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of the proceedings, and thence in the whole of the accounts given of them,-this meeting it is, of

out a number, viz. "A List of Benefactors and Annual Sub"scribers." Here no reference is to be found in any page. At the end of the publication however, (the series of numbered pages closing with p. 183,) commences a list, (pages not numbered) having for its title, as in Report II., the words Benefactors and Annual Subscribers. But neither in this Third Report, any more than in Report II., is any list, of Benefactors, &c. in the Country, to be found. In Report I. this Country list is a good deal more numerous, it may be seen, than the Town list. Of this discontinuance would you know the cause?-Enquire of those who are in the secret.

V. Persons present.—In the article, Report III. No. 9, exhibiting certain Resolutions come to by a Society styled "Society of Secretaries"-(Resolutions tending to the communicating of information and to the appointment of a Visitor to the schools)-the persons present are all mentioned by their names, in conjunction respectively with the names of the Societies for which they were thus officiating. Moreover, in this instance, exhibition is made of the several other tokens of authenticity: viz. Place, "The Central School:"-Time,-and that, as in so many of the above instances, not incompleatly, but compleatly, and even more than compleatly, designated ;—viz. “ Tuesday, the 31st of May, 1814."-To this article is attached the following signature, viz. T. T. WALMSLEY, Chairman.-The body here in question, though a body in a certain sort connected with, and acting under the influence of the governing body of the Society in question,-not being, in the manner of a Committee, in a state of regular sub-ordination in relation to it,-thence it was that, under the several former heads, in the character of a source of exemplification, this article could not without impropriety be brought to view.

which, though out of its turn, the account is thus taken up, and set at the head of the articles consigned to this Appendix. May the 9th, 1812, is the day assigned, to the meeting recorded in this first recorded document. The document which thus stands first recorded, is it the document of the earliest date? Oh no: for of that which stands next recorded, and of which the mention is thus postponed to the mention of it, viz. No. II. p. 25, the "Address to the Public," (it is the Address calling for Contributions,) the date is more than three months earlier-viz. " 29th January," in that same year, "1812."

More than this, in that same first recorded document, intituled Report of the Sub-Committee for Building, immediately after mention of the Members present as above, "The Building Committee" (continues this Report, p. 23,) "having met the 26th " of December, 1811, in consequence of instruc"tions from the General Committee, proceeded "to enquire for a proper place wherein to establish "a Central School.". Here then is evidence of an anterior meeting-a meeting held on this same subject-held on a day more than four months anterior to that of this first regularly recorded meeting; and even more than a month anterior to the date of that Address, the record of which is postponed to the record of it: and that too a meeting, as it should seem-though perhaps not—of this same Committee: but at any rate, a meeting, the

proceedings of which, for some reason or other were not thought meet to be had in any more particular remembrance.

O yes:-perhaps the same; perhaps not-for here comes another quere; the assembly mentioned in the title to this No. I. p. 23, under the name of "the Sub-Committee for Building," and the assembly in line eighth of that same page mentioned under the name of the Building Committee, are they after all the same Committee? or-to speak more particularly, and thence more plainly-the persons who were appointed members of it, and moreover the persons who in virtue of that appointment met and acted,-were they, at both times, or in no one, or in one only, and which of those two times, these same persons?

In the body of the Report, it is in a paragraph contained in pages 14 and 15, and not in any other place, that mention is made of this Sub-Committee, or say of these Sub-Committees. Look to that place for elucidations, and, instead of the elucidations. sought, what as usual you will find is-darkness visible.


"The Committee (page 14,) at its first meeting appointed a Sub-Committee, to take mea"sures for establishing a Central School in the "Metropolis... At the next meeting". "The "Sub-Committee... was renewed, and instructed "to find out, &c. . . . which business was entered "s upon and brought to a conclusion without delay,


"as will be seen in the report of their proceedings "under the sanction of the general Committee,


printed in the App. No. I."-viz. the so often mentioned Report of May 9, 1812.

This same "first meeting"-on what day was it held?-Answer.-If on any day, on some day posterior to October 21st, 1811, and anterior to 26th December, in that same year, 1811:-posterior to the day in October; that being the day on which, according to p. 13, the "Society was formed:" anterior to the day in December; that being the day, on which, under the name of the Building Committee, a Building Committee, nominated according to p. 14, either at that same first meeting, or at the next to it, is in No. I. p. 23, "Report of the Sub"Committee for Building," stated to have met.

That same “next meeting”—on what day was it held ?—Answer.—If on any day, on some day posterior to that, on which the "first" of these same two meetings was held: as also anterior to that same day of December, viz. the 26th: sure it was at that same meeting of the General Committee, that "the Sub-Committee," by which instructions were thereupon" at the same time" received, "was," as above," renewed:" always supposing that the Sub-Committee, which on that same 26th of December, co-operated as above, was the same Committee, which on that same nameless day of the General Committee's said "next meeting" was so renewed and instructed" as aforesaid.

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These are all the data: and from these data, let the Chronologer, whose skill in Chronology is adequate to such an enterprize, and who at the same time wants employment, fix the date.

Concluding problem.-Of the disorder that has been seen, required to find, what part, if any, has been the result of artifice,-what part, if any, the result of incapacity. To this problem all along has a solution been sought :-sought-sincerely and diligently sought:-yet still, in conclusion-such is the darkness with which the face of this deep is covered-must it be left unsolved. By a peep into the books of this self-styled Committee-if indeed any such books have been kept-the solution, or at any rate an approximation towards it, might probably be effected. But these books are in the custody-nominally, of the Reverend Secretary; effectively, of the most Reverend President. Enquire of them-(but, to the power, who is there that adds the inclination, necessary to the making any such enquiry with effect?) enquire of them, the answer will be either that the voracity of some profane rat has taken an unhappy direction to these sacred muniments, or that,-in virtue of one of those inscrutable decrees of an all-directing providence, the aid of which is never wanting to orthodox divines at a dead lift, fire from heaven has come down, and consumed into a burnt sacrifice these offerings of Church-of-England devotion :consumed them, as of old, in token of accept

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