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del Espiritu Santo was given to this, the only remains of Quiros's continent.' The survey being now completed, the group was found to extend from latitude 14° 29' to 20° 4' S., and from longitude 166° 41' to 170° 21' E., 125 leagues in the direction of north-northwest half west, and south-southeast half east. 'As, besides ascertaining the extent and situation of these islands, he remarks, 'we added to them several new ones, and explored the whole, I think we have obtained the right to name them, and shall in future distinguish them by the name of the New Hebrides.'

Having spent more than forty days in examining this archipelago, he made sail from it on the first of September, and with a steady wind stood to the southwest. On the fourth he came in sight of an extensive coast beset with reefs, on which the sea broke with great violence. A passage through this dangerous barrier having been discovered, he came to anchor on the 5th, when his ship was immediately surrounded by a great number of natives in sixteen or eighteen canoes. They were of a peaceable and friendly disposition, and offered no opposition to a landing, which was effected in the afternoon. The country much resembled some parts of New Holland; the hills and uplands were rocky, and incapable of cultivation; the thin soil which covered them being scorched and burnt; and, indeed,' we are informed, were it not for some fertile spots on the plains, and a few on the sides of the mountains, the whole country might be called a dreary waste.' The natives were robust and well made, in colour nearly approaching those of Tanna, but surpassing them in stature, and having finer features and more agreeable countenances. Their language appeared to have many words in common with that used in New Zealand, in the Tonga islands, and in Tanna. In affability and honesty, they excelled the people of any place yet visited.



On the thirteenth Cook quitted his anchorage, and for two days sailed to the northwest, when, finding a termination to the land in that direction, and a reef extending as far as the eye could reach, he altered his course to the southeast, and again came in sight of the coast on the seventeenth. He ran rapidly along it, and on the twenty-third reached its southeastern extremity, which was called Queen Charlotte's Foreland. In attempting to get round this point, some islands were discovered stretching in the same direction as the mainland; the largest received the name of Isle of Pines, while the designation of Botany was conferred upon one on which a party landed. The whole of this survey was attended with the greatest danger; and, considering the vast extent of sea yet to be investigated, the state of his vessel and her crew, and the near approach of summer, our navigator, to use his own expression, was obliged, 'as it were by necessity, for the first time, to leave a coast he had discovered before it was fully explored.' He gave it the appellation of New Caledonia, and fixed its position between latitude 19° 37′ and 22° 30' S., and west longitude 163° 37' and 167° 14'. With the exception of New Zealand, it exceeds in size all the islands of the Austral ocean, extending in length about eighty-seven leagues, though nowhere more than ten in breadth.


He lost sight of land on the first of October, and

[Man of New Zealand.]

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pursued his course to the south till the morning of the tenth, when, in latitude 29° 2' 30" S., longitude 168° 16' E., he discovered an island to which the name of Norfolk was applied. It was of considerable height and about five leagues in circuit, fertile and luxuriantly wooded, but uninhabited, and our voyagers were, perhaps, the first that ever set foot upon its shores.


On the seventeenth they came in sight of New Zealand, and could distinguish the summit of Mount Egmont, covered with everlasting snow. The next day they anchored in Queen Charlotte's sound, for the third time, nearly eleven months after their former visit. Immediately on landing they looked for a bottle, containing a memorandum which had been left for Captain Furneaux. It was removed, and circumstances soon occurred which showed that the Adventure had been here; while, from conversing with the natives, of whom only a few appeared, and those in a state of unusual timidity, it was inferred that some calamity had befallen her crew.

On the tenth of November, Cook departed from New Zealand, and with all sails set steered south by east, to get into the latitude of 54° or 550 S., with the view of crossing the Pacific nearly in these parallels, and thus exploring those parts left unnavigated in the previous summer. On the twenty-seventh he was in latitute 55° 6' and longitude 138° 56 W., when, abandoning all hope of finding land, he determined to steer directly for the western mouth of the Straits of Magellan, which he reached on the eighteenth of December. With the exception of that achieved by his colleague, of which he was then ignorant, this was the first run directly across the Pacific in a high southern latitude. 'And I must observe,' he writes, that I never made a passage any where of such length, or even much shorter, where so few interesting circumstances occurred; for, if I except the variation of the compass, I know of nothing else worth notice. I have now done with the Southern Pacific ocean, and flatter myself that no one will think that I have left it unexplored; or that more could have been done in one voyage, toward obtaining that end, than has been done in this.'

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IMPROVEMENT in tillage may truly be said to be the basis, or real foundation on which the successful introduction of all the new articles of field-culture depends. When the ground is well tilled, it is in the most perfect condition for receiving the fertilizing principles of the atmosphere. Rain, snow, hail, dews, and hoarfrost, &c. convey the nutriment of vegetation, which floats in the air most plentifully into the bosom of the earth, as deep as it has been broken and well pulverized. It is the only effectual means of rooting out weeds, so necessary to the beneficial growth of all crops, and should be repeated till they are in a great measure destroyed. The roots and fibres of weeds are the ligaments and braces which in a great measure knit and bend the clods together, and are indissoluble, till by being exposed to the action of the air, the roots within rot and decay, and the clods, almost by their own gravity, expand into small crumbles and are reduced to a perfect state of pulverization.

Both these

will run through into it for further use.
methods of cleaning wheat may be combined to ad-

Picking the largest heads by hand, is a slow but very thorough way, and more particularly beneficial where crops are sown expressly for seed.

Smut in wheat crops is perpetuated by the dust of the smut adhering to the seed. It may be prevented by steeping the seed twenty-four hours in lie or a mixture of fresh lime and water made of half a pound of the former to one gallon of the latter. This is certain prevention. Care should be taken that seed is not rendered foul by putting it in smutty bags, or those where smutty wheat has been kept. The quantity of wheat sowed to the acre should be from five pecks to two bushels, varying with the time of sowing, and with the size of the grains of seed. Early sown wheat should be in less quantity than late; and wheat with small grains should be in less quantity than large, because there are more of

them to bushel.


Wheat sown about the time or after the first frost escape in a great measure the Hessian fly. Where the fly is not destructive it should be sown early.

The destroying of weeds, however, is not the only immediate benefit accruing from a due state of tillage; grubs, beetles, worms and maggots of many diferent Furrow drains should be cut by passing the plough kinds, which abound in most fields, may be three or four times through the same furrow, and generally diminished, if not extirpated by the well they should be made through all low parts of the timed use of the plough, and its auxiliary necessary field. They should be well cleared of loose earth to the reduction of the soil. Nothing so effectually by means of a shovel or hoe, so as to admit the surprevents the ravages of the several tribes of subter-face water in wet seasons to pass freely off. ranean insects, as the frequent stirring and crumbling Corn should always be cut up, that is, cut off near of the ground. Large patches of several poles the surface of the ground, and not topped, or cut off square, in a field of beans, are frequently destroyed above the ears. The former is more expeditious, it by the grub or cockchaffer; and many hundreds of cab- saves twice as much fodder, and is attended with a bage-plants by a kind of gray grub of less size. Both better crop of corn, as it is always diminished conthese execute their mischief under ground. They siderably by topping. This has been proved by first eat the roots of the beans, even when in kid, repeated experiments, where the crops were measwhen they wither, fall and die; and the latter bites

off the plant just under the surface. Tillage, duly performed always destroys the whole race.

The improvement the soil acquires by means of frequent and well timed tillage, is gradual and progressive, and the longer it is kept in tillage, if duly performed, the more fertile it becomes. One ploughing in the beginning of winter, and a second early in the spring, will be more effectual in pulverizing the soil than half a dozen at any other time of the year. This improvement in tillage is so very clear and certain, that it surprises one much that it is not universally practised.

Farmers' Cabinet.

BRIEF HINTS FOR AUTUMN WORK. Select seed wheat from that which grew in the most productive parts of the field-endeavour to obtain the largest seed, and sow none other-this if practiced in yearly succession, will greatly improve the variety.

Sow none but clean seed-for farmers may as well raise wheat as to raise weeds.

Chess may be separated from seed wheat by a good fanning-mill. It may also by using brine-if the brine is too strong, so that good plump wheat will not sink in it, dilute it with water until it will; and the chess and light imperfect grains will float, and may be skimmed off. Then emply the wheat into a basket set on a tub or barrel, and the brine


take such for this purpose as have the greatest number of ears to a stalk.

Seed corn should be always selected in autumn

Hogs to be fattened may be turned into apple orchards to pick up falling apples. They will fatten on them as well as on corn, if they have a plenty of them.

Grain fed to hogs should always, if possible, be first ground to meal.

Considerable advantage is derived from feeding cooked food (steamed or boiled) to hogs, and it should always be practised when the number is sufficient towarrant the erection of proper apparatus for it.

Cooked food for fattening cattle is of little advantage, and commonly not worth the trouble. Advantage is generally derived from using mixed food for domestick animals.

Straw may always be of great use to the farmer in many ways, and is well worth preserving. The following method of securing it is given by a correspondent of the Genesse Farmer. "Previous to thrashing I go to a hay-stack, and twist a quantity of bands, from six to ten feet long, which are placed at the barn door, and when the straw is taken to the door, two men take a band and stretch it over the bundle of straw, then run each a hand under it, and turn it ever endwise, when one of them fastens the band, and the other prepares another band. In that manner two men will bind as fast as the swiftest

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machine will thrash, and the straw is stacked as securely as wheat, and in one fourth of the time required when not bound." When wanted it may be afterward removed with far less labour than when stacked without binding.

Strawberries may be transplanted with advantage, in the early part of autumn.


fond, and which grow here in perfection. These are interspersed with a variety of fruit-trees, and all kinds of flowering shrubs. Canals flow down the avenues in straight lines, and generally terminate in a large marble basin, ornamented with sparkling fountains of square or octagon shapes. The great number of avenues and canals, and the numbers of Fruit-trees may be removed and transplanted after rills which are seen from any one point, have an the first of October. Most farmers who transplant uncommonly magnificent effect, and the different fruit-trees, suffer a great loss by not doing the work palaces belonging to the eight paradises are descried well. The principal care needed is, first, to dig the at different openings, glittering like so many gay holes large, say six feet across, and fifteen or eigh-pavilions. The traveller now mentioned, however, teen inches deep; secondly, to preserve, carefully, on drawing nearer, was less pleased with the archi the roots as entire and uninjured as possible, and tectural taste displayed in their structures. not to suffer them to become dry out of the ground; found them gorgeous, but heavy and discordant, and thirdly, to fill the hole with finely pulverized, though loaded with every species of external ornarich earth, (not manure,) shaking it in, in small ment, in gilding, carving, painting, and inlaid mirquantities, and packing it closely but gently about ror-glass. This was particularly the case with the the roots so as to leave them in their natural posi- Shehel Setoon, or Palace of Forty Pillars, the fation in the soil. The whole expense of this, would not vourite residence of the latter Sophi kings. The be more than half the price of the tree, and in five exhaustless profusion of its splendid materials reflectyears it would be three times the size which it ing their own golden or crystal lights on each other, would be if transplanted by the common way of dig- along with all the variegated colours of the garden, ging small holes and doing the work hastily and gave the appearance of an entire surface formed of imperfectly. polished silver and mother-of-pearl set with precious stones, a scene well fitted for a an eastern poet's dream, or some magick vision in the tales of an Arabian night. The front is entirely open to the gar den, and it is sustained by a double range of columns, upward of forty feet high, each column shooting up from the united backs of four lions of white marble, and the shafts covered with arabesque patterns, and foliages in looking-glass, gilding and painting; some twisting spirally, others winding in golden wreaths, or running into lozenges, stars, connecting circles, and many intricacies of fancy and ingenious workmanship. The ceiling is equally ornamented, par ticularly with the figures of all sorts of animals, from insects to the large quadrupeds. At some distance within the front is the entrance to a vast interiour saloon, in which all the caprice and cost of eastern


Genesee Farmer.

In the south part of the city of Ispahan, is to be seen the famous tract called Shaherbag, which bears a great resemblance to Versailles. It consists of a series of gardens, inclosed within four majestick walls each garden has a separate palace adapted to the seasons, or to the changing humour of the royal planter, who called them Hesht Beheste, or the "Eight Paradises." The prevailing plan of them all is that of long parallel walks, shaded by even rows of tall umbrageous planes, the celebrated chenar trees, of which the Persians are extremely

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The floors | hexagonal circuit of buildings in the centre.
the arches, the bottom of the river is so paved as to
make the water fall in the form of a cascade, which
is in full view of a fine palace built directly opposite
and surrounded with beautiful gardens. That these
bridges might have a sufficient river flowing be-
neath them, Shah-Abbas introduced into the bed of
the Zenderood, another river, at a distance of eighty
miles from Ispahan, by cutting a passage through
some mountains at a great expense. Chardin de-
scribes the size of the river as equalling in spring
that of the Seine at Paris in winter.



magnificence are incredibly lavished. of both apartments are covered with the richest carpets of the age of Shah-Abbas, but as fresh as if just laid down, a proof of the excellence of the dye, though some ascribe this and all similar phenomena, without any meaning, to the purity of the climate. So far as this cause is concerned, the only property of the atmosphere is the absence of dampness. A door in one angle of this saloon opens into a spacious and lofty banqueting hall, the sides of which are hung with pictures, mostly descriptive of convivial scenes, similar representations being also emblazoned on the doors and pannels of the room near the floor. Its lower range is spotted with little recesses taking the shapes of bottles, flagons, and other vessels indispensable in those days at a Persian feast, though of a character equally different from Bombay, a city of Hindostan, is situated on an the abstemiousness that marked the board of the island of the same name, on the coast of Aurungabad, great Cyrus, and from the temperance which at the and connected with the main land by a causeway present moment presides at the Persian court. constructed in 1805. This city is one of the three R. K. Porter gives an interesting account of the sub-presidencies of the English East India Company. jects and execution of six large pictures, four of which represent royal entertainments given to different ambassadors in the reign of Shah-Abbas, and two are battle pieces; these are, in general, ill-imagined in point of taste, but excuted with great nicety and observation. The Hall of audience exhibits a profusion of very recent paintings, among which are several of the king, but wretched likenesses, and altogether they betray a decline of this fine art in Persia, while a similar comparison of the ornamented work shows that considerable progress in that department has been made. The river Zenderood, which divides the Shaherbag in two, has a beautiful bridge of hewn stone and brick, composed of thirty-six arches, with a gallery on each side, covered by a terrace, commanding a delightful view of the surrounding gardens, and the suburb of Julpha, situated on the margin of the river, though now in ruins. A little lower is another magnificent bridge built by Shah-Abbas, with wider galleries, and a

It has a strong fort, a dock yard, and marine arsenal.
The finest merchant-ships are built here, all or teak.

Bombay commands the trade of the NW. coast of India and the Persian Gulf. At this place was the first missionary station established by the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions in 1813.

The view of the bay from the fort is beautiful. Bombay is a barren rock, unfit for agriculture; but it possesses great advantages for trade and for shipbuilding. Their ships are mostly constructed by a class of people called Parsees, who are worshippers óf fire. They were originally driven from Persia by the Arabians. In the morning and evening, they pay their devotions to the sun.

The number of inhabitants in Bombay is supposed to exceed two hundred thousand. The town has a very flourishing commerce. The accompanying view represents a part of the harbor of Bombay where boats can enter.

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In respect to agriculture, there is no comparison STATEMENT Showing the commencement and ter-between the western cities; that of Cincinnatti bemination of each session of Congress held under the present constitution, with the number of days in each :

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[blocks in formation]

90 do.

1 Dec. 5, 1825 May 22, 1826 50 169 do.

2 Dec. 4, 1826 Mar. 3, 1827 51

Dec. 3, 1827 May 26, 1828 52 176 do.
2 Dec. 1, 1828 Mar. 3, 1829 53 93 do.
1 Dec. 7, 1829 Mar. 31, 1830 54 176 do.
2 Dec. 6, 1830 Mar. 3, 1831 55 88 do.

1 Dec. 5, 1831 July 16, 1832 56
2 Dec. 3, 1832 Mar. 3, 1833 57

1 Dec. 2, 1833 June 30, 1834 58

2 Dec. 1, 1834 Mar. 3, 1835

91 do.
211 do.


93 do.

[blocks in formation]


Thomas Jefferson.

J. Adams. George Washington.

James Madison.

Andrew Jackson. J. Q. Adams. James Monroe.

Nat. Intelligencer.



The great supports of a city are agriculture, manufactures, commerce, and educational institutions.

ing so far superiour. The agricultural resources of the Miami and White-water vallies, with the extensive region adjoining, being unsurpassed by any portion of the United States. This fact is known by the great exports of pork, flour, and whiskey, from Cincinnati and the adjacent streams. Pittsburgh and Louisville enter into no particular enumeration of their exports: while, however, the former is willing to make a specification of her manufactures, and the latter of the goods she sells.

Cincinnati exports eight millions of produce and manufactures, and will soon double that.

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Of manufactures, Pittsburgh claims to be the great seat in the West. But, we confess ourselves surprised to find how closely Cincinnati treads on her heels. Pittsburgh claims to manufacture fifteen millions per annum-including six millions of "other manufactures."-Cincinnati claims, and proves, by specifick enumeration, near thirteen millions. difference is not very great. Of the Pittsburgh manufactures four millions are made up of the single item of " rolling mills," and near a million more of glass works;" while Cincinnati has but one rolling mill within herself, and no glass works. Taking these out, and the Cincinnati manufactures are much the greatest. In fact, the variety, amount, and distribution of manufactures in Cincinnati is, for a new country, curious. Of commerce-meaning by that term the distribution of goods merely, Louisville claims and shows the greatest amount. This follows of course, from her position at the falls of the Ohio, and from being the only commercial town of any consequence, in Kentucky.

Of export commerce, we have already stated, Cincinnati has much the most.

In educational institutions, as well as agricultural advantages, Cincinnati greatly predominates. In truth, she has a fair prospect of excelling, in this respect, any city of the United States. With the greatest advantages, in agricultural resources, institutions, and in the variety of her mechanical industry, Cincinnati will retain her position and character She will wie d of the "Queen City of the West." the empire of mind, as long as mind shall be respected in the valley of the Ohio.

Pittsburgh will always be a flourishing city. Seated at the head of a mighty navigation, at the foot of the great Apalachian slope, with coal hills all around her, she will remain mistress of these "who work in metals."


Louisville, placed at the falls of the Ohio, and the commercial mart of Kentucky, will always possess advantages for the distriubtion of goods. will always continue to flourish while there is any obstruction at the falls, or any vigour within herself.

These three young and vigorous cities are not rivals. Nature has forbidden their rivalship; she has placed them where there is no interference of interests, and there should be no mean jealousy of superiority. They have grown up together, like three beautiful sisters, and now they should be like those sisters, when married and separated to distant homes, hearing of each other's prosperity with yearning hearts, and seeking mutual intercourse with the strength of early affection.

"Cincinnati Chronicle.

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