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Aunt.-No; for in the oldest, the primary rocks, no remains of living creatures have been found.

Charles.-How high are the highest mountains,


Aunt.-More than a mile.

Lewis.-O! what an awful sight to see a mountain raised out of the earth!

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Aunt.-No human being existed when the mountains rose at His command;" we can but guess how and when they were formed-but we do know to a certainty, that animals, strange animals, different to any that exist now, walked the earth, and birds flew in the air, and fishes swam in the sea, ages, countless ages, before man was created.

Lewis.-O Aunt! how can you tell?

Aunt.-I suppose you would hardly believe that the solid white earth we are treading upon was once a sea, yes, that this was once the ocean, in which lived the fishes and shells you have in your hands now.

Lewis. Indeed, you have told us strange things today, Aunt!

Charles.-But the first strange thing Aunty told us

came true.

Aunt. That's right, Charley! But I do not wish you, my dear boys, to put faith in everything you are told; but these things you can examine for yourselves when you are older, and then you will see how graciously our Heavenly Father allows us to read the record

of His works, in this earth which He has gradually prepared and made perfect for the habitation of man.

Lewis. But do you think, Aunt, when God prepared the marble, the gold and silver, and other things, that He thought of us, and our houses and clothes, and everything we should want?

Aunt. Yes, there can be no doubt that He who has provided for our minutest wants, foresaw what these wants would require, and observe, He has not only provided all things that would be useful for us, but has given beauty and ornament to all that He has made. The flowers would be just as useful without colour and scent, but He has given both. The shells would serve for habitations if they were not marked with the most delicate tracery and colouring. It is evident He has formed us to enjoy, as well as to use. How ought we to feel towards a Being who has provided for our happiness and comfort so abundantly?

Lewis.—We ought to be very thankful.


Aunt. And happy as well as thankful. Not merely say a cold prayer morning and evening, which is often the only thanks we give Him, but to see and find out some of the various ways in which He shows how constantly He loves and thinks of us. The works of the Lord are marvellous, sought out of them that love Him." And they must be sought out. They are only seen by those that love His works, thousands of people live and die, without their eyes having been opened to the wonders around them.

Lewis. Do you think, Aunt, it can give God any pleasure to see us admire His works?

Aunt.--Undoubtedly; I could show you many passages in the Bible, in which those who "regard not the operation of His hands," are severely reproved, and David, "the sweet singer of Israel," tells us how lovingly and minutely he observed the works of God, in his beautiful Psalms. Do not you think if you had furnished a house for a friend, not only with everything he wanted, but with the most beautiful ornaments, that you would have a right to expect gratitude and thanks from him.

Lewis.-Yes, to be sure.

Aunt. But if you could look at him, yourself invisible, and see that he took all you had provided for him, without one feeling of thankfulness towards the giver, and moreover complained that he had not enough, if he cared not to look at your beautiful ornaments, and even began to ill-treat the servants you had left with him, what would you do?


Lewis. Why, rush in, and punish him to be sure. Aunt-That is what he would deserve certainly. But how differently does God deal with our coldness and unthankfulness. He never ceases doing us good" till the last moment of our lives. His daily benefits are showered on the just and unjust alike, but His love and knowledge of Himself, He gives only to those who sincerely and humbly desire to obtain them. I trust you will never be amongst those who "sit at God's table, and yet say no grace," and when your minds are opened to see more quickly the hand of God in everything, you will be able to feel the truth of the good old lines.

For us the winds do blow

The earth doth rest, heav'n move, and fountains flow:
Nothing we see, but means our good,

As our delight, or as our treasure:

The whole is either cupboard of our food

Or cabinet of pleasure.

M. J. T.


"I will therefore that men pray everywhere."-St. Paul.

LET our thanks pour forth on the mountain high,
On its pure and Heaven-ward air

Let our beads be told in the lonely glen,

For each is a place for prayer.

The place for prayer is Everywhere.

Let thanks be raised from the lasting hills,
To their heaving turf repair;

Shed grateful tears o'er the flowing rills

They will purify our prayer.

The place for prayer is Everywhere.

Breathe pious sighs over beds of flowers,
Their cup
will hold incense rare,
That will rise to Heaven in balmy breath,
From an altar worthy prayer.

The place for prayer is Everywhere.

Far, far from the land, o'er the soundless sea,
Which mariners boldly dare,

"The spirit of God o'er the waters hath moved,"
And hallowed that path for prayer.

The place for prayer is Everywhere.

At the couch of the babe, let prayers ascend,
For a guardian angel's care,

For e'en in her joy, a mother should pray,
Each blessing demandeth prayer.

The place for prayer is Everywhere.

In the home of the sick let us pray for aid,
That pain they should nobly bear,
"May thy will be done, oh God, not mine,"
Was our Lord's submissive prayer.

The place for prayer is Everywhere.

Let prayers be said for the dying one,
With a contrite heart laid bare,
Thus his lowly roof he will consecrate
As a proper place for prayer.

The place for prayer is Everywhere.

And bow down the knee near the new-made grave, (A rest from sorrow is there),

The sighs that come from a mourning heart,

Will ascend as a holy prayer.

The place for prayer is Everywhere.

Then pray not alone in temples of stone,
Nor at altars of gorgeous glare,

Not the carved arch, nor the gilded dome,
Can hallow a heartless prayer.

The place for prayer is not only there.

In the mart, or the hall, the camp, or the court,
Your souls for high Heaven prepare,
Each righteous thought, each penitent tear,
Will rise as a hearfelt prayer.

The place for prayer is Everywhere,


H. J. W.


(Concluded from page 185.)

"do you

"I OUGHT to ask you," said Esther's Uncle, know where this prayer is to be found in the New Testament?"

"Not exactly; but I think in Matthew somewhere, is it not?"


Yes, in Matthew and in Luke. You will find it in the sixth chapter of Matthew, from the 9th to 13th verse; and in Luke eleventh, from the 2nd to the 4th

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"Is it given exactly alike in both places?" inquired Esther. "Not exactly. For instance, Luke says, forgive us our sins, for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us!"


Ah, Uncle Edward, how I wish that was true! But have we quite come up to this place yet?"

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Not quite. There is a certain petition that we say just before it. What is that?"

"Give us this day our daily bread," said Esther. "I must tell you something about that which will explain it well to you. One Sunday morning I overheard this remark from a boy in one of the lower classes of the school, as he took down his hat preparatory to leaving the room, "I say, did you see the joke of teacher making such a fuss about our being thankful for daily bread? Why lad! I get meat and butter and pudding, and I don't know what every-day! Dry bread wouldn't suit me any how." I had not a moment to stay at that time; and no other opportunity of speaking to the boy presented itself for some time. Besides, I had almost a reluctance to preach him a sermon on the subject, and doubted if it would do him so much good as one week's experience of a different state of things. So when Mr. Elliott's men struck, and poor little Frank's father was one of those few who would have been willing to go on, but were kept down and intimidated by the others,-I turned my eyes steadily upon Frank's class as I walked up the school, and saw the little fellow's pale pinched cheeks, and haggard eye.

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