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products, in return for a reasonable acknow ledgement, if they are of any conséquence, and if he either cannot, or will not, make use of them himself. The same shall be the case with sundry, other more rare kinds of mineral substances, such as gypsum and lime-stone, crystal, opal, calcedony, agate, jasper, zeolite, and various sorts of volcanic matter; and even those persons, who may be willing to polish such stones for ornamental purposes (for which experience has proved them to be very suitable), may expect to be recompensed according to circumstances; provided that such an experiment may appear to promise a beneficial result.,,

Encouragement for using sundry

J X.

In like manner, such persons other products, may expect rewards and support, and especially of drift-timber. according to circumstances, who shall discover and work pit-coal, or shall find out easier methods of breaking and using surtur-brand from the rocks: for which purpose the magistracy shall, in the manner before described, have the power of making the necessary agreement with the owner of the soil, in the best possible man

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ner. The drift-timber, which is principally found in the northern, north-western, and north-eastern coasts, must doubtless, as heretofore, remain the property of those, who are lords of the shore; but, it having been proved by experience, that the inhabitants, from deficiency of means, cannot sufficiently take advantage thereof, it is our gracious will and pleasure, that, by the interference of the magistracy (at such places, and where it is usual for such kind of timber to be found) in all cases where disputes may arise, an equitable agreement shall be made between the proprietors of the soil, and such others as might possibly intend making a continual use of the place, for their own benefit, with regard to making the best use of such timber. And, under such circumstances, the undertakers of all such concerns may expect having some or other gratuity allowed them, proportionable to the purpose intended; and more especially in so far as they may intend to make use of the said timber for building of large boats, and other vessels fit for fishing by sea, and the carriage of goods; for which purpose,


those places where such advantages happen, stand in greater need than others along the


Of what advan

tages will be

granted to such

are most useful

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clined to settle in Iceland, may

tradespeople as do so without hindrance or moto the country. lestation, not only in the trading towns, but even in the country, it being permitted, by the placard of the eighteenth of August, 1786, in its 14th article, for every one to carry on whatever lawful trade he may think proper in the country, by the best means in his power, mercantile business only excepted, as expressed in § 2, of the second chapter of this ordinance. Such tradesmen as are of the greatest utility to the country may likewise expect to have a royal assistance granted them for their establishing themselves in some or other of the trading towns in Iceland; such as weavers, hat-makers, fellmongers, ropemakers, blacksmiths and whitesmiths, joiners, coopers, house and ship carpenters, bricklayers, and stone-cutters. Such people

whether they are masters, or journeymen who have perfectly learnt their trade, may in consequence apply to our treasury) where they will receive the necessary information of what advantages may be granted them, according to circumstances, and the several local situations: but before that they come forward with such requests, they must be duly provided with attests from the magistracy whom it may concern, and also with the needful proofs of their capacity. Such, and, according to circumstances, still greater advantages will be granted to those, who may establish larger manufactories, and those that may prove more useful to the country (some of which, such as rope making and furriery, have already in former times been followed with good success), and, more especially, if occasion should thence arise of using the raw products of the country in a more beneficial manner, or if the wants of the country might thereby be the more easily supplied; under which head come fish, glue, and isinglass: the making use of horse-hair for various purposes, to which it may be rendered serviceable; different sorts of earth and clay

for painting colors, and several other means of support, which nature appears to have thrown in the way.

In what man

§ XII.

Woollen goods having, from

ner the manu- the most ancient times, been the

facture of wool

len goods, hi- chief manufacture of the Ice

therto used in

shall be con

the country, landers, and having in general tinued. found a tolerably good demand, partly even in foreign countries, their own profit will probably stimulate the inhabitants in future to continue exerting their utmost industry in the improvement of this kind of goods. But what different sorts thereof would now be most profitable for them to work, and of what quality they ought to be, will in future solely depend upon a mu tual agreement between the traders and the inhabitants; and, consequently, the traders themselves must furnish the inhabitants with such samples and information, according to which they may deem it most advantageous for the latter to work. Now, when the inhabitants have undertaken, according to such samples, information, or patterns, to make the goods bespoken, whether

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