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One characteristic feature of the literature of the present day, is the number and variety of its periodical publications-a fact

which certainly goes far to prove the general diffusion of know

ledge which is rapidly taking place in all the gradations of society among us. It is in this way, that knowledge in all its varieties, and under its most popular and alluring aspects, is put within the reach of the increasing numbers who read them; and what follows as a necessary consequence from acquired habits of reading and thinking, many are stimulated to bring into active and useful exercise, the strength of intellectual endowments which only wanted motives and opportunities for exertion-and thus have it in their power to give to the world the occasional efforts of genius, which, but for such publications, would never have seen the light.

The Editors of the Kilmarnock Mirror, have much satisfaction in thinking, that in the volume which in the course of the last eight months they have given to the world, these objects have, in not a few instances, been attained. At the outset of their work, their pretensions were unostentatious, and their


To the Readers of the Kilmarnock Mirror.

patrons were few-but in its progress, the public, forgetting their antipathies at provincial literature, have thought proper to receive it with an approbation, which at one time the conductors would have considered it presumption to anticipate. Its circulation in this, and the neighbouring counties, has been very extensive, and in this respect, they believe, without a parallel; its early numbers having already gone through three editions. This they cannot help attributing to its varied and interesting contents to the neatness of its execution-and to its cheapness, as compared with works of a similar description. It can now boast of Correspondents in all parts of the country; and so numerous have their contributions been of late, that the last three or four Numbers have been almost entirely made up of original matter. In addition, therefore, to the fertile resources from which the Editors have it in their power to draw, they can now calculate confidently on regular supplies for their work, from the daily-increasing number of their contributors.

In announcing the commencement of their second volume, they beg leave to state the arrangement they propose to follow; in which they have adopted some improvements, suggested to them by their friends.

I. Original Communications on subjects of general interest, and practical utility.

II. Gleanings from Miscellaneous Literature.

III. Extracts from New and Popular Publications of the day.

IV. The Cornucopia, a posie of the buds and flowers of morality, wit, and genius.

V. Monthly Register of Remarkable Occurrences, connected with the counties of Ayr, Renfrew, and Lanark.-General Information, &c. &c.

VI. The Poet's Corner.

VII, Scrapiana,

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