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every side, they are apt to lose all presence of mind, become giddy, and fall down; thus, not only obstructing the exertions of the experienced firemen, but disheartening the tyro from following the example of his master. The veteran fireman, on the contrary, forms his opinion of a conflagration at the first sight of it; he immediately knows whither to direct his engine, and what instructions to give to the assistants.

A guard of firemen consists of three persous; a corporal, a head fireman, and an under-fireman. The first superintends the engine, that is to say, he directs the working of it, and takes care that no muddy or gritty water be poured into the cistern of the pump. The second superintends the fire, that is, he attends to the tendency, power, and extension of it, and points the spout of the engine accordingly. The third superintends the leather pipes, that is, he follows the second, being very careful that the pipes be well laid, do not become entangled, or swell too much in one place. To prevent their bursting, he is always provided with some twine, for the purpose of applying it in time. For, even if the pipe actually burst, this application is so beneficial, that the operation is no way interrupted by the aperture. The firemen, who possess the privilege of compelling every one present to give assistance, are expected to assign each person his proper place, lest he labour to no purpose. This task is allotted to the first fireman, who directs the working of the engine, and arranges near it the first file of from ten to fifteen persons, handing the buckets. The rest are under the orders of a magistrate, attending for that purpose. As scarely a day passes at Paris without some fire breaking out, the firemen are kept in continual practice. Every playhouse in Paris is obliged to provide a fire-engine, which is served by three firemen, who are daily relieved by others. Their attendance begins at five o'clock in the afternoon precisely, and is continued through the whole of the night till daylight, during which time they keep strict watch. Each man receives a monthly gratuity of thirty francs, as their pay, considering the extraordinary hardships and dangers to which they are exposed, is very slender; for the city pays to each fireman no more than sixteen sols a day. The smaller theatres disburse every day for the three fireinen nine livres, and the larger ones from fifteen to eighteen livres. In case a theatre be set on fire; the first MONTHLY MAG, No, 157.

sound of a particular whistle denotes that the firemen are at their post; the second, that the working of the engine has begun; and the third, that it has ceased, and is no longer necessary.

After what has been observed, no one can, even in Paris, become an expert firemen, before seven or eight years prac tice. For although theoretical knowledge is of some use, yet the views of many totally different conflagrations, an uncommon presence of mind, and a courage supported by the generous disposi tion of succouring the unfortunate, are absolutely necessary to insure ultimate


In Paris, the idea of honesty is inseparably connected with that of fireman; for although the fireman has a right to demand the opening of any room, and in case of refusal, to burst open both street and room-doors, yet there is no person who would take more scrupulous care of property entrusted to him.

Skilful engineers have more than once attended at conflagrations, but have freely confessed, that on such emergencies their theoretical knowledge proved insufficient to direct the operations of the firemen, who had the advantage of experi ence, derived from long practice.

Every fireman is at liberty to retire from the service of the company at pleasure, which is a wise regulation, calcu lated for its general benefit. For many individuals are admitted members, who, after becoming more intimately acquainted with the dangers, to which every fireman is daily exposed, shrink from the difficulties of such a service. Were these men enrolled like soldiers, they would discharge their duties not only in a servile manner, but in constant agony, and certainly do more harm than good; as the firemen engaged in actual service are enjoined to perform certain functions, from which every other citizen is excluded.

I have been informed that the French soldiers who returned from Egypt unauimously assert, that if Bonaparte had taken with him either a whole company, or at least a dozen, of fireinen, to iustruct ethers, they would not, during their stay in that country, have been aunoyed by so many conflagrations.

The new organization of the Paris firemen is set forth in a decree, which passed in the ninth year, under the Consular government. Its principal features are an augmentation of their number, and an increase of pay. The age of the fireinen is likewise restricted to the perio i

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of from 18 to 30. Every man muşt measure five feet two inches. He must be able to read and write; have been apprenticed at least for two years to the trades of bricklayer, carpenter, tiler, plumber, joiner, coacumakci, locksmith, sadler, or basketmaker, and he must possess a good character.

"Inutilesque amputans feliciores inserit.

I am aware that the latter part is (very happily) adopted for the enuerian seal: but that surely does not preclude a duferent adaptation of it for a still higher process; by which, I may venture upon the mictaphor, the whole kingdom itself is morany vaccinated at once.

mistake or two deserving of correction.

Though many attempts have been made in the city of Paris, both before and after last number but one (vol. xxi. p. 355), I open my note to say, that in your the revolution, as well as under the pre-in Memos of Lord Thurlow, there is a sent imperial government, to establish institutions for insuring buildings and property, similar to those which are the pride of London, yet whether it is that the people of Paris have no favourable opinion of the integrity of the monied interest, or that they place implicit condence in the skill of their firemen, these

institutions have never been crowned with success.

To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine.



I may be new to your ingenious correspondent Zenas, but, upon enquiry, he will find (I believe) that the variation which he proposes (vol. xxii. p. 435) in the orthography of the words exceed, proceed, and succeed, was introduced by no less a writer than Dr. Conyers Middleton, author of the Life of Cicero, &c. but without any permanent effect. There is a vexatious perverseness in this want of analogy, which more or less pervades our language, and which, I fear, is incorrigible. The same eminent authority, ou the same principle, would have introduced the words exclume, explane, &c. omitting the i, as forming no part of the original Latin word; but the practice died with himself. In the words ancient, pronunciation, and others which have obviously come to us by the strictly geographical route of France, it may still be doubtful whether the Gallic c or the Romant should be preferred; and yet, in such a word as vice and its derivatives, which may perhaps decide the question, we cannot hesitate about adopting the former.

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Dr. Smith, the master of Catus College, Cambridge, died in 1795, and was succeeded by Dr. Belward. Dr. Davy

succceded the latter.

In the next page, Lord Walsingham's family name is De Grey, not Delpez. The query at p. 354, relative to the barbarous practice of boiling lobster alive remains unanswered.

F. R. 9.

To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine. SIR,

HAVING seen in your entertaining Magazine for April, a second query concerning lady Vane, whose Me

mons are said to have been inserted in Peregrine Pickle, give me leave to inform you what I know about her. In the year 1771 (I was then a young girl, and on a party of pleasure with some trends at March's, Maidenhead-bridge), in the month of August, when, girl-like, we were watching at the window to see who came to the Inn, a coach stopped, and a lady was hitted out between two men. The singularity of her appearance attracted our notice: her face appeared as in a mask, I suppose from paint. When the waiter came in, we enquired who this extraor diary personage was, and were told it was the formerly much admired Lady Vane, who resided in complete retirement a few miles from that spot; that she was entirely nursed and attended by men; had lost the use of her limbs; and that her only recreation was to come to that in, which she did occasionally, and was obliged to have a bed on the groundflour; and that she sat up most of the night, and drank a great deal of wine and spirits.

Some years after, being in that neighbourhood, I enquired after the unfortu nate lady, and heard that she died a few months after I had seen her: so I suppose she was buried near the same spot. I then heard the name of the place, but have quite forgot it.

I am, your's, &e,

C. P.


To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine.

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Vre-considering Mr. Pickbourn's former letter in vol. xxi. p. 104, I find mar i have understood that part of as a translation of the passage quote from Bishop Hare, which Mr. P. intended only as an explanation of accea This misunderstanding, I assure MP was unintentional, and occasioned b. advertency, though the manner in! en the preceding sentence was word, might have deceived others as we l 19 me. This, however, makes no mated alteration with respect to the maiter 04 which we dufer in sentiment. With Mr. P. I think that acutus is undoubtedly a participle from the But in the place of the word syllaba, I would insert nota. Acuta noto means a sharpened or acuted note: and therefore syllaba accutæ notæ proxima must signify the syllable which is accented. That this is not a false nor forced interpretation of the passage in question, is evident from the context, and in particular, from what he afterwards subjoins; "Quæ acuuntur in tertia ab extrema, interdum acutum corripiunt, si positione sola longa sunt, ut optime, sérvitus, pércelim, Þámphilus, et pauca alia, quo Cretici mutantur in Anapestos. Idem fuctum est in neutiquam, licet incipiat diph thongo." De Metr. Comic. p. 62.

vero асио.

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I could wish to be informed by some of your learned correspondents why Heyne, in his edition of Virgil, has made use of the word Hebrum, instead of Eurum, in the passage in which the poet is describing Venus, the mother of Eneas:

qualis equos Threissa fatigat Harpalyce, volucremque fuga prævertitur

H brum.

Voluerem Hebrum, (says Heyne), communi fluviorum epitheto declaravit, ctst Hebri cursum narrant esse lenem ac placidum. I do not think that the epithet volucris is applicable to the Hebrus, if, as said, the course of the river be lenis et placidus. Besides, the common editions of Virgil have adopted the amendment of Huetius, and read Eurum, to which volucrem is much more applicable. In several places of his works, Virgil has made use of Eurus to express rapidity.

Fugit ilicet ocior Euro. En. viii 223. -Fugit ucior Euro. A. xii. 733.

In these and other passages, Heyne has followed the cominon reading; and

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day, I crossed at one of the ferries, and performed the journey on foot. As I passed along, I perceived the female villagers eye me with no little curiosity, but conceiving it to be nothing more than usual at the sight of a stranger, or perhaps somewhat flattered by female attention, no unpleasant apprehension arose; till at length a strong party of them, consisting of seven or eight, rushed from a little village, and surrounded me, one of them seizing me by the breast. Alarmed at this, so much like a hue and cry after a thief, I desired to know what was my offence; and in return was informed by the Amazon, who had me still in her grasp, that it was Easter Monday, or Lifting-day. As I had receiv ed some little hint of this custom when in Liverpool, and rightly supposed the principal object of all such (at least in modern days,) to be the extortion of money, I

thought it prudent so to liberate myself, rather than to satisfy my curiosity by a practical experience of the operation. The next village I had nearly shared a similar fate; but fortunately, I was too far advanced ere they could collect in sufficient numbers to commence the aftack. As it was past 12 o'clock when I arrived at Chester, I witnessed nothing more on that day, it being confined to the forenoon entirely: but on the morrow my ears of those who were attacking the passen were carly assailed by the rude clamours gers on every side. Nor were the houses, at least the inus, a sufficient protection; as I had by no means the enviable pleasure delicate party enquire if the gentleman to hear, during my breakfast, a far from was risen, which was answered by my hostess in the negative; thus by a little tice is, that if the perfons so seized, male falsehood securing my safety. The prac or female (as they have each a day), refuse to pay the necessary fine, they are taken by the arms, legs, clothes, or any part, and tossed up and down several times, the last, not unfrequently, suffered 3 K 2


to fall with considerable violence: indeed, I am told that serious accidents have been known to occur through it. The precedence of the sex as to the day is, I understand, in some places, where no doubt the original custom is more strictly adhered to, regulated by the superiority of a king or queen, who are chosen to ride for it; the winning sex commencing hostilities on the Monday, the other retaliating on the Tuesday; but in most places, little to the honour of their gallantry, the men take the lead now. Sir, as I am a West-countryman, and little versed in any customs but those of my own immediate neighbourhood, I should thank any of the numerous readers of your valuable Magazine if they would inform me through its medium, of the origin and intention of this curious one; as I am by no means satisfied with the information given me by a gentleman, to whom, on account of his age and situation, I plied, that it was in commemoration of our Lord's resurrection. Were such the


case, much as I venerate ancient usages, I could wish to see this abolished, as, in addition to its appearing like a burlesque, and fitter to convey an idea of poor Sancho Panza's tossing in the bianket, the horrid oaths and imprecations at tending the proceeding, give a stranger a very indifferent opinion of the veneration entertained here for an event the most interesting to human nature. As it seems to originate in Wales, whither our most ancient customs retired, perhaps there is some little remains in it of a ceremony attached to the early religion of this island; as it was the practice of our first Christian missionaries to suffer the converts to retain as much of the former ceemonies and usages which they were attached to, as was consistent with the spirit and purity of our benevolent religion. In that case it may be classed with the Maygames of our island, or the hill-fires of the Irish; and some very learned person may trace its introduction to the Phoenicians: indeed, Mr. Editor, it is impossible to say how far my question may lead; but at all events, it is pretty well for you in the Petropolis that it is not in the possession of your canaille, or even in that of your poissardes at Billingsgate; for, though it would not affect your beaux or fashionables, who scarcely know what a forenoon is, the consequence might not be pleasant to soine of the rest. Liverpool, Your's, &c. April 1807.


For the Monthly Magazine


MONG the introductions which

A have more immediately distinguish

dern life above the comforts of our early ed the comparative convenience of moancestors, we may, perhaps, be allowed to place the use of chimnies.

whether the ancients were acquainted It has been a question often canvassed, have been cited are rather evidences that with them; but the. testimonies which the houses of Greece and Rome were

silent on the subject. And what we learn from the discoveries at Herculaneum and Pompeii, as well as from the traces of Roman stations both in this and other countries, more than indicates that the different apartments were warmed entirely by subterraneous flues.

constructed without them. Vitruvius is

The oldest certain account of chimwriting the History of Inventions, was in neys that occurred to Beckmann, while 1347, when a great many chimnies at Venice (molti camini) are said to have been thrown down by an earthquake. in Germany came from Savoy, Piedimont, He adds, that the first chimney-sweepers for a long time were the only countries and the neighbouring territories; which where the cleaning of chinnies was car

ried on as a trade.

But although chimnies were not common, their use may be proved in this country at a period still more distant. Chemin, which implies a road or way, may, perhaps, induce one to believe that the introduction of them was from France; or the name might have been taken from the Latin.

Mr. Whitaker, in the History of Craven (p. $34), recites a Computus of Bolton-abbey, in Yorkshire; in which, so long ago as 1310, the sum of nine shillings was paid for the making of a chim

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appears to notice the chimnies as confined to the chambers of the rich: "Now hath eche ryche a rule to eaten by himselfe,

In a privy parler for poor men sake,

Or in chamber with a chimney and leave the chief halle."

But the introduction of these funnels was an innovation which does not seem to have been generally approved; since we do not find them exhibited in the illuminations of our ancient manuscripts till about the close of the fifteenth century. One or two are seen in the View of London, of the time of Henry the Seventh, engraved in Mr. Gough's History of Pleshy.

In some cases it should seem that they were moveable at least we gather so from the following passage in the Will of John Sothill, proved in the Registry at York, October 3, 1500. (Reg. Ebor. Scroope, f. 256.)

"I will that my son have the great chymney that was my faders, and all the leds in the brew hous."

Harrison, in the Description of Britaine, written about 1570, prefixed to Holinshed's Chronicle, gives a relation which seems to imply that they had not even then become very common in our country towns.

"There are old men (he says) yet dwelling in the village where I remaine, which have noted three things too much increased. One is the multitude of chimnyes latelie erected, whereas in their yoong daies there were not above two or three, if so manie, in most uplandish townes of the realme (the religi ous houses, and manour places of their lords alwaies excepted, and peradventure some great parsonages); but each one made his fire against a rere-dosse in the hall, where he dined and dressed his meat."

He afterwards adds,

"Now have we manye chimnyes, and yet our tenderlings complayn of rheums, catarrhs, and poses; then had we nothing but rere-dosses, and yet our heads did never ache. For as the smoke in those daies was supposed to be a sufficient hardning for the timber of the house, so it was reputed a farre better medicine to keepe the good man and his family from the quacke or pose, wherewith as then very fewe were acquainted."

But Mr. King, in the History of Vale Royal, published in 1856, states their introduction into Cheshire to have been considerably later :-

"In the building and furniture of their houses (he observes), till of late years, they used the old manner of the Saxons; for they had their fire in the midst of the house, against a hob of clay, and their oxen under the same roof: but within these forty years they have builded chimneys."

Such are the principal testimonies which relate to the introduction of chim nies. Their use became afterwards so general, that in the 11th of Charles the Second the duty paid to the crown on houses had the name of chimney-money. And it would be difficult, perhaps, to find a hovel at the present day without


Our ancestors, however, at remoter periods, seem to have tried different ways of getting rid of the smoke from their kitchens.

The kitchen at Glastonbury Abbey, which had four fire-places in the lower part, had a roof which contracted in proportion to its height, and ended in a kind of open lantern.

That at Stanton Harcourt, in Oxfordshire, belonging to the ancient residence of the Harcourt family, is still more curious. It is built of stone, square below, octangular above, ending like a tower; and fires being made against the walls, the smoke climbed up them without any funnels, or disturbance to the cooks, and being stopped by a large conical roof, went out in loop-holes at the sides, which were shut or opened as the wind set, being formed by boards with hinges.


To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine.



SHALL be obliged to any of our Correspondents who can inform me (through the channel of your useful and widely-circulated miscellany) from whence came the term witch-elm, a name given to a species of elm-tree, to distinguish it from the common-elm. Some people have conjectured that it was a corruption of white elm, and so called from the silvery whiteness of its leaves when the sun shines upon them: but this is hardly probable, as Sir F. Bacon in his "Silva Silvarum, or Natural History, in Ten Centuries," speaks of it under the name of weech elm, which I should think was the properest way to spell it. The insertion of this will much oblige, Your's, &c.

December 6, 1806.

S. R.


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