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We cannot, however, believe the hero of Dettingen could have been guilty of such pusillanimity. We shall not pursue the subject further, for the present, than by extracting the author's account of the battle of Falkirk. The rebels having made a rapid movement from Bannockburn, took the English army by surprise :

They immediately flew to arms, and with great precipitation ascended to a part of the height, between us and the tower of Falkirk. There was a high wind, accompanied by a heavy rain, which the Highlanders, by their position, had in their back, whilst it was full in the face of the English, who were blinded by it. They were, besides, incommoded with the smoke of our discharge; and the rain, getting into their pans, rendered the half of their muskets useless. The English fruitlessly attempted to gain the advantage of the wind; but the prince, extending to the left, took care to preserve this advantage, by corresponding movements on his part.

his assistance, and drew him with diffi-best are but machines, and still more of
culty from under his horse.
undisciplined men, who do not listen to
any orders, than to let them run every
risk in order to carry every thing before

I met, by accident, Colonel Brown, an Irishman, to whom I proposed, that we should keep together, and share the same fate. He consented, but observed at the same time, that the prince having made him the bearer of an order, he wished to find him, with the view of communicating an answer. After having sought the prince for a long time to no purpose, and without finding any one who could give us the least information respecting him, we fell in with his life-guards, in order of battle, near a cottage on the edge of the hill, with their commander, Lord Elcho, who knew as little of what had become of Charles as we did ourselves. As the night was very dark, and the rain incessant, we resolved to withdraw to the mansion of Mr. Primrose, of Dunipace, about a quarter of a league from Falkirk, having a crowd of Highlanders as guides, who took the same road.

The resistance of the Highlanders was so incredibly obstinate, that the English, after having been for some time engaged pell-mell with them in their ranks, were at length repulsed, and forced to retire. The Highlanders did not neglect the advantage they had obtained, but pursued them keenly with their swords, running as fast as their horses, and not allowing them a moment's time to recover from their fright. So that the English cavalry, falling back on their own infantry, drawn up in order of battle behind them, threw them immediately into disorder, and carried the right wing of their army with them in their flight. The clan of Camerons, which was on the left of our army, having attacked at the same time the right of the English army, where there were only infantry, put it also to flight; but the Highlanders, when descending the hill in pursuit of the enemy, received, on their left flank, a discharge from the three regiments placed in the hollow at the foot of the hill, which they did not General Hawley drew up his army in perceive till the moment they received 'On our arrival at the castle, we found order of battle, in two lines, having three their fire, which greatly incommoded Lord Lewis Gordon, brother to the Duke regiments of infantry in a hollow at the them. Mr. John Roy Stuart, an officer of Gordon, Mr. Frazer, son of Lord Lofoot of the hill. His cavalry was placed in the service of France, afraid lest this vat, and six or seven other chiefs of before his infantry, on the left wing of might be an ambuscade laid for us by the clans; but none of them knew what had the first line. The English began the at- English, called out to the Highlanders to become of their regiments. Other offitack, with a body of about eleven hun-stop their pursuit; and the cry of stop! cers arrived every instant, all equally ig dred cavalry, who advanced very slowly flew immediately from rank to rank, and norant of the fate of the battle, and equalagainst the right of our army, and did threw the whole army into disorder. ly in doubt whether we had gained or lost not halt till they were within twenty paces However, the enemy continued their re-it. About eight o'clock in the evening, of our first line, to induce us to fire. treat, and the three regiments at the foot Mr. Macdonald of Lochgary joinedus, The Highlanders, who had been particu- of the hill followed the rest; but with and revived our spirits, by announcing larly enjoined not to fire till the army was this difference, that they retreated always for certain, that we had gained a most within musket-length of them, the mo- in order, and acting as a rear-guard of the complete victory; and that the English, ment the cavalry halted, discharged their English army, and they continued a fire instead of remaining in their camp, had muskets, and killed about eighty men, of platoons on us till their entrance into fled in disorder to Edinburgh. He added, each of them having aimed at a rider. the town of Falkirk. in confirmation of this news, that he had The commander of this body of cavalry, 'As night began to appear, the English left the prince in Falkirk, in the quarters who had advanced some paces before army entered the town, and fires were which had been occupied by General Hawhis men, was of the number. The ca- immediately seen in every part of their ley; and that the prince had sent him to valry closing their ranks, which were camp, from which we all supposed that Dunipace, for the express purpose of oropened by our discharge, put spurs to they had retreated to it, and that we had dering all of us to repair to Falkirk next their horses and rushed upon the High- not obtained a complete and substantial morning by break of day. landers at a hard trot, breaking their victory. The honour of remaining masters It is impossible, without having been ranks, throwing down every thing before of the field was of little avail to us. We in our situation, to form an idea of the them, and trampling the Highlanders un- had no reason for believing that we had extreme joy which we derived from this der the feet of their horses. The most lost the battle, as the English army had agreeable surprise. As the enemy, in singular and extraordinary combat im-retreated; but as we supposed them still their retreat, had abandoned all their mediately followed. The Highlanders, in their camp, we considered it, at most, tents and baggage, their camp was soon stretched on the ground, thrust their dirks as undecided, and expected a renewal of pillaged by the Highlanders, and the into the bellies of the horses. Some the combat next morning. booty carried away, notwithstanding the seized the riders by their clothes, drag- Fortunately, the enemy did not per- obscurity of the night and the badness of ed them down, and stabbed them with ceive the disorder which had crept into our the weather. The enemy lost six huntheir dirks; several again used their pis- army, and of which Colonel John Roy dred in killed, and we took seven huntols; but few of them had sufficient Stuart was the innocent cause, by his ex-dred prisoners. It was Lord Kilmarnock space to handle their swords. Macdonald, cessive precaution and foresight. The who first discovered the flight of the Engof Clanranald, chief of one of the clans Highlanders were in complete disorder, lish. Being well acquainted with the of the Macdonalds, assured me, that dispersed, and the different clans min- nature of the ground, as a part of his whilst he was lying upon the ground, un-gled pell-mell together; whilst the ob- estates lay in the neighbourhood, he was der a dead horse, which had fallen upon scurity of the night added greatly to the sent by the prince to reconnoitre the him, without the power of extricating confusion. Many of them had even re- English; and having approached the great himself, he saw a dismounted horseman tired from the field of battle, either think-road to Edinburgh, beyond the town of struggling with a Highlander; fortunate-ing it lost, or with the intention of seekly for him, the Highlander, being the strongest, threw his antagonist, and having killed him with his dirk, be came to

ing a shelter from the dreadful weather.
It is often more dangerous to stop the fire
and impetuosity of soldiers, of whom the

Falkirk, passing by bye paths and across fields, he saw the English army panicstruck, and flying in the greatest disorder, as fast as their legs could carry

This Journal possesses no other interest than what it derives from the peculiar circumstances under which it

them. Lord Kilmarnock immediately
returned to the prince, with an account
of this fortunate discovery, who still re-
mained on the field of battle, notwith-has been written and produced. It is
standing the dreadful wind and rain; but
he then descended from the hill, about a very dry narrative, interspersed with
half-past seven o'clock in the evening, common-place uotices of the places vi-
immediately entered the town of Falkirk, sited, and the events connected with
and detached as many troops as he could them. If, however, in addition to the
suddenly assemble, to harass the English exposure which Demont suffered in
in their flight, who were yet at a short the House of Lords, any other proof
were wanting of her ingratitude and
be found in the following almost im-
treachery to her royal mistress, it would
pious passage, which appears in this
Journal, in the account of the Queen's
entry into Jerusalem :-

distance from us.

the women


We then arrived at the palace of the Bey, who received her Royal Highness. Her Royal Highness had the kindness to present us to him; after a short conversation, (they conversed in Italian,) he took the Princesss by the hand, and conducted her into his seraglio. She cominanded us to follow her; the gentlemen remained in the hall, it being forbidden for any man to enter the seraglio, under pain of death. We were introduced into a magnificent room: themselves of their artillery during the stones; their legs were uncovered, and The enemy were unable to avail dressed with incredible splendour, being loaded with gold, diamonds, and precious action, and to carry it with them in their flight; and we found, next day, fen field their ancles encircled with diamond pieces, half way up the hill, which they chains; their fingers covered with rich rings, and the tips of them painted black. had not time to draw up to the top. They lost a great many men in the hol- 'At three o'clock in the afternoon, we The Princess seated herself with the Bey low at the foot of the hill, where the broke up our tents, and the same evening, and his first wife, upon rich cushions; corn-fields were thickly strewed with at nine o'clock, reached Jerusalem. At five wives, of the rank of slaves, presentdead bodies. In their flight they took our entry, the people assembled in ed napkins, wrought with gold; and af one prisoner, in a very singular manner. crowds to see the Princess of Wales, who terwards, the richest collation that can be Mr. Macdonald, a major of one of the rode upon an ass. This circumstance re- pictured was served to them; there were Macdonald regiments, having dismount-called to me strongly the Day of Palms, full two hundred different dishes, all ed an English officer, took possession of (Palm Sunday,) on which our Saviour served upon gold. After the repast, the his horse, which was very beautiful, and made, in the same manner, his entry into slaves brought their finest perfumes, and immediately mounted it. When the Jerusalent. I imagined I beheld him, sprinkled us with them from head to foot; our dresses have not even yet lost the English cavalry fled, the horse ran off with and inwardly made comparisons: for asscent. The Bey ordered music to be the unfortunate Mr. Macdonald, notwith-suredly, if any one can in any way resem. standing all his efforts to restrain him; ble our great Saviour, it is this excellent brought. Six old women commenced nor did it stop till it was at the head of princess. She is, like him, charitable, playing a sort of charivari, which deafened the regiment, of which, apparently, its mild, and beneficent to all; she has suf- our hearing, but it was the most excelmaster was the commander. The me- fered much, and always supports her mis-lent melody of the Turkish court; and lancholy, and at the same time ludicrous fortunes with great patience and resigna- the old women were the most perfect of figure, which poor Macdonald would cut, tion; and, like him, she has not deserved its songstresses. Afterwards, the eldest son of the Bey, (he who is now reigning,) when he thus saw himself the victim of them.' took her Royal Highness by the hand, his ambition to possess a fine horse, which and conducted her into his own seraglio, ultimately cost him his life upon the scaf-ing of Jerusalem, and strongly recom-whither also we followed her. That of fold, may be easily conceived.'

(To be continued)

Journal of the Visit of Her Majesty the Queen, to Tunis, Greece, and Palestine; written by Louise De


The lady is quite devout when speak

mends a new crusade, to rescue the
Holy Sepulchre from the infidels.
One of the best passages is the account
of her Majesty's reception at Tunis.
She says,

the son is more extensive than that of the father, and contains more women; but they were not so richly dressed, with the exception of his wife, who was very beautiful, as was also that of the second son. The ceremonies with which we were received in the first seraglio, were repeated Unin this; the women crowded round us, and appeared delighted to see us. fortunate creatures! we were undoubt edly the first strangers whom they had seen since they were first immured, like encaged birds, in these cloisters. When

On the 12th, her Royal Highness With other corresponding went to pay a visit to the Bey, at his Papers, collected in Switzerland, and country residence. All the Turkish officers accompanied her, and on the road translated by Edgar Garston. 8vo. went through a very pretty manœuvre to pp. 84. London, 1821. entertain her. They galloped forward WE presume that our readers are pret- with their horses, which seemed rather to ty well acquainted with the character fly than to run; when advanced to some once the doors of the mansion are closed of Miss Demont, the soi disant Coun- distance, they wheeled round, and retess of Colombier, whose depositions turned with the velocity of lightning, dis-upon them, they step forth no more, and meet the eye of no one, save the princes, on a late important investigation ex- charging their muskets, and exhibiting a cited so much interest. In the course sham fight together. It is difficult to by whom they are treated like slaves. conceive how a man, mounted on a fiery When the princes enter, they all hasten to of the examination which this intrigu-horse, swift as the wind, can load his kiss their hands; it is the only favour elly ing chambermaid underwent in the piece and discharge it with so much fa-joyed by them. They are enormously House of Lords, it transpired that she cility; but such is their manner of carry- fat, and those who are the most bulky are had kept a Journal of her Majesty's ing on war. In other respects, they are esteemed the most beautiful; those who travels, which, while circulated in MS. very cowardly, and a Christian need not are slender, are lightly valued, and even had attracted much notice in Switzer- fear an encounter with thirty Turks. scarcely looked at. They are constantly land, among those who were acquainted Their uniform nearly made us expire guarded and watched by eunuchs; thus look upon them as buried alive. It is with the writer. Some copies of this with laughter; they looked like so many Journal had been taken, and Mr. Gar-old women; some had white head-dresses said that there are five hundred in the paston, who officiated as interpreter at (a papillons,) others had grey handker- lace of Tunis.' chiefs fastened on the head, and cloaks, the Queen's trial, was, during a recent visit to Switzerland, enabled to procure a copy, from which this transla

tion is made.

made like mantillas, on their shoulders,
with large wooden boots on their legs.
During a journey of three miles, we were
much diverted with this masquerade.

At Athens, her Royal Highness gave two balls to the Grecian ladies:

Their manner of dancing is insipid to the last degree, (pour mourir d'ennui.) They are not permitted to dance with

the gentlemen, but merely among them-
selves; and their dance consists of no-
thing more than taking each other's hand,
and turning. The first, or the one who
dances best, holds a handkerchief in hering volume, which, with more rational-
hand, which she constantly waives; the ity, is called Philosophical Recrea-
accompanying music is simply, là, là, là, tions, or Winter Amusements.'
là, là, là, and là, là, là, without variety.
Added to this, their want of grace makes
one fancy them puppets, moved by wires.
The lower rank of women wear a head-
dress, composed of a silver coin, called
barras, which is equivalent to a raps of
Switzerland; they have also necklaces of
the same materials; the coins are pierced
in the centre, and placed on an iron wire.hanced by authority. But poachersing water; taking care to moisten it

ticable, or, at least, dear experiments; powder; and, having mixed them with
and, with all our love of science, we
the powder, form them into a kind of
are quite satisfied with the accompany-paste. With this paste join the pieces of
China, or glass, and press them together
for seven or eight minutes. This cement
will stand both heat and water, and will
never give way, even if the article should,
by accident, fall to the ground.'

The women who are more wealthy, wear gold coin in the same style, and in great profusion. Both the poor and the wealthy unstring them, when they have no other money, or in preference to borrowing, and distribute to the many poor who of

fer themselves every where, and invariably limit their petition to a barras.'

The choicest fruits of the labours of
Boyle, Gregory, Joyce, Wilkins, Ac-
cum, and others, form the matter and
value of both collections. It would
be fair and sincere were their editors
to give the respective authorities.
Books, like acts of parliament, are en-

and empirics carry on their calling
without constituted authority: ergo,
they avoid the light of truth, and too
often escape the sword of justice. We
will not, however, quarrel about the
definite or indefinite period of enjoy-

inent stated; but, as these works are precisely similar in their nature, apThere is not a word about Maho-pearance, and tendency, we shall enmet's Moorish Dance, nor the slightest deavour to entertain our readers by charge of impropriety against the offering them five or six of the least Queen, in the whole of this narrative, common things, as we imagine, which which is in a style so stiff as to give a much less favourable opinion of De- ment' or philosophical recreation.' are likely to afford endless amusemont's talents, than her letters, produced during the Queen's trial had created.


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Method of giving to Plaster of Paris Figures the Appearance of Marble.-One ounce of Windsor soap being grated is to be put into four fluid pounds of clear waEndless Amusement; a Collection of ter, and dissolved in a well glazed earthnearly four hundred entertaining en vessel. Then add of white bees' wax periments, in various Branches of soon as the whole is incorporated, the one ounce, cut into thin slices, and, as Science. To which-is added a com- compost is fit for use. Having dried the plete System of Pyrotechny. Se-figure well before the fire, suspend it by cond Edition. 12mo. pp. 216. London, 1821. Philosophical Recreations, or Winter Amusements; a Collection of entertaining and surprising Experiments in Mechanics, Arithmetic, Optics, Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Electricity, Chemistry, and Pyrotechny, &c. &c. 12mo. pp. 200. London, 1821.

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To remove Stains and Blemishes from Prints.-Paste a piece of paper to a very smooth clear table that the boiling water, used in the operation, may not acquire a colour which might lessen its success. Spread out the print you wish to clean upon the table, and sprinkle it with boil. throughout by very carefully applying a very fine sponge. After you have repeated this process five or six times you will observe the stains or spots extend themselves, but this is only a proof that the dirt begins to be dissolved.

After this preparation, lay the print smoothly and carefully into a copper or wooden vessel, larger than the size of the print. Then cover it with a boiling ley of potash, taking care to keep it hot as long as possible. After the whole is cooled, strain off the liquor, take out the print with care, spread it on stretched cord, and, when half dry, press it between leaves of white paper to prevent wrinkles.

'By this process, spots and stains, of any kind, will be effectually removed.'

To take Impressions of Coins, Medals, &c.-Cut fish glue, or singlass, into small pieces, immerse it in clear water, dissolved, let it boil slowly, stirring it and set it on a slow fire; when gradually with a wooden spoon, and taking off the scum. The liquor being sufficiently adhesive, take it off the fire, let it cool a little, and then pour it on the medal or coin you wish to copy, having first rubbed the coin over with oil. Let the composition lay about the thickness of a crown piece

on the medal. Then set it in a moderate

a wire of twine, and dip it once in the
varnish; upon taking it out, the moisture
will appear to have been absorbed in
two minutes time stir the compost, and
dip it a second time, and this generally
suffices. Put it aside from dust for a
week; then, with a bit of soft muslin rag air, neither too hot nor too cold; let it
or cotton wool, rub the figure gently, cool and dry; when it is dry, it will loosen
when a most brilliant gloss will be pro- itself: you will find the impression cor-
duced. Great care, however, is neces-rect, and the finest strokes expressed with
sary to avoid a brasion of the coat of var- the greatest accuracy.
nish, which would render the labour use-
less, and the figure would require dipping

[ocr errors]

This size is made by gently simmering the cuttings of clear white parchment in a pipkin, with a little water, till it becomes adhesive.'

You may give a more pleasing effect to the composition by mixing any colour with it, red, yellow, blue, green, &c.; Withered Fruit restored.-Take a shri- and, if you add a little parchment size to ceiver, exhaust the air. The apple will velled apple, and placing it under the re-it, it will make it harder and better. immediately be plumped up, and look as fresh as when first gathered; for this reason, that the pressure of the external air being taken off, the air in the apple extends it; so much, indeed, that it will sometimes burst. If the air is let into the receiver, the apple will be restored to its pristine shrivelled state.'

Endless Amusement ! ! !'—Was there ever a more fatiguing fitle to a book? We read, in Shakespeare, of 'a consummation devoutly to be wished !'— The zealous divine tells us that the end of all things is at hand. Philosophers advise us, in the exercise of the mean, to keep the end in view;' and yet, though we love to arrive at the end of the week, the end of our cares, of our follies, our years, and our journies, a little 'collection' of practical and experimental philosophy professes to insure us endless amusement. But we are not to be so misled by outward at-ter shells, pound them, sift them through traction. This book, as a collection, contains many useful recipes, and it also contains many useless and imprac

'Never-yielding Cement.-Calcine oys

till they are reduced to the finest pow-
a silk sieve, and grind them on porphory
der. Then take the whites of several
eggs, according to the quantity of the

[ocr errors]

The Art of Bronzing.-Bronzing is that process by which figures of plaster of paris, wood, &c. are made to have the appearance of copper or brass. The me

thod is as follows:

⚫ Dissolve copper filings in aqua-fortis. When the copper has impregnated the acid, pour off the solution, and put into it some pieces of iron, or iron filings. The effect of this will be to sink the powder to the acid. Pour off the liquor and wash

the powder in successive quantities of fresh water when the powder is dry, it is to be rubbed on the figure with a soft cloth, or piece of leather; but observe hat, previously to the application of the bronze powder, a dark blackish sort of green is first to be laid on the figure; and, if you wish the powder to adhere stronger, mix it with gum water, lay it on like paint, with a camel's hair brush, or previously trace the parts to be bronzed with gold size; and, when nearly dry, rub the powder over it.'

The Tutor's Assistant; being a Com-is specially remarked in the Olympic
pendium of Arithmetic, and a complete games, in those of the Amphitheatre,
Question Book. By Francis Walk- and in chivalry; the grand and noble
ingame. A new Edition. By the establishment of the middle ages.
Rev. T. Smith. 12mo. pp. 208.
London, 1821.

We do not know that we have any business to review this work, a copy of it having been sent, under an envelope, to the Literary Gazette and including a review by the author, addressed to The Cameleon Spirit.-Put into a de- the Literary Chronicle. Be this as it canter volatile spirit, in which you have may, we cannot but feel pain in seedissolved copper filings, and it will pro-ing industry, united with some talent, duce a fine blue. If the bottle is stopped stoop to the tricks of charlatanism; the colour will disappear; but, when un- such conduct, in our opinion, is highly stopped, it will return. This experiment to be condemned; and we recommend may be often repeated.' to the Rev. T. Smith to have more confidence in future in his own merits, and in the justice of the critical press.

[ocr errors]

A Lamp that will burn twelve Months without replenishing.-Take a stick of phosphorus and put it into a large dry phial, not corked, and it will afford a light sufficient to discern any object in a room, when held near it. The phial should be kept in a cool place, where there is no great current of air, and it will continue its luminous appearance for more than twelve months."

Three Objects discernible only with both eyes. If you fix three pieces of paper against the wall of a room, at equal distances, at the height of your eye, placing yourself directly before them, at a few distances, and close your right eye, and look at them with your left, you will see only two of them, suppose the first and second; alter the position of your eye, and you will see the second and third, but never the whole three toge ther; by which it appears, that a person who has only one eye can never see three objects placed in this position, nor all the parts of one object, of the same extent, without altering the situation of his eye.' To form Figures in Relief on an Egg. --Design on the shell any figure or ornament, you please, with melted tallow, or any other fat oily substance; then inmerse the egg in very strong vinegar, and let it remain till the acid has corroded that part of the shell which is not covered with the greasy matter; those parts will then appear in relief, exactly as you have

drawn them.'

Foreign Literature.

Les Trois Ages; ou, les Jeux Olympiques,
L'Amphithéatre, et la Chevalerie.
The three Ages, or the Olympic
Games, the Amphitheatre, and Chi-
valry. 12mo. pp. 288. Paris.
POETRY is the language of inspiration,
and the moment verse ceases to inspire
it ceases to be poetry: this grand and
simple truth seems to be an impene-
trable secret to thousands who sip at
Helicon; they fancy that a certain
number of syllables, strung together
like rows of beads in pairs, is poetry,
merely because they assign that name
to it; but they are woefully mistaken,
as their still-born productions prove.

The Olympic games, founded in the infancy of Greece, contributed to its aggrandizement, and flourished long after its glory was set; they survived it, and, in the state of abasement to which it was reduced, they impressed upon the conquerors that ascendancy which arts and learning give.

The first object of the Olympic games was to form warriors and to render the nation stronger; without taking any other direction, they acquired a greater development; they were applied to mental, as well as bodily, exercises; and there were crowned all the talents, all the arts, and all that bore a character of genius and grandeur. This reunion of all the states of Greece was no vain spectacle: forgetting their dissensions, in the midst of public dangers, and hastening to the banks of the Alphea to partake of the same sacritices and the same fetes, and attaching sufficient importance to those solemnities to render their return periodical, in order, from it, to form the basis of their chronology, the source of pa triotism, and the love of glory.

The four years which separated these celebrations, was a period of labour and trials, in which the parties endeavoured to acquire new titles to the admiration of Greece. The athletæ, the scholar, and the artist, exerted themselves, in the interval, to merit new crowns: a rising generation preTrue poetry possesses a different pared itself for succeeding, honorably, character; it assumes a simple fact, its predecessors; there was thus estabclothes it in the richest drapery, places lished, not only between contempora it, as it were, on the throne, and sur-ries, but between parents and children, rounds it with a brilliant court to a happy emulation; and, with such which you are invited; you assist in great examples before them, they asperson; and, while your imagination ispired to excel. The Olympic games charined with the ravishing scenes presented to you, your mind partakes of all the emotions the poet wishes to inspire, and your understanding is, insensibly enlightened. Such was the aim of poetry in ancient times: but ah! how has it degenerated; yet the sacred fire is not lost; were a proof of it wanting, we could proudly refer to the volume before us, and we cannot give a better idea of the noble aim of the poet than in quoting passages from his introduction.

We shall not make any further extracts, as those already quoted are sufficient to explain the nature and character of both these works, which, though intended for juvenile readers, may afford an agreeable recreation to children of a larger growth. We should add, that there are several figures in a sheet to illustrate the most curious experiments, in each of these volumes; but we think them, The most durable institutions are like Hodge's razors, not made for use, those which enter into the education of but to sell the sine qua non of litera- the people, inspire them with strong ry traders in pictures of castles et ce-emotions, and are supported by the pomp of solemnities. This character


were, thus, a source of great actions to Greece. Who could resist the seduction of such solemn triumphs? genius, virtue itself, are not insensible to praise, and what empire must they not have had over á people endowed with a lively and fertile imagination, accessi ble to all kinds of emotions, quick in discerning and selecting what was noble and grand! Their religion even, favoured these first impressions; all Greece was peopled with divinities. Man found himself every where surrounded with them, and he was retained in the line of duty by these numer ous witnesses of his actions. The gods were not always invisible; ancient tra ditions recalled their appearances and

their metamorphoses: it was under the
human form they loved to shew them-
selves; from hence, a more intimate
connection between them and man;
the poets had, even, lent them our pas
sious and our weaknesses, and, if this
error degraded their majesty, at least it
elevated man in his own eyes. Some
heroes had obtained the honour of apo-
theosis for their great actions, or ser-
vices rendered to humanity; the career
was still open, and, even at the time
when new divinities ceased to be ad-
mitted, human respect and glory were
considered a sufficient recompense.'
This is sufficient to shew the plan of
our author in his exquisite little po-
ems; of his manner we will select a
specimen, where Sophocles recites the
episode of Leonidas: the beautiful po-
em of Glover has not a passage equal
to it :-

'Vaillant Léonidas! héroïque victime!
Quel triomphe égalait ton dévouement sublime,
Lorsqu'à Lacédémone, assis parmi les rois,
Prêt à mourir pour elle et pour ses saintes lois,
Tu reçois, sans pâlir, ses adieux et ses larmes !
Les trois cents immortels se couvrent de leurs


Tu guides aux combats leur noble désespoir;
Et, saluant ce jour qui n'aura point de soir,
T'agrandissant comme eux à l'aspect de la

Tu meurs, accompagné de leur triple héca-

It is murdering poetry to put it into prose; but we wish to convey a faiut idea of the beauties of the original, even under such a disadvantage:

Valiant Leonidas! heroic victim! what triumph could equal thy sublime devotion, when at Lacedemon, seated amongst kings, ready to die for her and her holy laws, thou receivedst, without turning pale, her adieus and her tears! the three hundred immortals gird on their arms; thou guidest to combat their noble despair, and, saluting the morn which shall have no evening, aggrandizing thyself, like them, at the aspect of the tomb, thou diest accompanied by their triple hecatomb.'

We are sure that our readers will prefer other extracts to an analysis of the work; which no admirer of fine poetry would wish to be without. After painting the advantages of the Olympic games, their influence on manners, and even the character of the people, the author feelingly retraces the destruction of Greece and the transfer of her riches to Rome, the new wonder of the world. He paints the ferocity of Roman manners, which was more or less apparent, even to the destruction of the empire; so true it is, as old Pasquier says in his Recherches. Every na

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tion preserves, through the continuity Je pris soin de son antre, et d'une herbe noù-
of ages, traces of its first form and pri-Je couvrais chaque jour la couche fraternelle.
mitive manners; the Romans, in the Abattu sous nos coups, le peuple des forêts
origin, were a horde of banditti, they De sa riche dé pouille ornait notre palais;
knew no law but power, and woe to Moi-même j'empruntai leur sauvage parure:
the vanquished' was their motto: and, Repoussé des humains, et seul dans la nature,
woe indeed it was to them, for they be- Un lion m'accueillait; je descendis à lui.
Souvent, pour l'arracher à son stupide ennui,
came slaves, and were obliged to fight J'essayais, en jouant, une lutte innocente:
until they died, to please their barba- Timide, il épargnait mon audace impuissante;
rous conquerors; and, if they refused, Terreur des animaux, un lion me craignait;
they were doomed to be devoured by L'homme avait pris ses droits, et le faible rég-
wild beasts. The Roman dames have, Je rougissais pourtant de mon sauvage empire.
joyfully, witnessed a thousand of these O raison! noble instincti qui pourrait te dé-
inhuman massacres in a day! One of
the most remarkable of them is select-
ed by our poet to illustrate them; it is
the well known story of Androcles, but
which possesses new charms from his

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Quel est l'infortuné qu'on amène au supplice?
Il porte encor des fers la double cicatrice:
Un glaive, un bouclier sont remis dans ses

Ses farouches regards évitent les humains;
Seul, assis sur la pierre, il garde le silence.
Mais déja, dans le cirque, apparaît et s'élance
Un lion irrité, que tourmente la faim,
Et que la Gétulie a porté dans son sein.
Malheureux Androcles! tu te soutiens à peine
Déja ton ennemi, bondissant dans l'arène,
Semble te dévorer de ses regards sanglants:
Sa queue en longs replis entoure et bat ses


Il accourt, il se dresse: ô prodige! il s'arrête :
Ses longs crins hérissés retombent sur sa tête ;
D'une langue craintive il flatte tes genoux,
Il se couche à tes pieds, et ses yeux sans cour-
Se lévent sur les tiens en s'humectant de larmes.
D'un spectacle nouveau l'on admire ses charmes;
Les cœurs sont attendris; et l'homme humilié
Reçoit des animaux des leçons de pitié.
Rassurez-vous, parlez, étonnante victime!
Il recueille ses sens et retrouve la voix :
Long-temps évanoui, l'esclave se ranime;
"Il est donc des amis, dit-il, et je revois
Celui dont la caverne, accueillant un transfuge,
Contre un maître cruel fut long-temps mon re-

Un jour, chargé d'ennuis et ne pouvant mourir,
Je demandais au ciel qu'il vint me secourir;
Il brisa mes liens, il protégea ma fuite,
Et de mes ennemis il trompa la poursuite.
Languissant, épuisé de fatigue et de faim,
Je m'endormis.
Un antre bienfaiteur me reçut dans son sein:
O dieux! quelles vives alar-

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Son pied est déchiré d'une épine sanglante;
I pose dans mes mains sa tête suppliante,
A son hôte inconnu semble fier ses jours,
Et ses rugissements implorent mes secours.
Je frissonnais d'horreur : sa plainte me rassure;

J'arrache avec effort le trait de sa blessure;
Son sang coule; mes mains en étanchent les

Et de mes vêtements déchirant les lambeaux,
Chers et tristes débris qu'à sauvés má misère,
J'épuise en appareils ma richesse dernière.
Dès ce jour commença notre longue amitié:
De ses sanglants festius il m'offrait la moitié ;



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Le monde que j'ai fui, mes malheurs et mes fers
Au fond de mon exil me redeviennent chers.
Enfin, ne pouvant plus souffrir ina solitude,
Sourdement dévoré d'ennui, d'inquiétude,
Triste, n'écoutant plus qu'n sombre désespoir,
Je men fuis.... En quels lieux ai-je dû le re-
voir ?

Il m'avait épargné. Barbares que nous somines!

Pour tomber sous leurs coups, je revins chez les

Esclave fugitif, vous m'avez condamné ;
Un lion à ma fuite a déja pardonné."

Il dit, et de ses maux la naïve peinture
Dans le cœur des Romains réveille la nature;
Les jours de ce proscrit leur deviennent sacrés.
L'homme et son bienfaiteur, du cirque délivrés,
Cherchent un même asile; et comme un chien

Le lion, moins farouche, accompagne son guide.
Long-temps on les a vus, confondant leurs des-


Paraître en suppliants aux portes des festins :
La pitié les nourrit; la pétulante enfance
Du monarque des bois insulte la clémence;
On chante d'Androclès la fuite et les malheurs,
La sainte humanité le couronne de fleurs:
On chante du lion la grotte hospitalière.

L'esclave arrive enfin à son heure dernière :
Et l'hôte des forêts, qui s'unit à son sort,
Se couche sur la tombe, en attendant la mort.'

The episode of the faithful Blondel discovering his master, our Richard the First, in prison, shall conclude our ex


Blondel a vu le jour dans la fertile plaine
Que borde l'Océan, et qu'embellit la Seine.
On y rappelle encor le nom de ce vieillard,
Ses vertus, son courage, et les maux de Richard,
De ce roi qui, chargé des palmes de Syrie,
Disparut tout-à-coup, en cherchant sa patrie.
Sa gloire et ses malheurs occupent l'univers :
Le bruit s'est répandu qu'il languit dans les fers;
Et Blondel, épiant ses traces incertaines,,
Voudrait sauver Richard, ou partager ses

Mais qui peut le conduire aux murs de sa pri


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