial Grace, certain Knowledge, and meer Motion) have given and granted, and by this our prefent Charter, for us, our Heirs and Succeffors, do give and grant unto the faid William Penn, his Heirs and Affigns, all that Tract or Part of Land in America, with the Iflands therein contained, as the fame is bounded on the Eaft by Delaware River, from twelve Miles Distance Northwards of Newcaftle Town, unto the three-and-fortieth Degree of Northern Latitude, if the faid River doth extend fo far Northward: But if the faid River shall not extend fo far Northward, then by the faid River fo far as it doth extend, and from the Head of the faid River the Eastern Bounds are to be determined by a Meridian Line, to be drawn from the Head of the faid River, unto the said forty-third Degree. The faid Land to extend Weftward five Degrees in Longitude, to be computed from the faid Eastern Bounds; and the faid Lands to be bounded on the North by the Beginning of the three-and-fortieth Degree of Northern Latitude, and on the South by a Circle drawn at twelve Miles Distance from Newcastle Northward, and Weftward unto the Beginning of the fortieth Degree of Northern Latitude, and then by a strait

Line Weftwards to the Limits of Longitude abovementioned.


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We do alfo give and grant unto the faid William Penn, his Heirs and Affigns, the free and undifturbed Ufe and Continuance in, and Paffage unto, and out of all and fingular Ports, Harbours, Bays, Waters, Rivers, Ifles, and Inlets, belonging unto, or leading to and from the Country or Iflands aforefaid, and all the Soils, Lands, Fields, Woods, Underwoods, Mountains, Hills, Fenns, Ifles, Lakes, Rivers, Waters, Rivulets, Bays, and Inlets, fituated or being within, or belonging to the Limits or Bounds aforefaid, together with the Fishing of all Sorts of Fifh, Whales, Sturgeon, and all royal and other Fishes, in the Seas, Bays, Inlets, Waters, or Rivers within the Premiffes, and all the Fifh therein taken; and alfo all Veins, Mines, Minerals, and Quarries, as well difcovered as not discovered, of Gold, Silver, Gems, and precious Stones, and all other whatsoever, be it Stones, Metals, or of any other Thing or Matter whatsoever, found or to be found within the Country, Ifles, or Limits aforefaid.


And him, the faid William Penn, his Heirs and Affigns, we do, by this our Royal Charter, for us, our Heirs and Succeffors, make, create, and conftitute, the true and abfolute Proprietary of the Country aforefaid, and of all other the Premiffes: Saving always to us, our Heirs and Succeffors, the Faith and Allegiance of the faid William Penn, his Heirs and Affigns, and of all, other Proprietaries, Tenants, and Inhabitants, that are or fhall be with

in the Territories and Precincts aforefaid; and faving alfo unto us, our Heirs and Succeffors, the Sovereignty of the aforefaid Country, to have, hold, poffefs, and enjoy the faid Tract of Land, Country, Ifles, Inlets, and other the Premiffes, unto the faid William Penn, his Heirs and Affigns, to the only proper Ufe and Behoof of the said William Penn, his Heirs and Affigns, for ever, to be holden of us, our Heirs and Succeffors, Kings of England, as of our Caftle of Windfor in our County of Berks, in free and common Soccage, by Fealty only for all Services, and not in Capite or by Knights Service : Yielding and paying therefore to us, our Heirs and Succeffors, two Beaver-fkins, to be delivered at our Caftle of Windfor on the firft Day of January in every Year; and alfo the fifth Part of all Gold and Silver Ore, which fhall from Time to Time happen to be found within the Limits aforefaid, clear of all Charges. And of our further Grace, certain Knowledge, and meer Motion, we have thought fit to erect, and we do hereby erect the aforefaid Country and Islands into a Province and Seignorie, and do call it PENNSYLVANIA, and fo from henceforth will have it called.


And forafmuch as we have hereby made and ordained the aforefaid William Penn, his Heirs and Affigns, the true and abfolute Proprietaries of all the Land and Dominions aforefaid, KNOW YE THEREFORE, That we (repofing fpecial Truft and Confidence in the Fidelity, Wifdom, Juftice, and provident Circumfpection of the said William Penn) for us, our Heirs and Succeffors, do grant free, full, and abfolute Power (by Virtue of these Presents) to him and his Heirs, to his and their Deputies, and Lieutenants, for the good and


happy Government of the faid Country, to ordain, make, and enact, and under his and their Seals to publish, any Laws whatfoever, for the raifing of Money for publick Ufes of the faid Province, or for any other End, appertaining either unto the publick State, Peace, or Safety of the faid Country, or unto the private Utility of particular Perfons, according unto their best Discretion, by and with the Advice, Affent, and Approbation of the Freemen of the faid Country, or the greater Part of them, or of their Delegates or Deputies, whom, for the enacting of the faid Laws, when, and as often as Need fhall require, we will that the faid William Penn and his Heirs, fhall affemble in fuch Sort and Form, as to him and them fhall feem beft; and the fame Laws duly to execute, unto and upon all People within the faid Country and Limits thereof.


And we do likewife give and grant unto the faid William Penn, and to his Heirs, and their Deputies and Lieutenants, full Power and Authority to appoint and establish any Judges and Juftices, Magiftrates, and other Officers whatsoever, for what Causes foever, (for the Probates of Wills, and for the granting of Adminiftrations within the Precincts aforefaid) and with what Power foever, and in fuch Form, as to the faid William Penn, or his Heirs, fhall feem moft convenient: Alfo to remit, release, pardon, and abolish (whether before Judgment or after) all Crimes and Offences whatsoever, committed within the faid Country, against the faid Laws, (Treafon and wilful and malicious Murder only excepted, and in thofe Cafes to grant Reprieves, until our Pleasure may be known therein) and to do all and every other Thing and Things,

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which unto the compleat Establishment of Juftice unto Courts and Tribunals, Forms of Judicature, and Manner of Proceedings do belong, although in these Presents exprefs Mention be not made thereof; and by Judges by them delegated, to award Process, hold Pleas, and determine in all the said Courts and Tribunals all Actions, Suits, and Causes whatsoever, as well criminal as civil, perfonal, real, and mixt; which Laws fo, as aforefaid, to be published, our Pleafure is, and fo we enjoin, require, and command, fhall be moft abfolute and available in Law; and that all the Liege People and Subjects of us, our Heirs and Succeffors, do obferve and keep the fame inviolably in thofe Parts, fo far as they concern them, under the Pain therein expreffed, or to be expreffed. PROVIDED nevertheless, That the fame Laws bet confonant to Reafon, and not repugnant or contrary, but (as near as conveniently may be) agreeable to the Laws and Statutes, and Rights of this our Kingdom of England, and faving and referving to us, our Heirs and Succeffors, the receiving, hearing, and determining of the Appeal and Appeals of all or any Perfon or Perfons, of, in, or belonging to the Territories aforefaid, or touching any Judg ment to be there made or given.


And forafmuch as in the Government of so great a Country, fudden Accidents do often happen, whereunto it will be necefiary to apply Remedy, before the Freeholders of the faid Province, or their Delegates or Deputies, can be affembled to the making of Laws; neither will it be convenient that inftantly upon every fuch emergent Occafion, fo great a Multitude fhould be called together: Therefore (for the better Government of the faid CounVOL. II.



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