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Low, lud. v. n. to bellow as a cow
Lower, lour. v. a. to bring low

Lumber, lum'bur. s. any thing useless or


Lower, lou'år. v. n. to appear dark and Lumber, m'bůr. v. a. to heap like useless

gloomy; to frown, to look sulien

Loweringly, log'ing-lè, ad. gloomily

Lowermost, l'ur-most. a. lowess
Lowland, lo'land. s. a low country
Lowliness, lo lé-nés. s. humility
Lowlv, lỗ tề. a. humble, meek
Iwuess, lo'nes. s. absence of height,

nesa; depression

goods irregularly

[gives light Luminary, lu'me-når-rẻ. s. any body which Luminous, lu'me-nos. a. shining

Lump, lump. s. a shapeless mass; to gross
Lump. lump. v. a. to take in the gross
Lumping, lump'ing. a. large, heavy

mean-Lumpish, lump'ish, a. heavy, gross, inactive
Lumpy, lump'è. a. full of lumps

Lowspirited, 16-spir'it-têd. a. dejected, pressed

de-Lunacy, là'na-sé. s. madness influenced by the

Loyal, loé'al. a. obedient, true to the prince
Loyalist, loé'al-list. s. one who professes un-
common adherence to his king
Loyally, loè'âl-lè. ad. with fidelity
Loyalty, loé'al-tè. s. fidelity
Lozenge, loz'zenje. s. a figure in heraldry; a
form of a medicine made into small pieces
Lubber, lib'bur. s. a sturdy drone
Lubberly, lib'bur-lè. a lazy and bulky
Lubberly, lib'bur-le. ad. awkwardly, clumsily
Lubricate, lubrẻ-kåte. v. a. to make smooth
or slippery

Lubricity, lu-bris'sé-té. s. slipperiness
Lubrick, l'brik. a. slippery

Lucent, l'sent. a. shining, splendid

Lucerne, lu'sern. s. a kind of grass cultivated as clover

[blocks in formation]

Lucid, 'sid. a. bright, glittering, not dark-Lurcher, lurtsh'ur. s. one that watches to

ened with madness

Lucidity, l-side-té. s. splendour, brightness
Luciferous, ld-sif'fér-us. a. giving light, af-
fording means of discovery
Luck, luk. s. chance, fortune
Luckily, luk'ke-lè. ad. fortunately
Luckless, lik'les. a. unhappy

Lucky, luk'ké. a. fortunate, happy by chance
Lucrative, lu'krá-tiv. a. gainful, profitable
Lucre, l'kur. s. gain, profit

Luctation, luk-ta'shun. s. struggle

steal, or to betray; a hunting dog
Lurs, lure. s. an enticement
Lurid, lu'rid. a. gloomy, dismal
Lurk, lurk. v. n. to lie in wait
Lurker, lurk'ür. s. a thief that lies in wait
Lurking-place, lurking-plase. . hiding

Luscious, lish'us. a. sweet; pleasing, cloying
Lusciousness, lush'us-nés. 3. immoo erate


Lusorious, ld-so'ré-us. a. used in play, sportive

Lucubrate, l'kd-bråte. v. n. to watch, to Lust, lust. s. carnal desire; any violent or study by night

irregular desire

Lustful, list'fol. a. libidinous

[vehemently Lucubration, lu-kd-brá'shûn. s, study by can-Lust, lust. v. n. to desire carnally; to desire dlelight, any thing composed by night Lucubratory, la'ků-bra-tür-é. a. composed by candlelight

Ludicrous, lode-krus. a. burlesque
Ludicrously, lu'dé-krus-lé. ad. sportively
Luff, luf. v. n. to keep close to the wind
Lug, lig. v. a. to pull with violence
Luggage, liggidje. s. any thing cumbrous
and unwieldy [different, not zealous

Lustfully, lust'ful-è. ad. with sensual concy-

Lustfulness, list'ful-nês. s. libidinousness
Lustily, lus'tè-le. ad. stoutly, with vigour
Lustiness, lus'tè-nês. s. stoutness, sturdiness
Lustral, lis'trål. a. used in purification
Lustration, lus-tra'shun. 8. purification by


Lukewarm, like'wårm. a. mildly warm; in-Lastre, lis'tur. . brightness; a sconce with

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Lute, late. s. a stringed instrument of mu-Madcap, måd'kap. s. a madman; a

sick; a composition like clay, with which cbymists close up their vessels Lutulent, l'tsbů-lent. a. muddy Lux, luks.

8. exuberance

v. a. to put out of joint Luxate, luks'åte. Luxation, luks-a'shun. s. the act of disjoining, any thing disjointed Luxuriance, lug-zo'ré-anse. Luxuriancy, log-zu'ré-ân-se. Luxuriant, lug-zu'ré-ånt. a. exuberant, super[superfluous plenty Luxuriate, lig-zu're-åte. v. n. to shoot with Luxurious, lúg-zu'ré-us. a. voluptuous, enslaved to pleasure Luxuriously, lug-zu'rẻ-us-lè. ad. deliciously, Luxury, luk'shu-ré. s. voluptuousness Lycanthropy, li-kån'thro-pé. s. a kind of



brained fellow


Madden, mad'dn. v. n. to become mad
Madden, mad'dn. v. a. to make mad
Made, måde. part. pret. of make
Madhouse, mad'house. s. a house where mad-

men are cured or confined

Madly, mâd'le. ad. without understanding Madman, mad'mân. s. a man deprived of his understanding

Madness, mâd'nes. s. distraction; fury, rage Madrigal, mad'dré-gål. s. a pastoral song Magazine, måg-gå-zèèn'. s. a storehouse; miscellaneous pamphlet


[voluptuously Maggot, mag'gut. s. a small grub; odd fancy Maggotty, mag'gut-è. a. full of maggots; [and invisible powers Magical, mâd'je-kål. a. performed by secret Magically, mad'jè-kâl-ẻ. ad. according to the rites of magick

Lying, l'ing. the active participle of lie
Lymph, limf. 8. transparent colourless liquor
Lymphatick, lim-fat'ik. s. a vessel conveying
the lymph

Lynx, lingks. s. a spotted beast
Lyre, lire. s. a musical instrument
Lyrical, lir'ré-kål.

Lyrick, lir'rik.


a. pertaining to a harp Lyrist, l'rist. s. a musician who plays upon the harp


MACAROON, mák-á-rôôn'. s. a coarse low fellow; a kind of sweet biscuit Macaw, ma-kaw'. s. a bird in the West Indies Mace, mase. s. an ensign of authority; a kind of spice [the mace Macebearer, måse'båre-år. s. one who carries Macerate, más'sêr-åte. v. a. to make lean; to steep almost to solution Maceration, mås-ser-a'shun. s. the act of wasting or making lean

Machinal, mak'ké-nal. a. relating to machines Machinate, mak'ké-nåte. v. a. to plan, to [contrivance


Machination, mák-ke-na'shun. s. artifice, Machine, ma-sheen'. s. any complicated piece of workmanship; an engine

Magick, måd'jfk. s. the art of putting in ao tion the power of spirits Magician, ma-jish'an. s. one skilled in magick Magisterial, måd-jis-tè'rè-âl. a. lofty, arrogant [gantly Magisterially, måd-jfs-te'ré-al-è. ad. arroMagisterialness, mad-jfs-te'ré-al-nes. B. haughtiness [of a magistrate Magistracy, mad'jis-tra-se. s. office or dignity Magistrate, mad'jis-tråte. s. a man publickly invested with authority Magnanimity, mag-na-nim'è tè. s. greatness Magnanimous, mag-nân'è-mus. a. great of mind, elevated in sentiment Magnanimously, mag-nân'è-můs-lè. ad. with greatness of mind Magnet, mag'nêt. s. the loadstone Magnetical, mag-net'tè-kål. Magnetick, måg-nêt'tik.

[of mind

a. having

powers correspondent to those of the magnet; attractive [traction

Magnetism, mag'nêt-izm. s. power of atMagnifick, mag-nif'fik. a. illustrious, grand Magnificence, mag-nif'fè-sense. s. grandeur of appearance

Magnificent, mag-nif'fè-sent. a. grand, splendid, pompous [pously, splendidly Magnificently, mag-nif'fè-sent-le. ad. pomMachinery, ma-shèèn'êr-è. s. enginery, com-Magnifier, mig'né-fl-år. s. a glass that increases the bulk of any object

plicated workmanship

Machinist, ma-shèèn'ist. s. a constructor of Magnify, måg'né-fl. v. a. to make great, to engines or machines

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Magnitude, mag'nè-tude. s. greatness Magpie, mag'pl. s. a bird


Mahogany, ma-hog'a-nẻ. s. a hard kind of
Maid, måde.
Maiden, må'dn.

s. a virgin; a woman

servant; a fish Maiden, ma'dn. a. fresh, unpolluted Maidenhead, ma'dn-hêd. s. virginity, virgin purity newness

Maidenly, ma'dn-lè. a. like a maid, modest,||Malefactor, mål-le-faktur. s. a criminal [vant Malefick, mål-lêf'fik. a. hurtful timorous Maidservant, måde-ser'vânt. s. a female ser-alepractice, måle-pråk'tis. s. practice con

Majestical, ma-jes'tè-kål. Majestick, ma-jes'tik. stately, pompous

a. august

Majestically, ma-jês'tè-kal-é. ad. with dig-
nity, with grandeur

Majesty, mad'jes-té. s. dignity, grandeur,
Sovereignty; a regal title

Mail, måle. s. armour; a bag of post letters
Maim, máme. v. a. to deprive of any neces-
sary part, to cripple by loss of a limb
Maim, máme. s. privation of some essential
part; injury; essential defect

Main, mane. a. principal; strong; important
Main, mane. s. the gross, the bulk; the ocean

Mainland, måne-land', s. the continent
Mainly, måne'lé. ad. chiefly; powerfully
Mainmast, mare'måst. s. the chief or middle


Mainprize, mane prize. s. delivery into the
custody of a friend, upon security given for

Mainsail, måne'såle. s. the sail of a mainmast
Maintain, men-tåne'. v. a. to preserve; to
keep up; to support
Maintainable, men-tàne'â-bl. a. defensible
Maintenance, mên'tên-ânse. s. supply of the
necessaries of life
Maintop, mane-top'. s. the top of the main-
Major, majur. a. greater in number, quantity,

or extent

trary to rules [lignity Malevolence, må-lev'vo-lense. s. ill will, maMalevolent, ma- lêv'vò-lênt. a. ill disposed towards others

Malice, mal'lis. s. deliberate mischief
Malicious, mâ-lish'us. a. ill-disposed to any
one, intending ill

Maliciously, ma-lish'us-lé. ad. with intention
of mischief
Maliciousness, mâ-lish'us-nês. s. intention of
Malign, må-line'. a. unfavourable
Malignancy, ma-lig'nåa-sé. s. malice, destruc-
tive tendency

Malignant, ma-lig'nánt. a. envious, malicious
Malignantly, ma-lig'nânt-lè. ad. maliciousty,

Maligner, må-line'ur. s. one who regards an-
other with ill will
[of nature
Malignity, ma-lig'né-tè. s. malice; evilness
Malignly, mâ-line lè. ad. enviously, with all


Malkin, måw'kin. s. a dirty wench
Mall, mål. s. a kind of hammer, a walk
where they formerly played with malls and


(duck Mallard, mál'lárd. s. the drake of the wild Malleability, mål-le-á-bilé-tè. s. quality, of enduring the hammer

Malleable, mal'lè-â-bl. a. capable of being spread by beating

Malleate, mål'lè-åte, v. a. to hammer

Malmsey, mám'zè. s. a kind of wine

Major, major. s. the officer above the cap-Mallet, mål'lft. s. a wooden hammer
tain; the first preposition of a syllogism
Majority, ma-jor'è-tè. s. the greater number
the office of a major

Maize, maze. s. Indian wheat

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Malt, målt. s. barley steeped in water and dried on a kiln

Maltfloor, målt'flore, s. a floor to dry malt


s. one who makes malt Malversation, mål-ver-sa'shun. s. bad shifts, [Mother mean artifices Mamma, mâm-m. s. the fond word for Mammillary, mâin' mil-la-rẻ. a. belonging to [piece the paps Mammock, mam'muk. s. a large shapeless Mammock, mam'muk. v. a. to tear, to pull to [pieces Mammon, måm'mun. s. riches Man, mån. s. the male of the human species; [tify

Make, make. v. a. to create ; to form; to pro-Maltman, målt'mån.
duce; to hold; to commit; to force; to Malster, målt'stur.
raise as profit from any thing; to arrive at
Make, make. s. form, structure
Makebate, måke'båte. . breeder of quarrels
Maker, ma'kur. s. the Creator; one who
makes any thing
Makepeace, make'pèse. s. peace-maker
Makeweight, make'wåte. s. any small thing
thrown in to make up weight
Malady, mál'a-de. s. a disease
Malapert, mål'a-pert. a. saucy, quick with
Male, måle. s. the he of any species
shun. s. bad management of affairs
Malecontent, måle'kon-tênt. a. discontented,

a servant Man, man. v. a. to furnish with men; to forManacles, mân'nå-klz. s. chains for the hands Manage, man' fdje. v. a. to conduct; to govern, to make tractable; to wield; to husband

Malecontent, måle'kon-tent. . one dissatisf-Manage, man'idje. s. conduct, administra


tion; a riding-school

[tractable ed or discontented Malediction, mål-lé-¿ik'shûn. 8. curse, execra-Manageable, man'idje-a-bl. a. governable, Malefaction, mii-lê-tâk'shûn. 8. a crime, an Management, mån'idje-ment. s. conduct, ad



Manager, man'ldje-ir. s. one who has the di-Mannerliness, mân'nur-le-nés. s. civility,

rection of any thing; a man of frugality Manation, ma-na'shun. s. the act of issuing


Manchet, mantsh'it. s. a smail loaf of fine bread)
Mancipate, mân'sé-påte. v. a. to enslave, to


Mandamus, man-da'mûs. s. a writ from the court of the king's bench

ceremonious complaisance

Mannerly, man'nir-lé. a. civil, complaisant
Mannish, man'nish. a. having the appearance
of a man, bold, masculine

Manœuvre, mån-o'vůr. s. an attempt, out of
the common course of action, to relieve
ourselves, or annoy our adversary
Manor, man'nur. s. a lord's jurisdiction

Mandarin, mân-da-rèèn'. s. a Chinese noble-Mansion, man'shin. s. abode, house
man or magistrate

Mandate, mau'date. s. command; precept Mandatory, man'dá-tur-ẻ. a. preceptive, directory

Mandible, mân'de-bl. s. the jaw

Mandrake, man' Irake. s. a plant. the root of

which is said to bear a resemblance to the
human form

Manducate, mân'du-kåte. v. a. to chew
Mane, mane. s. the hair which hangs down

on the neck of a horse

[blocks in formation]

Manslaughter, man'slåw-tur. s. the act of
killing a man not wholly without fault,
though without malice
Mauslayer, man'slá-ür. s. one that has killed
Mansuete, mån'swéte. a. tame, gentle
Mansuetude, man'swè-tude. s. tameness, gen-


Mantel, min'tl. s. work raised before a chimney to conceal it

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Mantelet, mân-tè-let'. s. a small cloak; a
kind of moveable pent-house
Mantle, män'tl. s. a kind of cloak
Mantle, mån'tl. v. a. to cloak, to cover
Mantle, mån'tl. v. n. to be expanded; to
gather any thing on the surface, to froth;

to ferment

Mantua, mån'tshi-â. s. a lady's gown
Mantuamaker, mân't-má-kur. s. one who
makes gowns for women

Manual, man'd-l. a. performed by the hand
Manual, mân'u-âl. s. a small book

Manufactory, mån-d-fák'túr-ẻ. s. a place
where a manufacture is carried on
Manufacture, mån-nu-fak‍tshure. s. any thing
made by art
[by art and labour

Manhood, man håd. s. human nature; virili-Manufacture, mân-nů-fåk'tshure, v. a. to make

ty; courage

Manufacturer, man-nu-fak'tshu-rür. s. a workman, an artificer

Maniack, ma'né-ik. s. a mad person Maniack, ma'nè-ik. a. raging with madness Manumission, mân-nů-mish'ôn. s. the act of Manifest, man'né fest. a. plain, open, detected! giving liberty to slaves [slavery Manifest, man'né-fest. v. a. to show plainly Manumit, mån-nu-mit'. v. a. to release from Manifestation, mån-nẻ-fês-tà'shún. s. discove-Manurable, mâ-nu'ra-bl. a. capable of cultiry, publication [dently vation Manifestly, man'ne-fêst-lè. ad. clearly, evi- Manure, må-ndre'. v. a. to cultivate by Manifestness, man'ne fêst-nês. s. perspicuity manual labour; to fatten with composts Manifeste, man-ne- fès'tỏ. s. publick protesta-Manure, må-nore'. s. soil to be laid on lands [many Manuscript, mån'd-skript. s. a book written, not printed


of soldiers

Manifold, man'né-fold. a. of different kinds,
Manikin, man'né-kin. s. a little man
Maniple, man'è-pl. s. a handful; a small band
[of human beings
Mankind, man-kylnd'. 1. the race or species
Manlike, man like. a. having the qualities of
a man, befitting a man

Manliness, man'ie-nes, s. bravery, stoutness
Manly, nan'le. a. becoming a man, firm, brave
Manna, man'na. s. a kind of gum, a physical
Imien; peculiar way
Manner, man'nir. form, method; sort;
Mannerist, man'nur-ist. s. any artist who per-
forms all his works in one unvaried maaner

Many, men'né. a. numerous

Manytimes, men'ně-timz. ad. often, frequently
Map, map. s. a delineation of countries
Mappery, map'pur-è. s. the art of planning
and designing

Mar, már. v. a. to injure, to spoil
Maranatha, mar-a-nath'a. s. a form of denoun-
cing & curse among the Jews
Marauder, må-ro'dur. s. a soldier that roves
about in quest of plunder
Marble, mår bl. s. stone used in statues and
elegant buildings; a little ball with which
children play

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Marble, márʼbl. a. made of marble; variega-Marquis, már'kwis. s. one of the second orted like marble der of nobility next in rank to a duke Marquisate, mår'kwiz-åte. s. the seignory of marquis

Marcasite, mår'kå-site. s. a solid hard fossil
March, martsh. s. the third month of the

March, mårtsh. s. a movement, journey of
soldiers; grave and solemn walk
March, martsh. v. n. to move in a military
form; to walk in a grave, deliberate, or
stately manner
[or borders
Marcher, martsh'ur. s. president of the marches
Marchioness, mår'tshẳn-ês. s. the wife of a

Marcid, når'sid, a. lean, pining

Mare, mare. s. the female of a horse [an army
Mareschal, már'shål. s. a chief commander of
Margarite, már gå-rite. s. a pearl
Margent, mår'jent.
Margin, mår'jin.

s. the border, the edge

Marginal, mår'je-nál. s. placed or written on
the margin

Marigold, mar're-gold. s. a yellow flower
Marine, ma-rèèn'. a. belonging to the sea

Marriage, mar'ridje. s. the act of uniting a
man and woman for life
Marriageable, mår'rîdje-å-bl. a. of age to be
Married, mar'rid. a. conjugal; connubial
Marrow, mar'rò. s. an oleaginous substance
contained in bones,

Marrow fat, mar'ro-fat. s. a kind of pea
Marrowless, már'rd-lês. a. void of marrow
Marry, mår'rè. v. a. to join a man and a wo-
man; to take for husband or wife

Marry, mâr'rẻ. v. n. to enter into the congu-
gal state

Marsh, mårsh. s. a fen, a bog, a swamp
Marshal, mår'shal. s. the chief officer of arms;
[in order
Marshal, mår'shál. v. a. to arrange, to rank
Marshalsea, mår'shål-se. s. a prison belong-
ing to the marshal of the king's household
Marshy, mårsh'è. a. boggy, fenny, swampy

Marine, ma-rèèn'. s. a soldier taken on ship-Mart, mårt. s. a place of publick traffick
board to be employed in descents upon the

Mariner, mar'rin-år. s. a seaman, a sailor
Marital, mar're-tal. a. pertaining to a husband
Maritime, mar'rè-tim. a. relating to the sea;

• marine

Mark, mark. s. an impression; a proof Mark, mark. v. a. to impress with a token or evidence; to note

Market, már'kit. s. a publick time of buying
and selling; place where a market is held
Market, mar'kit. v. a. to deal at a market,
to buy or sell

Market-cross, mar-kit-kros'. s. a cross set up
where the market is held
Market-place, mår'kît-plåse. s. place where
the market is held

Market-price, mår'kit-prise. s. the price at
which any thing is currently sold
Market-town, mår'kit-tôån. s. the town that
has the privilege of a stated market
Marketable, már kit-â-bl. a. such as may be
sold current in the market

Marksınan, mårks'mån. s. a man skilful to

hit a mark

Marl, mårl. s. a kind of clay used for manure
Marlinespike, mår'lîn-splke. s. a small piece
of iron for fastening ropes
Marlpit, mårl'pit. s. a pit out of which mal
is dug

Marmalade, mår'må-låde.
Marmalet, mår'ma-lêt.

8. the pulp of quinces boiled into a consistence with su


Marmorean, mỗi mở rẻ-an.


& made of

Marten, mår'tin. s. a large weasel; a kind of
Martial, mår'shål. a. warlike [swallow
Martingal, mår'tin-gâl. s. a broad strap made
fast to the girths under the belly of a
Martinmas, mar'tin-mus. s. the feast of St.
Martyr, mar'tur. s. one who by his death
bears witness to the truth

Martyr, mår'tur. v. a. to put to death for vir-
tue; to murder
Martyrdom, mår'tůr-dům. s. the death of a
Martyrology, mår-túr-rôl′ld-jè. s. a register
of martyrs

Marvel, már vél. s. a wonder, any thing
Marvel, mår'vel. v. n. to wonder, to be as-

Marvellous, mår'vêl-los. a. wondefrul, strange
Marvellousness, marvel-lus-nes. s. wonder-
fullness, strangeness

Masculine, mâs'kd-lin. a. maie, virile
Mash, måsh. s. any thing mingled or beaten
together into an undistinguished or confus-
ed body

Mash, mash. v. a. to beat into a confused
mass; to mix malt and water together in

Mask, måsk. s. a cover to disguise the face
a dramatick performance
Mask, måsk. v. a. to disguise with a mask or
visor; to cover

Mason, ind'sn. s. a builder with stone
Masonry, ma'sn-rè. s. the craft or perfera-

ance of a mason

Masquerade, mås-kûr-råde'. s. a diversion is which the company is masked

Marquetry, mår'kêt-trẻ. a. chequered work, Masquerade, mås-kur-råde'. v. n. to go in

work inlaid with variegation

disguise; to assemble in masks

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