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intelligence, and for various other exigencies which might contribute to keep the country quiet. There was another great call upon them for workmen to compleat the fortifications at Sorrel, St Johns, Chamblee, and the ifle of Noix, which it was fuppofed, would amount to 2000 men. But a ftill greater call upon the Canadians, and the more grievous as it was at their feeding season, was for the tranfport of all provifions, artillery, ftores, and baggage of the army, from the different repofitories to the water, and afterwards at the carrying places, befide the corves for making the roads. It was estimated that their fervice would for fome time before, and at the opening of the campaign, require no fewer than 2000 men, befides a very large proportion of horfes and carts. The miniftry certainly did not make a fair estimate of the profit and lofs that would arife to the empire in pursuing this expedition: for suppose all things had fucceeded according to their wishes, and they had been able to fubdue all the colonies, the deftruction made in the mean time would not have again been made up for ages to come, nor would the money expended ever again be put into a circulation for the common advantage of the community. This war has been a war founded in minifterial vengeance and ambition, without having fo much as a fingle principle, or one object of common utility in its complexion. The friends and foes of government have both fuffered, and would have fuffered fuppofe they had united in fupporting their meafures without the leaft war or oppofition. Had all the British empire joined mutually in fupporting the fchemes of the prefent ministry, without a diffenting voice, and the meafures had been purfued for half a century, there would

have been very little difference between the inhabibitants of that empire, and the Indian favages. The tendency of the whole of this adminiftration has been to deprefs the fpirit of liberty which is the foul of true greatness, without which neither commerce, arts, or fciences ever flourished.

General Burgoyne, who was now at the head of this expedition, was affifted by able and excellent officers. Of thefe were Major General Philips of the artillery, who had acquired much honour by his conduct in the late war in Germany. He had likewife under him Brigadier General Frazer, Powel, and Hamilton, all officers who had diftinguished themfelves in former fervices; and with thefe the Brunfwick Major General Baron Reidefel, and Brigadier General Specht. The army was in every respect in the beft condition that could poffibly be expected or defired, the troops being, in the ftile, of the army, in high fpirits, admirably disciplined and very healthy.

An expedition was determined to the Mohawk river, and Colonel St Ledger was appointed to the command thereof. The troops employed in this expedition from the army were about 7 or 8oo, confifting of 200 drawn from the 8th and 34th regiments, a regiment of the New-Yorkers, lately raised by Sir John Johnson, being chiefly emigrants from his own country adjoining to the intended fcene of action, with fome Hanau Chaffeurs, a company of Ca`nadians, and another of newly raised rangers. Thefe were joined by a frong body of Savages, in part con ducted, or more properly commanded by officers from Britain and America. The regular force left in Canada, including the Highland emigrants under that denomination, amounted to about 3700 men.


The army being at length arrived and encamped at the River Bouquet, on the weft fide of Lake Champlain, and at no very great diilance to the northward of Crown Point, General Burgoyne, there met the Indians in congrefs, and afterwards, in compli ance with the customs of thofe people, gave them a war feaft. The fpeech which he made to the favages upon this occafion has been published. It was calculated, in thofe powerful ftrains of elocution by which that gentleman is diftinguished, to excite their ardour in the common caufe, and at the fame time to reprefs their barbarity. For this purpofe he took pains in explaining to them the diftinction between a war carried on against a common enemy, in which the whole country and people were hoftile, and the prefent, in which good and faithful fubjects were largely, and of neceffity, intermixed with rebels and traitors. Upon this principle he laid down feveral injunctions for the government of their conduct, particularly, that they fhould only kill thofe who were opposed to them in arms; that old men, women, children, and prifoners fhould be held facred from the knife or hatchet, even in the heat of a&tual conflict; that they fhould only fcalp thofe whom they had flain in fair oppofition; but that under no pretence, fubtlety, or colour of prevarication, they fhould fcalp the wounded, or even dying; much lefs kill perfons in that condition, by way of evading the injunction. And they were promifed a compenfation for prifoners, but informed that they fhould be called to an account for fcalps. Thefe endeavours did in fome measure mitigate, but were not of force wholly to reftrain their ferocity, of which fome unhappy infances afterwards appeared.


By the most favourable account of this matter which has just now been given from a very impartial authority, it appears that the favages were to be paid both for their prifoners and fcalps, only they were to be called to an account for the latter. But it does not feem a matter very clear how they were to be brought to an account, or how the general was to know the difference between a scalp taken from the head of one that was already dead, and one that was alive when fcalped. They were to fcalp thofe only whom they had flain in fair oppofition, but this was a matter not easily to be decided, and the proclamation that followed foon after this speech, feems to hint that fcalps of all forts might be taken from the heads of thofe defcribed in the proclamation. General Burgoyne's arguments and the colouring be gives to the cause and characters of the Americans, imply that their could be very fmall offence in the Indians proceeding to extremities. The horrible denounciations of war dreft in the most formidable and terrific fhapes against thofe who perfifted in hoftility, but too plainly hinted, how agreeable Indian barbarity was to the commander in chief.

The General foon after difperíed a manifefto, calculated to spread terror among the contumacious, and particularly to revive in their minds every latent impreffion of fear, derived from knowledge or information of the cruel operations of the favages, whofe numbers were accordingly magnified, and their eagernefs to be let loose to their prey, described with uncommon energy. The force of that great power, which was now fpread by fea and land, to embrace or to crush every part of America, was difplayed in full, lofty, and expreffive language. The rebellion,


with its effects, and the conduct of the prefent governors and governments, were charged with the higheft colouring, and exhibited a moft hideous picture, of unparalleled injuftice, cruelty, perfecution and ty ranny. Encouragement and employment were af fured to thofe, who with a difpofition and ability fuited to the purpose, fhould actually affift in redeeming their country from flavery, and in the re-establishment of legal government. Protection and fecurity, clogged with conditions, restricted by circumstances, and rather imperfectly or inexplicitly expreffed, were held out to the peaceable and induftrious, who continued in their 'habitations. And all the calamities and outrages of war, arrayed in their most terrific forms, were denounced against those who perfevered in their hoftility.

The army having made a fhort stay at Crown Point, for the establishment of magazines, an hofpital, and other neceffary fervices, proceeded, in concert with the naval armament, to inveft Ticonderoga, which was the first object of their deftination. Although the rafh and ill conducted attempt made upon that place in the year 1758, with the confequent repulfe and heavy lofs fuftained by the British army, rendered it at that time an object of general attention, it may not at this distance of time be wholly unneceffary to take fome notice of its fituation, as well as of its ftate of defence.

Ticonderoga lies on the western fhore, and only a few miles to the northward from the commencement of that narrow inlet, by which the water from Lake George is conveyed to Lake Champlain. Crown Point lies about a dozen miles farther north at the extremity of that inlet. The firft of thefe places is

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