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ceasingly at his side infernal lullabies or anthems
When the victim is brought out for
of the damned.
execution, he is placed between two stakes resem-
bling May-poles, surmounted with a black flag.
The hands and feet are extended and made fast to
these poles, and a small fire is kindled near the feet
of the subject, in which irons are heated and applied
to his breast and groins. This torture is continued
until the sufferer is beginning to sink under it, when
the spy or vidette of a war-party (previously organiz-
ed for this ceremony) is seen approaching with the
same light-footed caution that is observed in actual
war. After enacting this mockery, he reports to the
chief of the war party that he has discovered the en-
emy; that he is in an exposed position, and off his
guard. Under these circumstances an immediate
attack is determined on, and the valorous war-party
rush forward to the place of sacrifice, and despatch
After this, the
the victim with a shower of arrows.
fire is increased until the fat exudes freely from the
roasting subject. At this stage of the ceremony, the
women of the nation, who are corn-planters, press
around the pile and oil their hoes, and, holding them
The arrows of the
up, implore abundant harvest.
braves, having been ingloriously dipped, as already
described, in the blood of the enemy, are fitted for
the exigences of a great buffalo-hunt.

On the following morning, when the whites wer ready to depart, five of the principal men of the tribe, the first chief excepted, presented themselves The woman was as in readiness to accompany the agent to the fort, and conduct the captive thither. led out, and while the travellers were mounting, she was put into a saddle, but not until a knife was She was apprehensive that misdrawn to coerce her, by the brave who was charged The same with this service. chief was intended, and when in the saddle she refused to take the guidance of her horse. warriour who lifted her to her seat led the horse, as the party set forward. They had not cleared the lodges, when an Indian from the covered entrance of one of them sprang forward, and met the whites with a bow strung and arrows in hand. The brave, who led the horse, without an instant's hesitation, In a moment, this mischievous fellow was closed with him and wrested the arms from his grasp. succeeded by another from a like concealment, who, as he presented his diabolical visage to the clear light of day, let fly an arrow that passed through the robe and under dress of the captive, and penetrated so far into her side as to inflict a mortal wound. While she was slowly sinking from her horse, the shoulders of the murderer, in a style that Solomon brave who had led him applied his bow to the naked In the evening after the council, it was rumoured himself, the ancient advocate for the use of the rod, in the village that a young brave had determined to would have approved. Thus began that mêlêe in kill the captive, and that he was loitering at the door which two political or religious parties, red men and It was known to all of the lodge with his bow and arrows for that pur-a few whites, philanthropick aspirants, were likely pose. The chiefs, however, still assured the agent to sustain an unequal conflict. that the affair was settled, and that she should de- the gentlemen present who were acquainted with part with him next day unmolested; and the son of the Indian character, that if blood had been shed Big Axe, the second chief, had given all his horses, among themselves, they, under the momentary exfirearms, and every article of his personal property, citement, would have sought to inflict vengeance on except his bows and arrows, to satisfy the people of the whites present. Thus, when the sedition arose, the nation. In this transaction he evinced his great- it was deemed a safe and just mode of winding up ness of soul; and his firmness of purpose never ap-this unhappy affair by separating the conflicting parpeared to desert him but once, and then only for a ties. When his scarlet lace coat was spread out, he cast an imploring look around him; but the pang of separation was momentary-and he drew himself up, and, as his buffalo robe fell down from his breast, he smote it with his clinched hand as he exclaimed, "Am I not a chief!" There may exist somewhere a white philanthropist who would have uttered more, had he given less. The captive still remained in custody of the chief to whom she had been surrendered by the big medicine-man, and was this night guarded in the lodge by the young brave who had captured her.


Accordingly, when a distinguished brave, whom they called the Big Sergeant, had tried the force of his war-club across the naked shoulders of that warriour who first attempted the murder of the captive, and was about to repeat his blow, Captain Kennerly interposed a ready and a strong arm, and prevented his friend Big Sergeant from laying a head full of bumps open to craniological inspection. Mr. Dougherty, who had lingered at the door of the lodge to allow some of his red people to take leave of their father, was summoned to the scene of action by the wailings of an old squaw, whose mock melody howl was recognised by him as the echo of mischief.

He came in time to detach the murderer He sat at the entrance of the little recess where she slept, with a naked sabre in his hand, apparently in- from a deadly conflict which he was entering upon dulging in as much self-respect as "a son of the with old Antoine, the head chief of the nation. Mr. Papin, the resident trader, was moon, father of the stars, and chief of the brass-hilt- Doctor Gale was likewise active in quelling the ined sword." "Let him come," said he, supplying surrection. words suited to the action, as he drew the polished present, and he, as well as Mr. Dougherty, addressed blade across the palm of his mahogany hand, "if he the braves in their own language; and the latter reis tired of life, and he shall find that the brave who peated to the chiefs what he had told them in counmade a captive can protect her." The village was, cil, that he was satisfied with their conduct, and did during this night, as silent as the tenements of the not wish them to effect his views at the expense of dead. Not a song was raised, nor did a cheerful a single drop of Pawnee blood. While the tranlounger drop in, to evince his interest in the stran-quillity of the village was thus partially settled, the But the chiefs, and a few files of red soldiers, slain captive had been borne off amid the cowardly (a kind of police-officers,) sat with war-clubs in rest buffetings of those who ill deserved the name of around the lodge-fire, exchanging ideas below the men, although qualified with the term uncivilized. breath, and at the finger-ends.


When nothing further remained for them to do in

her heroes have been recorded. Actions, equally heroick as those of Miltiades, Epaminondas, and a number of other great patriots in this classick country, may have been performed elsewhere, but not having been recorded by such writers as Thucydides, Xenophon, Plutarch, and others of equal talents and eloquence, have either failed to interest deeply, or have fallen into total oblivion.

the villag, the disappointed philanthropists rode slowly out of it. As they proceeded homeward, they saw the body of the murdered captive dragged forward to the head of a ravine that crossed their trace, and a little out of their route, where it was thrown down. To this point a column of about two hundred warriours, garnished with women and children, marched, that each might dip a war-club, or some other weapon, in the blood of the slain, or Sallust has well observed, that to record the "strike" a fallen enemy, an achievement esteemed actions of others is more difficult than to perform peculiarly valorous in a red man. It may be proper those actions themselves; not only because it is here to remark, that the captive was still in custody hard to acquire a correct knowledge of events, and of the Pawnee chiefs when she was slain. Thus the motives which induced them, but because the the whites were spared the mortification of witnes-grandeur of the actions recorded, must be equalled sing her death when under their protection. by the nobleness of the style in which the memory

The party was about two miles from the village, of them is handed down to posterity; and where when they were overtaken by the Big Sergeant. has this been done in such perfection as in Greece? He was on foot, and only armed with a bow and Among these states, Athens held a proud prearrows. He signified his intention to accompany eminence. It is true she was rivalled in military the agent to the fort, and he was immediately mount-renown by Lacedemon, and obliged occasionally to ed. He rode as gracefully, and in fewer rags than bow before that haughty republick; but in real a Circassian prince would have unfurled, and he en-greatness, in the pursuit of literature, in the elegancountered the toils of the march with untiring fortitude, particularly at trencher-hours, insomuch as to locate a feast and a famine in the same camp. He returned to his nation laden with presents.

This visit to the Pawnee nation has resulted in the conviction that the moral condition of the Indians has been very little improved by the paternal care of the government of this republick, and by the pious exertions of societies instituted for the purpose. That they generally esteem the whites a superiour order of beings, appears in all our intercourse with them.

The principal chief of the Pawnee Loups was proud to wear the fatigue-jacket of a private soldier. Beau Red Coat, or Bad Moccasin, acquired additional distinction and influence by appearing in his scarlet and lace, the cast trappings of a musician; but the braves of the nation, who were best acquainted with white men, were disposed to abolish their ancient religious rites in deference to the opinions of their visiters. It is, however, to be lamented that red men advance so tardily toward civilization. An opinion is gaining ground among those who take the trouble to think on the subject, that to improve materially the condition of Indians, they must be first governed, then civilized, and afterward Christianized.

cies of refinement, in the knowledge and the practice of the fine arts-in short, in every thing but rude bravery, she as much excelled that rival state, as the splendour of the meridian sun excels the pale beams of the silver moon.

It is much to be questioned whether Greece does not owe the whole of her renown to Athens and Corinth. From these two refined cities, where the asperities of military pursuits were softened down and polished by the gentle arts of peace, emanated those rays of brightness and of glory which partially illuminated the other states of Greece. Leaving Lacedemon out of the question, where neither painting, architecture, poetry, nor musick, was held in any estimation, the rest of the cities of Greece were of secondary importance, and have left little or nothing by which they may be distinguished. Athens still exists, though merely a shadow of what she once was. Fragments of her stately temples still give a grand, though faint idea of her ancient splendour, and of the perfection to which she carried architecture and sculpture. Yet both friends and enemies seem to combine to hasten the extinction of every relick of her ancient glory.

From the Parthenon, or temple of Minerva, built by Pericles of white marble, and in the chastest style of architecture, many of the colossal sculpThere is in the Indian character something to ap-tures that adorned the Acropolis are now within the prove, much to condemn. No one can regard their walls of the British museum; and the edifice itself intellectual endowments with indifference-many has been almost demolished by the hostile attacks view them with deep interest.

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on the city, during the late struggle for freedom carried on by the Greeks against the Turks; but from its having been wrested from their iron hand, and now erected into an independent kingdom, it is to be hoped that it may ere long shine with a splendour that shall eclipse its former glory. Athens is said to have been built by Cecrops, who brought a colony out of Egypt, and settled in Greece. From its founder it was at first called Cecropia, and by way of eminence, "Polis," or "The City." In the reign of Ericthonius, its name was changed to Athens, in honour of the goddess Minerva, who was the patroness of the city under the name of Athena. Athens was originally built on a lofty eminence, It is probable that Greece owes much of its never-in the midst of a spacious and fertile plain; the dying fame to the manner in which the actions of situation was chosen, partly for the sake of security

GREECE, celebrated for the beauty of its climate, the fruitfulness of its soil, and, in ancient times, for the valour of its sons, their love of liberty, and their proficiency in philosophy, poetry, and eloquence, was divided into a number of petty states, inconsiderable as it respected the extent of their dominion, but of great importance in the page of history, both for the bravery of their soldiers, and the learning of their philosophers.



[The Temple of Minerva.]

against piratical attacks, or sudden invasion, partly to prevent its being suddenly inundated-a fate much dreaded in the early ages. In process of time, the number of inhabitants being too great for this small space, great part of the plain was covered with buildings, which were denominated the Lower City, as was the ancient part, the ACROPOLIS, or Upper City.

The ACROPOLIS was once rich in stately buildings; the principal were the Parthenon, already noticed-which had it no other enemies than time and the elements, would probably have been in perfect preservation to this day; but, alas! Athens fell under the power of the Turks; and that barbarous people are said to have burnt many of the most precious statues and elegant columns into lime-and the temple of Neptune and Minerva. In the former was the fountain said to have sprung up at the stroke of Neptune's trident; and in the latter, the olive which she produced, and the palladium which fell from heaven in the reign of Ericthonius.

The Lower city was likewise adorned with many magnificent buildings; among the principal of which Temple of Theseus," built by Conon; the "Temple of Olympian Jupiter," and "The Pan

were the "

theon," or "Temple of the Gods," a most noble. structure, supported by one hundred and twenty marble pillars, and having over its great gate, two horses sculptured by Praxiteles. In this temple was the famous statue of Minerva, of ivory and gold, the work of Phidias.

The schools of philosophy and athletick exercises, called gymnasia, were numerous. Among the most celebrated were the Lyceum, where ARISTOTLE taught; and as he generally delivered his instructions to his disciples walking, they were called Peripateticks. The Academy, so called from one Academus, was the school where PLATO disseminated the principles of his philosophy. It was a garden adorned with stately walks and rows of trees; and so sacred was it considered, that it was forbidden even to laugh there, that all appearance of levity might be excluded.

Athens was rendered a convenient port by three harbours; namely, the Piræus, Munychia, and Phalerum. Of these, the first was the most spacious and was divided into three large basins, called Can tharos, Aphrodrium, and Zea. As this harbour was at the mouth of the Cephisus, three miles from the city, it was connected with it by two strong walls,


THE gazelle or antelope forms a connecting cies between the goat and the deer kinds; s what resembling the former internally, and the externally, excepting its horns, which are annu or ringed round, with longitudinal depressions ning from the bottom to the point.

Of all the animals in the world, the gazel said to have the most beautiful eye, extremely liant, and yet so meek that all the eastern compare the eyes of their mistresses to those of animal. The disciple mentioned in Acts ix. 36 which by interpretation signifies Dorcas or the who was raised to life at Joppa, was called Tab zelle, from the beauty of her eyes; and this is a common comparison in the East, "Aine el zel," or, "You have the eyes of the gazelle," i

horns, (which have a core in them, and they never cast t The gazelle agrees with the goat in the texture and with the deer in the elegance of their form and swiftn

[Hunting the Gazelle.]

VOL. V.-4



THE art we are now about to describe is one of

greatest compliment that can be paid to a fine woman. The gazelle is most beautifully formed, and bounds with surprising agility; they are so fleet that grayhounds, though reckoned excellent, cannot come up to them without the aid of the falcon. The usual great antiquity, and is practised in almost every part method of taking the gazelle is by hunting it with of the world. With the earliest dawn of civilization the falcon or the ounce, a species of leopard, which we find men combining the larger grasses and the takes its prey, not by its fleetness, but by the great-intestines of animals to form flexible bands for fishness of its springs; but should he fail in his first ing, and other domestick purposes; but it is in the essay the game escapes; but it is sometimes taken application of vegetable fibres to the manufacture of by the following expedient:-A tame gazelle, brought cable ropes that we must look for the perfection of up for that purpose, is taught to join those of its kind the art. whenever it perceives them. When the hunter, therefore, discovers a herd of these animals together, he fixes a noose round the horns of the tame one, in such a manner that if the rest butt it, they are entangled, and thus prepared he sends his gazelle among the rest.

Ropes are still made of every substance that is sufficiently fibrous, flexible, and tenacious. The Chinese and other orientals even make them of the ligneous parts of several plants, such as certain bamboos and reeds, the stems of the aloes, the fibrous covering of the cocoanut, the filaments of the cotton pod, and the leaves of some grasses. But the barks of plants are most productive of fibrous matter fit for this manufacture. Those of the linden tree, of the

The tame one no sooner approaches, but the males of the herd instantly sally forth to oppose him, and in butting with their horns are caught in the noose. Finding himself taken in the snare, ter-willow, the bramble, and the nettle, are frequently rour lends him additional strength and activity, and used: but hemp and flax are of all others the best; he makes the most vigorous exertions to disentangle and of these the hemp is preferred and employed in himself, and escape before the hunter can come up all cordage exceeding the size of a line, and even in with him. Its effort under these circumstances is many of this denomination. proposed for imitation to the person who has rashly become surety for his neighbour.

Hemp has two properties which make it peculiarly valuable. These are great strength and the "Deliver thyself as an antelope or gazelle from length and fineness of the fibres. The best in Euthe hand of the hunter, and as a bird from the snare rope comes to us through Riga, to which port it is of the fowler"-(Proverbs vi. 5.)—that is, "Thou brought from very distant places southward. It is hast imprudently placed thyself in perilous circum-known by the name of Riga rein (that is, clean) stances; suffer no delay in making an effort for thy release."


I'LL tell thee why this weary world me seemeth
But as the visions light of one who dreameth,

Which pass like clouds, leaving no trace behind:
Why this strange Life, so full of sin and folly,
In me awakeneth no melancholy,

Nor casteth shade or sadness o'er my mind.
"Tis not, that with an undiscerning eye,
I see the pageant wild go dancing by,

Mistaking that which falsest is, for true;
'Tis not that pleasure hath entwined me,
'Tis not that sorrow hath enshrined me-
I bear no badge of roses, r of rue.
But in the inmost chambers of my soul

There is another world, a blessed home,
D'er which no living power holdeth control,
Anigh to which ill things do never come.
There shineth the glad sun-light of sweet thought,
With Hope and Faith holding communion high,
Over a fragrant land, with flow'rs wrought,
Where gush the living springs of poesy.
There speak the voices that I love to hear,
There smile the glances that I love to see;
There live the forms of those my soul holds dear,
For ever in that secret world with me.
They who have walk'd with me along life's way,
And sever'd been by Fortune's adverse tide;
Who ne'er again, thro' Time's uncertain day,
In weal or wo may wander by my side;
These all dwell here: nor these, whom life alone
Divideth from me, but the dead-the dead,
Those happy ones, who to their rest are gone,
Whose foot-prints from the earth have vanished.
Here dwell they all;-and here, within this world,
Like light within a summer sun-cloud furl'd,

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My spirit dwells :-therefore, this evil life,
With all its gilded snares, and fair deceivings,
Its wealth, its want, its pleasures and its grievings,
Nor frights nor frets me, by its idle strife.
O thou who readest, for thy courtesy,
Whoe'er thou art, I wish the same to thee!


hemp. Its fibre is not the longest (at least in the dressed state in which we get it) of all others, but it is the finest, most flexible, and strongest. The next to this is supposed to be the Petersburgh braak hemp. Chucking is a name given to a hemp that comes from various places, long in the fibre, but coarse and harsh, and its strength is inferiour to hemps which one would think weaker. Its texture is such that it does not admit splitting in the ordinary way. It is therefore kept in its coarse form, and used for inferiour cordage. It is, however, a good and strong hemp, but will not make fine work.

Hardly any art can be carried on without the assistance of the rope-maker. Cordage makes the very sinews and muscles of a ship; and every improvement which can be made in its preparation, either in respect to strength or pliability, must be of immense service to the mariner and to the commerce and the defence of our country.

The principal aim of the rope-maker is to unite the strength of a great number of fibres. This would be done in the completest manner by laying the fibres parallel to each other, and fastening the bundle at the two ends: but this would be of very limited use, because the fibres are short. They must therefore be combined together in such a manner that the strength of a fibre shall not be able to draw it out from among the rest of the bundle. This is done by twisting or twining them together, which causes them mutually to compress each other. When the fibres are so disposed in a long skein that their ends succeed each other along its length, without many of them meeting in one place, and this skein is twisted round and round, we may cause them to compress each other to any degree we please, and the friction on a fibre which we attempt to pull out

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