4. Juftices fhall award Damages, and deliver the Eftreats to the Barons of the Exchequer, &c. ibid. Administration and Adminiftrato2s. 1. The Ordinary fhall be anfwerable for the Goods of an Inteftate to his Creditors, St. Weftm. 2. 13 Ed. 1. c. 19. 2. Shall commit Administration to the moft lawful Friends, 31 Ed. 3. ftat. 1. c. 11. 3. Fees for granting Adminiftration, 21 H. 8. c. 5. 4. Shall be granted to Widow of Inteftate, or next of Kin, or both at Difcretion; and when one or more in equal Degree requeft, Ordinary may admit the Widow, or elect one at Pleafure, 21 H. 8. c. 5. § 3, 4: 5. Perfons fraudulently obtaining Goods of an Inteftate shall anfwer as Executors of their own Wrong, 43 El. c. 8. 6. Where an Executor or Adminiftrator has obtained Judgment after Verdict, the Administrator de bonis non may have a Scire facias, 17 Car. 2. c. 8. § 2. 7. Directions for the Distribution of Inteftates Estates, 22& 23 Car. 2. c. 10. 8. No Distribution till one Year after Inteftate's Death, 22 & 23 Car. 2. c. 10. § 8. 9. Eftates pur autre vie devifable and Affets, 29 Car. 2. c. 3. § 12. 10. A Hufband fhall not be compelled to diftribute his Wife's Eftate, 29 Car. 2. c. 3. § 25. 11. Creditors enabled to recover their Debts of Executors, and Adminiftrators of Executors in their own Wrong, 30 Car. 2. ft. 1. § 7. 12. Administrators fhall not be cited to account but at the Instance of a Minor or Creditor, or next of Kin, 1 Ja. 2. c. 17. $6. 13. The Brothers and Sifters of the Inteftate fhall have equal Shares with the Mother, 1 Ja. 2. c. 17. § 7. 14. Shares claimed by the Administrator by Custom shall be di. ftributed, 1 Ja. 2. c. 17. $8. 15. The Power of granting Administration of Goods of Perfons in the Dock Yards granted to Ordinary of Diocese where they die, and their Wages not deemed bona notabilia, 4 Ann. c. 16. § 26. 16. Executors and Administrators of Colonels, &c. to pay Sol. diers, &c. in Preference to others, 12 Ann. ft. 1. c. 13. § 7. 17. Diftribution fhall be made of Eftates, pur autre vie, whereof there is no Special Occupant, and which are undevised, 14 Geo. 2. c. 20. § 9. For other Matters, fee Executo2s 11. Frauds 10. Inben- Adminiftration cum Teftamento annexo. To be granted as usual, 22 & 23 Car. 2. c. 10. § 9. Admiral and Admiralty. 1. The Admiral shall not hold Plea of Things done on Land, 13 R. 2. ft. 1. c. 5. 2. Shall not hold Plea of Matters arifing in the Body of the County, or of Wreck, 15 R. 2. c. 3. 2 H. 4. c. 11. 3. Shall not take any Money of thofe that go to Ifeland, Newfoundland, or Ireland, to fifh, 2 & 3 Ed. 6. c.6. 4. Piracy, &c. to be tried within the Realm, and not before the Admiral, &c. 27 H. 8. c. 4. §1. 5. What Offences fhall be tried by the Admiral, 5 El. c. 5. § 30. 6. Sentences of the Delegates upon Appeal in Marine Caufes, fhall be final, 8 El. c. 5. 7. Act against Cottages not to extend to Parts where Admiral ought to have Jurisdiction, 31 El. c. 7. § 5. 8. Proceedings on Procefs out of Court of Admiralty, 22 & 23 Car. 2. c. 11. § 5. 9. The Office of Lord Admiral may be executed by Commiffioners, 2 W. & M. ft. 2. c. 2. 10. Powers given to the Commiffioners of the Admiralty and Navy, for preventing the imbezilling of Naval Treasure or Stores, 1 Geo. 2. ft. 2. c. 25. 11. Proceedings in Court of Admiralty may be certified beyond Sea in Latin, 4 Geo. 2. c. 26. § 3. 12. Register of Court of Admiralty to tranfmit Copies of Seamens Letters of Attorney, to Treafurer of Greenwich Hofpital, 20 Geo. 2. c. 24. § 13.-Copies of fuch Letters Evidence, ibid. §14. 13. Powers of the Admiralty relating to Courts Martial, 22 Geo. 2. c. 33. 14. Admiralty may make Articles of War, &c. for the Government of the Marine Forces on Shore, 28 Geo. 2. c. 11. 29 Geo. 2.c.6. 30 Geo. 2. c. 11. 15. Admiralty to give Commiffions to Privateers; and Directions for condemning Prizes, 17 Geo. 2. c. 34. 29 Gec. 2. c. 34. $2, 32. 32 Geo. 2. c. 25. For other Matters, Jee Limitations 11. Prizes 5, 11, &c. Marque and Repzizal, Safe Condua, Wreck. Ad quod damnum. Perfons purchafing a new Park, and Men of Religion amortifing Lands, muft fue out a Writ of Ad quod damnum, 27 Ed. 1. ft. 2. 2. Perfons injured by Inclosures after a Writ of Ad quod damnum, may appeal to the Quarter Seffions, 8 & 9 W. 3. c. 16. § 6. For other Matters, See Highways. 3. Plenarty of the Defendant's own Prefentation fhall be no Plea to a Writ brought within. fix Months, St. Westm, 2. 13 Ed, 1. 6.5.§2. 4. The Writ of Right De advocatione decimarum, granted, St. Weftm. 2. 13 Ed. 1. c. 5. § 4. 5. Ufurpation by a Parcener upon a Co-heir shall not put out of Poffeffion, St. Weftm. 2. 13 Ed. 1. c..5. § 5. 6. Advowfons, unlefs expreffed, do not pass with the Grant of a Manor, 17 Ed. 2. c. 15. 7. View fhall not be granted in a Writ of Advowfon, but where there be more Churches than one in a Town, Stat. de Vifu Terre, Temp. H. 3. & EA, 1 & 2. 8. All Perfons having Advowfons fhall have their Prefentments freely; and if the Pope make Provifions, King to prefent, 25 Ed. 3. ft. 6. § 3. 9. The 32 H. 8. c. 2. not to extend to Writs of Right of Ad. vowson, 1 Mar. ft. 2. c. 5. § 4. 10. The King fhall have the Advowfon of Vicarages belonging to Rectories impropriate, renounced by Queen Mary, 1 El. c.4. $25. 11. The Prefentation to Benefices belonging to Papists, given to the two Univerfities, 3 Fac. 1. c. 5. § 18 & 19. 1 W. & M. c. 26. 12 Ann. ft. 2. c. 14. 12. Days in Bank in Writs of Right of Advowfon, 16 Car. 1. c.6.95. 13. Conveyances of Advowfons, Impropriations, &c. to Truftees appointed by the Long Parliament, by pretended Delinquents, made void. 13 & 14 Car. 2. c. 25. 14. Patrons of united Parishes to present by Turns, 22 Car. 2. c. 11. § 68. 15. Where Partition is made to prefent by Turns, each shall be feifed of a feparate Eftate, 7 Ann. c. 18. 16. The Rights of Patrons in Scotland restored, 10 Ann. c. 12. 17. Agreement about Patronage of augmented Cures, confirmed, 1 Geo. 1. ft. 2. c. 10. § 8. 18. Colleges holding more Advowfons than half the Number of Fellows, not capable of taking any more, 9 Geo. 2. c. 36. § 5. 19. Grants of Advowfons by Papifts, unless for a valuable Confideration to a Proteftant Purchaser, and Devises of Advowfons by Papifts made void, 11 Gen. 2. c. 17. § 5. For other Matters. See Bishops 4. Ecclefiaftical Courts Affidavit. 1. The Chancellor of the Duchy may grant Commiffions to take Affidavits, 16 & 17 Car. 2. c. 9. 2. Affidavits in the Courts at Westminster may be taken before Commiffioners, or before a Judge of Affize, 29 Car. z. c. 5. 3. Affidavit of Burial in Woollen, 30 Car. 2. ft. 1. c. 3. § 4, 5. 32 Car. 2. c. 1. § 3.-Where no Juftice, may be made before the Parfon, ibid. 4. To be made where Caufe of Action amounts to 10%. 12 Gro. 1. r. 29. § 2. For other Matters, fee Abatement 29. Plantations 37. Affirmation. See Quakers. No Man fhall bring Force in Affray of the Peace, 2 Ed. 3. c. 3. African Company and Trade. 1. Twenty Shillings payable to the Crown for the Shares, 45 W. & M. c. 15. § 11. 2. General Permiffion to trade to Africa, paying 10 per Cent. 9 & 10 W. 3. c. 26. Me and Alehoules. 1. The old Affife, Alfisa panis, &c. 51 H. 3. ft. 1. Judic, Pillor. 51 H. 3. ft. 6. Ordin, pro Piftor, incerti temp. c. 6. 2. Juftices of Peace enabled to fupprefs Alehoufes, 19 H. 7. c. 12. 3. Alehoufes fhall be licensed by the Juftices, 5 & 6 Ed. 6. c. 25. Fairs excepted, ibid. § 6. 4. Keepers of Alehoufes not to fuffer Tipling, 1 Ja. 1. c. 9. 5. The Prices of Ale, &c. 1 Ja. 1. c. 9. § 3. 6. Saving of the Privileges of the Universities, 1 fa. 1. c. 9. § 6. 4 Ja. 1. c. 5. § 10. 26 Gec. 2. c. 31. § 15. 7. The Penalty of felling Ale, &c. to any unlicensed Alehouse, 4 Ja. 1. c. 4. 8. Penalties of Tipling and Drunkennefs, 4 Ja. 1. c. 5. 21 Ja. .1.c.7. 1 Car. I. c. 4. 9. Offenders unable to pay Forfeiture to be fet in the Stocks, 4 Ja. 1. c. 5. § 2, 4. 10. Not reftrain Ecclefiaftical Jurifdiction, 4 Ja. 1. c. 5. § 8. 11. Alehouse-keepers offending difabled, 7 Ja. 1. c. 10. 21 Ja. 1. c. 7. 12. Penalties of keeping an Alehouse without Licence, 3 Car. I. c. 3. Fairs excepted, ibid. § 6. 13. Vintners who keep Inns, &c. to be within the Acts against Tipling, 3 Car. 1. c. 3. § 2. 14. Offenders unable to pay Penalty to be whipped, 3 Car. i. 6.3. §. 2. 15. Publick Houfes prohibited to ufe Plate, 7 & 8 W. 3. c. 19. $3. 16. Retailers of Ale to fell it only in Veffels of a Standard Meafure marked by the Mayors of Corporations, &c. 11 & 12 W. .3. c. 15. 17. Ale Licences to be duly ftamped, before Recognizances taken, 6 Geo. 1. c. 21. § 56. 18. Licences to be granted at publick Meetings of the Justices only, 2 Geo. 2. c. 28. $11. In September 26 Geo. 2. c. 31. $4. 19. Form of Conviction for keeping an Alehoufe, &c. without Licence, 9 Geo. 2. c. 23. § 15. 20. Penalty on Alehoufe-keepers entertaining Perfons against whom Process has iffued, for Offences against the Laws of Customs or Excife. Geo. 2.4. 35. 30. 9 21. None to fuffer for fuch Entertaining, unless Notice have been given in Gazette, of Offenders abfconding, 9 Geo. 2. c. 35. §31. 22. Penalty on Alehouse-keeper having Licence to retail spirituous Liquors exercifing particular Trades during the Continuance of fuch Licence, 17 Geo. 2. c. 17. § 18. 23. Houfes or Gardens for Mufic or Dancing not to be kept without Licence, 25 Geo. 2.x. 36. § 2. 24. Juftices being Brewers, Maltiters, Diftillers or Victuallers, reftrained from granting Licences, 26 Gro. 2. c. 13. § 12. 25. Restrictions of Licences for Alehouses, 26 Geo. 2. c. 31. Geo. 2. c. 19. § 2. 29 Geo. 2. c. 12. 26. Recognizances to be registered, 26 Geo. 2. c. 31. § 5. 27. Parishioners may be Witneffes, 26 Geo. 2. c. 31. § 17. 28. Penalty on Publicans permitting Journeymen, in their Houses, 30 Geo. 2. c. 24. § 14. 28 . to game 29. Soldiers may be quartered in Alehoufes, 33 Geo. 2. c. 6. § 23. and . 8. § 16. and fubfequent Acts. For other Matters, fie Beer and Ale 6, &c. Bandy 25, c. Coffee 12. Churchwardens 1, 2. Clerk of the Peace 9. Conftables 6, 7. Distillers 6, &c. Excile, Stamps, Tit License, Miltuals, 11, 14, 21. Pilons, &c. 25, wc. Aliens prohibited to take Benefices without the King's Licence, 3 R. 2. c. 3. 7 R. 2. c. 12. 1 H. 5. c. 7 • Bretons banifhed on pain of Death, 3 H. 5. ft. 2. c. 3. 6. No Alien to use any Handicraft in England, 1 R. 3. c. 9. § 9. Bakers, Brewers, Surgeons and Scriveners, not accounted Handicrafts, 22 H. 8. c. 13. 7. 8. L An Alien made Denizen fhall pay the fame Cuftoms as before, 1 H.7. c. 2. 11 H. 7. c. 14. 22 H. 8. 7. 8. altered by 25 Car. 2. c. 6. Regulations of the Apprentices and Journeymen of Alien Artificers, and of the Wares made by them, 1415 H. 8. c. 2. 21 H. 8. c. 16.-Exception as to Strangers in the Universities, 14 815 H. 8. c. 2. 11. 21 H. 8. c. 16. §'9. 9. An Englishman fworn to a foreign Prince fhall pay Aliens Cuftoms, 14&15 H. 8. c. 4. 10. Strangers made Denizens to conform to the Laws, and a Provifo for that Purpose to be inferted in their Patents, 32 H. 8. c. 16. § 7 & 9.. 11. Reftraint of the Number of foreign Servants, 32 H. 8. c. 16. § 8, 10, 12. 12. Leafes of Houfes or Shops to Aliens, not Denizens made void, and a Penalty of -51. on the Leffor and Leffee, 32 H. 8. c. 16. § 13. 13. Aliens fhall not be Merchants or Factors in the Plantations, 12 Car. 2. c. 18. § 2. 14. Goods not to be carried from one Port in England to another, in Veffels of Aliens not denizened, 12 Car. 2. c. 18. $6. 15. What are to be deemed Aliens Goods, 12 Car. 2. c. 18. § 9. 16. Children of Aliens under the Age of twenty-one, fhall not enter Goods for Import or Export, 13 & 14 Car. 2.c. 11 § 10. 17. Natural Subjects may inherit and make their Title by Anceftors born beyond Sea, 11 & 12 W. 3. c. 6. : 25 Geo. 2. .C..39% 18. Aliens not to enjoy a Place of Truft, or take a grant of Lands from the Crown, 12 & 13 W. 3. c. 2. § 3. 1 Geo. 2. St. 2. c. 4. 19.. Goods imported in Briti built Ships being the Property of Foreigners to pay Aliens Duty, 29 Geo. 2. c. 34. § 20. 5, For other Matters, fee Apprentices 3. Archery 2. Aztificezs &c. Customs, 24, 59, &c. Chancery 8. Drapery 4. &c. fih 6, 21, 26, 45, 54, 67. Flap 5, Gold and Silver 18. Grocery Wares 1. Hats. Hozners 2. Leather 4,9, Manufa&ures 4. Medietate Linguae 1. Merchants, 18, & fequen. Money 19. &c. Natu ralization, Parliament, Pewterers 4. Plantations 14, 16, 51, 64, &c. Ships 3, 18, &c. 28, 51, 78, 94, &c. Tithes 4. Viduals 8. Wool 31. Supremacy 3. Allegiance. None that faithfully ferve the King for the Time being fhall Alienation without Licence. 1. Old Statutes relating thereto, 18 E. 1. ft. 1. c. 1. St. 1. c.6. ↑ Ed. 3. fi. 2. c. 12 & 13. 34 Ed. 3. 6. 15, 27 1. To what Duties liable, 2 W. & M.feff. 2. c. 4• § 5o. 4 17 Ed. 2. 2. Duties Almanacks. See Stamps. 2. Duties payable on Exportation not altered by 8 Geo. 1. c. 15. 8. Fines fhall be taken in the Presence of the Pledges, 38 Ed. 3. $8. A. 1. c. 3. 9. Amerciaments for infufficient Returns, fhall be fet on Bailiffs, &c. of Franchifes, and not on Sheriffs, 27 H. 8. c. 24. 10. Exceffive Fines and unusual Punishments declared illegal, 1 W. & M. f. 2. c. 2. Alms-houles. 1. The Quarter-Seffions how to order Buildings for their Poor, 11. Grants of Fines before Conviction illegal, W. & M. ft. 2. c. z. 43 El. c. 2. § 5. 2. How exempt from Taxes, 4 Geo. 3. c. 2. § 22 & 26. 3. The Tenants of Alms-houfes where not to claim fuch Exemption, 4 Geo. 3. c. 2. § 23 & 24. Commisioners how to determine Questions relating to the taxing of Alms houfes, 4 Geo. 3. c. 2. § 25. See Charitable Ufes 1. For other Matters, fee Bank 3. Eltreats, Fines, De fault. Capiatur pro fine. America. See Plantations. Amoveas manum. In what Cafes to be granted, 29 Ed. 1. Stat. de Efcheatoribus. Ammunition. See Gunpowder. Ampthill. 1. Where their Servants are excepted from the Penalties of Re- The Honour of, 33 H. 8. c. 37. cufancy, W. & M.st. 1. c. 9. §.5. Anabaptifts. See Nonconformists. 2. Their Importation provided for, 10 & 11 W. 3. c. 24. § 14- 9 1. Lords not to lofe Conufance by being named Diffeifors, H. 4. c. 5. Duties on Amber Beads, Amber rough, and Amber Oit, 452. Or through Defendant's Default by Collufion, 8 H.6. c. 26. W. M. c. 5. §2. Amendment. 1. No Fines to be taken for Amendments, 52 H. 3. c. 11. 2. Errors in Records owing to the Mifprifion of Clerks, may be amended, 14 Ed. 3. ft. 1. c. 6. 3. Records not to be amended in a Term after the Judgment given and inrolled, 11 H. 4. c. 3. 4. May be amended as well after Judgment given as before, 9 H. 5. ft. 1. c. 4. 4 H. 6. c. 3. Except Appeals and Indictments of Treafon, &c. 8 H. 6. c. 12. § 2. et c. 15. 5. Not to extend to Wales or Process of Outlawry, 4 H. 6. c. 3. 8 H. 6. c. 15. 6. Writs of Error may be amended, 5 Geo. 1. c. 13. 7. Judgment not to be reversed for Error, 8 H. 6. c. 12. -De fendant in Error may alledge Diminution or Variance, and it Thall be amended, 8 H. 6. c. 12. § 2. 8. Judge may amend Miftakes of Clerks, 8 H. 6. c. 15. 9. Defects in Orders of Justices, relating to the Duties on Malt and Leather, to be amended at the Seffions, 6 Geo. 1. c. 21. § 10. 10. Defects in Juftices Orders, may be amended at the Seffions, 5 Geo. 2. c. 19. For other Matters, see Allize 23. Jeofails, Records, Amerciaments. 1. Shall be falvo contenemento, and shall be affered, M. C. 9 H. 3. C. 14. 2. Who may amerce for Default on common Summons, 52 H. 3. T. 18. 3. Townships fhall not be amerced by Juftices in Eyre, if a fufficient Number come, St. Marleb. 52 H. 3. c. 24. 4. Vouchee fhall not be amerced before Juftices in Eyre, for not appearing, except on the first Day, St. Marleb. 52 H. 3. 6.26. 5. Shall be reafonable, St. Weftm. 1. 3 Ed. 1. c. 6. 6. Where Diffeifors fhall be amerced, 6 Ed. 1. c. 14. 7. Fines for Trespass shall be reasonable, 34 Ed. 3. c. I. Anglelea. 1. Inhabitants of Anglefea where excepted, with regard to Duties of Cuftoms, 1 El. c. 11. § 12. 2. Power given to adjourn the Quarter-Seffions for adminiftring the Oaths, 1 Geo. 1. c. 26. § 8. 3. Excife Offices, where to be kept in Anglesea, 1 W. & M. ft. 1. c. 24. § 14. Annates. See Firft-Fruits. 1. Thofe chargeable for the Maintenance of Grammar Schools, &c. to be paid as usual, 22 Car. 2. c. 6. § 14. 2. Annuities with Survivorship charged on the Excife, 4 W. & M. c. 3. 3. Annuities for Lives charged, 5 W. & M. c. 5. 4. For one, two or three Lives, 5 W. & M. c. 20. § 34. 5. Changed into certain Intereits, 6 & 7 W. 3. c. 5. 7&8 W. 3. c. 2. 9 W. 3. c. 5 & 24. 11 & 12 W. 3. c. 3. § 7. 6. Annuities of 3 per Cent. granted on the Bankers Debt, redeemable on Payment of a Moiety of the Principal, 12 & W. 3. c. 12. § 15. 2 & 3 Ann. c. 15. 13 9. Lottery Annuities for 23 Years, 8 Ann. c. 4. § 13, 14. 10. Annuities for 32 Years granted on the Coal Duty, &c. 8 Ann. c. 7. § 28. 11. Annuities granted payable at the Bank, 1 Geo. 1. c. 12, 19, 2.1. § II. 2 Geo. 2. c. 3. 16 Geo. 2. c. 13. 12. Time limited for Annuitants for Life, claiming their Annui ties, 1 Geo. 1. c. 36. § 16. 13. Annuities granted in lieu of Lottery Orders, 3 Geo. 1. c. 7. 14. Certain Annuities paid at the Bank, 3 Geo. 1. c. 8. § 50. 6 Geo. I. c. 4. 18. Annuities granted on the Duty upon Plate, 6 Geo. 1. c. 11. § 28. To cease on Notice in Gazette and Payment of Principal, ibid. § 38. 19. Annuities charged on the Civil Lift Revenues, 7 Geo. 1. c. 27. 8 Geo. 1. c. 20. $32. 20. Annuities redeemed, 9 Geo. I. c. 5. 10 Geo. 1. 5. 13 Geo. 1. c. 3. 2 Geo. 2. c. 3. § 15. 21. Provifions for the more eafy affigning redeemable Annuities, 9 Geo. 1. c. 12.Counterfeiting Orders, Death, ibid. § 4. 22. Annuities granted to the Bank reduced, 11 Geo. 1..c. 9. 23. Civil Lift Annuities redeemed, 11 Geo. 1. c. 17. 24. Six Pence in the Pound to be deducted from all Annuities, Penfions, &c. 12 Geo. I. c. 2. 25. Lottery Tickets remaining in the Exchequer 1726, how applied, 13 Geo. 1. c. 3. ft. 2. c. 8. 26. Annuities at 3 per Cent..on a Lottery, 12 Geo. 1. c. 2.. 27. Annuities on the Coal Duties, 1 Geo. 2. 28. Annuities perpetual payable at the Exchequer, 4 Geo. 2..c. 5. 29. Annuities on the Stamp Duties, 4 Geo. 2. c. 9. 30. Annuities on the Sinking Fund, 9 Geo. 2. c. 34. ..27. 12 Geo. 2. c. 19. 15 Geo. 2. c. 19. 11 Geo. 2. 22 Geo. 2. c. 23. 23 Geo. 2. c. 16. 24 Geo. 2. c. 2. 28 Geo..2..c. 15. 29 Geo. 2. c. 7. 2 Geo. 3. c. 9&10. 3 Geo. 3. c. 9. Sea Company 14, 15, 22, 27, & fequent. Eat India: Company 25, 27, 28, &c. Executors 14. Funds, Felonies without Clergy, Title Forgery. Anftruther Eafter. A Daty of Excife granted to the Town, 22 Geo. 2. c. 10. Answers in Chancery. See Chancery.. 1. Recufant convict not to exercise the Trade of an Apothecary. 3 Fac. 1. c. 5. § 8. 2. Where exempt from Offices, 6 & 7 W. 3. c. 4.Made perpetual by 9 Geo. 1. c. 8. 3. Excepted in the Acts laying Duties on fpirituous Liquors, 9 Geo. 2. c. 23. § 12. 16 Geo. 2. c. 8. § 12. For other Matters, Jee Physicians. Apparel.. 1. Perfons of Low Degree prohibited to wear Fur, 11 Ed. 3. 6×40 2. Apparel of Servants, 37 Ed. 3. c. 8. 3. Of Artificers and Yeomen, 37 Ed. 3. c.9. 3. c. 14. 8. Of Plowmen and others of mean Eftate, 37 Ed. 9. Limitations of Apparel, 3 Ed. 4. c. 5. 22 Ed. 4. c. 1. 1 H.. 8. c. 14. 6H. 8. c. 1.. 7 H. 8. c. 6. 24 H. 8. c. 13. 1 & 2 P. & M. c. 2.- -Who may wear the King's Livery, and to what Perfons it may be given, 1 H. 4. c.7. 31. Annuities to be enjoyed Tax-free, 4 W. & M. c. 3. § 26. : 5 W. M. c.5.§3. 687 W. 3. c. 5. §8. 1 Ann. ft. 2. c. 5. & § 2. 2 Ann c..3. §. 17. 3 Ann. c. 2. § 7. 4 Ann. c. 6. § 25. 5 Ann. c. 19 $19. 6 Geo. 1. c. 11. § 28. 10. Debts contracted for foreign made Apparel difcharged, 5 ET. 12 Geo. I. c. 2. § 21. 32. Annuities on the Duties. on Spirituous Liquors, 16 Gro. 2. c. 13. 17 Geo. 2. c. 18. 33. Where an Annuitant for Life does not claim for two Years, the Reverfioner may receive the Annuity, 17, Geo. 2. c. 33. §27. 34. Bank Annuities on the, additional Duty on Wine, 18 Geo. 2. c. 9. $5. 35. Annuities for Lives granted to the Contributors to a Lottery, 18 Geo. 2. c. 9. §. 38. 19 Geo. 2. c. 12. §64.. 36. Annuities on the Duties on Glass and diftilled Spirituous Liquors, 19 Geo. 2..c. 12. § 32. 37. Annuities on the Duty upon Houfes, 20 Geo. 2. c. 3. § 46. 38. On the Duty upon Coaches, 20 Geo. 1. c. 10. § 19. 39. On the laft Subfidy, 21 Geo. 2. c. 2. § 11. 40. Annuities on the Publick Debts reduced, 23 Geo. 2. c. 22. 24 Geo. 2. c. 4. § 17.. 41. Payment of Annuities, &c. not accelerated by Alteration of Stile, 24 Geo. 2. c. 23. § 6. 42. Annuities payable at the Bank and South-Sea Houfe, confolidated, 2.5 Geo. 2. c. 27. § 66. 26 Geo, 2. 26 Geo. 2. c. I. c. 23. § 12. 43. Annuities granted on the Stamp-Duties, and Licences for Spirituous Liquors, 30 Gec. 2. c. 19. § 31. 44. Annuities charged on the Duties on Offices and Penfions, and upon Windows, 31 Geo. 2. c. 22. § 35. 45. Annuities charged on additional Subfidy, and on additional Duties on Coffee and Chocolate, 32 Geo. 2. c. 10. § 19. 46. Annuities 1757, added to 3 per Cents. consolidated, 32 Geo. 2. c. 6. 11. None under the Degree of a Knight to wear a Velvet Cap, 8-El. c. 11. 12, A&ts restraining Excess in Apparel repealed, 1 Ja. 1. c. 25. $455 Appeals. 1. A Woman to have no Appeal, but for the Death of her Huf band, M. C..9 H. 3. c. 34. 2. Shall not be abated where there is fufficient Certainty, and may be fued within the Year and Day, St. Gloue. 6 Ed. v. c. 9. 3. Malicious Appellors and their Abettors fhall restore Damages and be imprisoned, St. Weftm. 21 13 Ed. 1. c. 12.. 4. Appellees fhall be brought to the Prifons where the Provers are, St. pro Appellat. 28 Ed. 1. ft. 2. 5. Appeals of Facts done within the Realm fhall be tried at the Common Law, and of Facts without the Realm before the Constable and Marshal, and no Appeals fhall be pursued in Parliament, H. 4. c. 14t 6. Where Appeals are void, 7 H. 5. 7. What Process is awardable. on Appeals of Perfons in foreign. Counties, 8 H.6. c. 10. 10 H. 6. 6. 8. Where Appellees may have Writs of Confpiracy against their Indictors, 18 H. 6. t. 12. 9. A Perfon acquitted of Murder, &c. fhall be detained or bailed till the Year, and Day be paffed, 3 H 7. c. 1. 10. Acquittal or Attainder at the King's Suit, no Bar; unless Clergy be had, 3 H. 7. c. I. 11. Appellants may commence their Appeal before the Sheriff and Coroners, or at the King's Bench, or Gaol Delivery, 3 H.. 12. Where Battle lieth not, the Appellant may purfue the Appeal by Attorney, 3 H. 7. c. 1. 13. In what County to be fued, where the Stroke is in one, and the Death in another, 23 Ed. 6. c. 24. § 3. 14. Appeals |