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a little nearer to him; and at length they and he engaged in a conversation upon politics. One of his congregation, who was a fellow-passenger, happening to overhear a remark he made, stepped up to him, and said, "Mr. Tennent, please to spiritualize that." "Spiritualize that," said Mr. T. " you don't know what you are talking about." "Why, sir, there is no harm in talking religion, is there?" "Yes," replied Mr. T. " there is a great deal of harm in it; and it is such good folks as you, that always lug religion in, by head and shoulders, whether it is proper or not, that hurt the cause; if you want to talk religion, you know where I live, and I know where you live, and you may call at my house, or I will call at yours, and I will talk religion with you till you are tired; but this is not the time to talk religion; we are talking politics." This reply, and his conduct in other respects, so much ingratiated Mr. T. with the two gentlemen, as to furnish him with an opportunity for advantageously introducing conversation upon more important subjects; and the younger of the two was so much pleased, that on their arrival at Elizabethtown Point, he insisted upon Mr. T.'s taking his seat in a chair, and he walked from the Point to Elizabethtown, through a muddy road, which, to a person of Mr. Tennent's age, would have been very inconvenient, if not impracticable.

At New-York, Mr, Tennent went to hear a sermon delivered by a transient clergyman, who was often and well spoken of, but whose manner was singular, and who frequently introduced odd conceits into his sermons, which tended to excite mirth, rather than to edification. Upon leaving the church, a friend asked Mr. Tennent's opinion of the sermon. He said, it made him think of a man who should take a bag, and put into it some of the very best superfine wheat flour, a greater quantity of indian meal, and some arsenick, and mix them all together: a part of the sermon was of the very best quality; more of it was coarse, but very wholesome food; and some of it rank poison.

Upon another occasion, he went with a friend to hear an illiterate carpenter preach at N.York; and it appeared to him that the man denied the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints. The next morning Mr. T. called upon his friend, and asked if it appeared so to him? Upon his friend's replying in the affirmative, Mr. T. said, “then I must go and talk with him, and you must go along with me." His friend begged to be excused, but Mr. T. insisted upon his going, as he had heard the doctrine denied. They found the car

penter at breakfast. Mr. T. asked if he was the person who had preached last evening? he said he was. Then, said Mr. T. "it appeared to me that you denied the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints; did I understand you rightly?" "Yes, sir, be sure I did," said the carpenter; "that is a doctrine which no man in his senses can believe." "I'll tell you," replied Mr. T. that is the most precious doctrine in all the book of God: I will give up my life before I will give that up: I must talk with you about it." The man alleged that he was a mechanic, who depended upon his trade for the support of his family, and could not stay to talk; he must mind his business. "I am glad to hear that," said Mr. T. "I love to see men diligent in their lawful callings: it is their duty; but yours is of such a nature that you can work and talk at the same time; and I will go with you to where your business lies, so that your time shall not be wasted:" the carpenter said he did not want to talk, took his hat, and abruptly went off. Mr. T. followed him: the man walked faster: Mr. T. quickened his pace. At length the man ran; so did Mr. T. But the carpenter was too fleet for his pursuer; by his speed evaded his arguments, and remained in error.

MR. Tindall, in the year 1527, began the translation of the New Testament and of the Pentateuch into the English language. When the work was nearly completed (such mystery attends many parts of the economy of Providence), on his passage to Hamburgh he lost all his papers in a shipwreck. Unbroken in his spirits by the disaster, he again addressed himself to the work, and actually published a considerable part of the divine oracles, soon after, in England. The bishop of London, who with many of his brethren were provoked at the measure, consulted with one Packington, a merchant of the city, on the best means of suppressing the translation. Packington who was probably a secret friend to Mr. Tindall, advised that the whole impression should be bought up. The bishop furnished a large sum for the purpose. The merchant waited on Mr. Tindall, and received the whole of the work, excepting a few copies that had previously been sold. With the money furnished by the bishop, Mr. Tindall not only supported himself during a tedious exile, but, as was his object, employed the sum in part, in meeting the expenses incident on a translation of the whole bible.

While Mr. Tindall was employed in translating (I think in Germany), a number of persons accused of heresy, by Sir Thomas

More, then Lord Chancellor, were about to be led forth to execution. To one of them, whose name was George Constantine, Sir Thomas offered a pardon on condition he would disclose to him, who they were in London, who were supporting Tindall beyond the seas. As soon as the man had procured every possible assurance that his life should be spared in case of his making the discovery, he declared that Mr. Tindall's support had been drawn from the bishop of London, who had purchased his testaments at an advanced price. The confusion of Sir Thomas may be easily conceived. He however gave the confessor his life.

The recollection, that Mr. Tindall was martyred at Villefort in Flanders," for translating into English the New Testament "and a part of the Old," should teach us to value the privileges we are daily sharing, and to retain a grateful remembrance of those excellent men, who have procured them and conveyed them to us at the cost of their blood.



THE parents of the late Rev. Dr. Samuel Finley were eminently pious. They had seven sons, and one daughter. It was their practice, soon after the birth of each child, to set apart a day to be spent in prayer to God, and intercession on behalf of the child, that it might be a subject of divine grace, and an heir of eternal life. Their prayers appear to have ascended, like Cornelius's, as a memorial before God; and the parents had the pleasure to see their children distinguished for their piety even in their youth, and growing in grace as the number of their years increased. Most of them lived to an advanced age; were useful in their several spheres; and greatly respected and beloved on account of the eminence of their christian character.


Extract of a letter from the Rev. Ebenezer Grant, dated Bedford, (West-Chester county) State of New-York, June 30th,


"WEEK before last went to supply the congregation at Pleasant Valley, about seven miles back from Poughkeepsie, one of the principal towns on the Hudson. In this congregation there is and has been for some time, I think since the first of January, a very considerable revival in religion, which seemed to begin and to be cherished by meetings for prayer, in the different quarters of this society, in their destitute state. Frequently at these meetings, persons under exercise of soul would involuntarily fall and experience a temporary suspension of bodily action, and in most instances when they recovered, appeared deeply affected with the things of religion: some rejoicing in the hope of the gospel, and some sorrowing in darkness and agonizing doubts and fears. For three or four months past the bodily exercise has decreased, and scarcely now appears; but the revival still continues I was with them seven days, and preached nine times, administered the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's supper. A number of adults and children were baptized, and thirty-four admitted for the first time, most of them between fifteen and twenty eight years old. I spent a good part of the (day on Saturday in examining them in the church, and scarcely ever remember to have passed a more pleasant day. Their relations, exercises and answers to my questions, indicated such a solemnity, tenderness, sense of sin; such a good hope in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, such desires and purposes to forsake sin, and cleave to the love and service of God with purpose of heart, as encouraged me to believe and trust that the work was the Lord's, and no counterfeit. This is re

markable, that not one gave the bodily operations as any cause of hope or evidence of conversion, and I strove to inculcate the idea universally, that such appearances might sometimes accompany a work of grace; but were not necessary, or true signs of a work of grace to be rested in, and

published. Twenty thousand are printed every month, at six pence sterling a num ber. Some of the numbers have had to undergo a second edition, and that for January last a third. The profits of this work are devoted to the widows of evangelical ministers, among whom, since its com→ mencement, between 3 and 40007. have been distributed. A great taste prevails for religious reading; and the precious gospel is spreading into every corner of the coun try. A missionary spirit remarkably prevails; and a converted Jew preaches to his countrymen every Saturday, the unsearchable riches of Christ."

The success of missionary efforts in India. The following extract of a letter has been obligingly handed to us for publication, by a respectable gentleman of this city, to whom it was addressed.

the state of the mission in India. Last I shall now give you a brief sketch of year our four brethren, who came by way of America, arrived, all safe, and soon after six missionaries from the London Missionary Society arrived at Madras. Three of these are settled in Ceylon, two at Vizagpatnam, and one is at the same society arrived in India, designed Tranquebar. Since that two more from for Surat, one of whom (Dr. Taylor) is now with me, having come to see us, and spend a little time with us before he goes to the place of his destination. We are on thren. Thus you see the enemy's kingdom very friendly terms with all these our bre in this country is invested on all sides. One of these, last mentioned, is about to marry an American lady from New-York, who, with Mr. Smith and family of that city at tended our worship this evening.

Since my arrival in this country 84 persons have, by baptism or letter, been joinhave been removed by death, all of them ed to the church Eight out of this number in the Lord: six have been excluded, and of those who remain, I reckon ten doubtful characters. There are now about fifteen persons under hopeful impressions, (all natives) several of whom I hope to baptize next ordinance day. We have already baptized sixteen this year. On account of the widely separated state of our members, it is in contemplation to divide the church London to his friend in this city. into four churches, and to appoint native "THE Evangelical Magazine is undoubt- pastors of at least three of them. I trust lly the most popular magazine ever this scheme, which, I doubt not will be for VOL. II.

this seemed to accord with their ideas."

Extract of a letter from a gentleman in

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the furtherance of the gospel, will very soon be put in execution

The third volume of the Bible from Job to Canticles inclusive, is published. The second edition of the New-Testament will be out in about a month; the prophets are began, and we intend to begin printing the historical books from Joshua forwards in a few weeks. The gospel by Matthew is printed (nearly) in the Mahratta language; nearly the whole New and some parts of the Old are translated into that language, that of Orissa, the Hindostannee, and Persian. The gospels in Hindostannee, and Matthew in Persian are printed for the college at another press. We have some more extensive plans for translations in contemplation, if God prosper us.


The Directors of the London Missionary Society to their christian brethren of every denomination, in the united kingdom.


It is with real satisfaction that we ad. dress you, when we have any thing to communicate which will either contribute to

your joy, or call forth into activity your love and zeal. Deeply sensible of the duties and the responsibility of our appointment, we are anxious that, as far as God may enable us, no part of the human race shall remain unvisited by the gospel of Jesus Christ: for this purpose, our eyes have been directed to every quarter of the globe, desirous to follow the indications of the divine will, wherever we might perceive


In the surveys which, from time to time, we have taken of the state of religion among our fellow-men, there is a people which has frequently arrested our attention, and called forth deep, but, till lately, unavailing commiseration; a people which, whether considered in a civil or religious view, is the most extraordinary that ever inhabited the face of the globe! for ages, the favoured depositories of the knowledge of the true God and of his revealed will, they have rejected the last and clearest manifestation of his nature, counsels, and operations.

We have much lamented their protracted infidelity, and its consequent miseries; and have, at the same time, been grieved at the general unconcern with which christians have continued spectators of their unhappy condition. While they live in christian countries, unconscious evidences of the divine origin of that gospel which they themselves disbelieve, how little

have they been the objects of that charity which christianity inculcates! A torpid insensibility hath restrained all those holy energies which ought to have been exert ed in their behalf: nor can British christians claim an exemption from this charge. The benign nature of our civil constitution has attracted multitudes of the dispersed seed of Abraham to our country; and, under the protection of our laws, they have multiplied and prospered. We consider them to be Britons and fellow-subjects, and mingle with them in the affairs and intercourse of society. Thus, as the dif ference in our religious sentiments does not interrupt our civil relations, it has sunk into disregard; and this inattention has been followed by a culpable lukewarmness to their spiritual state and condition. A few endeavours have been made, at different times, to call their attention to christianity; but they have been partial, transitory, and apparently unsuccessful.

The concern which has, for a few years past, so extensively manifested itself in behalf of heathen nations, is a happy omen that the spiritual state of the Jews will, ere long, call forth similar regard. Nothing, surely, can be more consistent and congenial, than that two kindred objects, equally the subjects of prophecy and promise, should be prosecuted with equal ardour and conjoint endeavours. Let not that be left behind in our plans, which, for aught we know, may be first in the or der of full accomplishment. Be the divine purposes, however, what they may, the path of our duty is obvious and plain; and we doubt not that our christian brethren, in every part of the united kingdom, will return a cheerful and zealous response to the invitation now given them, to embrace the object in their affections, their pray. ers, and their exertions. To propose it is to enforce it, for its claims are so apparent and strong, that arguments cannot add to their weight.

While we thus excite you, brethren, to serious concern and generous exertions in behalf of Jews, it will become us to state what are our own views and designs, and in what way we look for your co-operation.

When it pleased God, a few years since, to send us, as an intended missionary, a converted descendant of Abraham, it appeared to us an intimation of the divine will, that we should turn our attention to that people; and we indulged the hope that, in the person of Mr. Frey, a suitable instrument was brought to our hands. An

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