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Manet Gloster and speakes.

Glo. I, Edward will vse women honourablie, Would he were wasted marrow, bones and all, That from his loines no issue might succeed To hinder me from the golden time I looke for, For I am not yet lookt on in the world. First is there Edward, Clarence, and Henry And his sonne, and all they look for issue Of their loines ere I can plant my selfe, A cold premeditation for my purpose, What other pleasure is there in the world beside? I will go clad my bodie in gaie ornaments, And lull my selfe within a ladies lap,

And witch sweet Ladies with my words and lookes. Oh monstrous man, to harbour such a thought!

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Before you answere Warwike or his words,
For hee it is hath done vs all these wrongs.
War. Iniurious Margaret.

Prince Ed. And why not Queene?
War. Because thy father Henry did vsurpe.

Why loue did scorne me in my mothers wombe. And thou no more art Prince then shee is

And for I should not deale in hir affaires,
Shee did corrupt fraile nature in the flesh,
And plaste an enuious mountaine on my backe,
Where sits deformity to mocke my bodie,
To drie mine arme vp like a withered shrimpe.
To make my legges of an vnequall size,
And am I then a man to be belou'd?
Easier for me to compasse twentie crownes.
Tut I can smile, and murder when I smile,
I crie content, to that that greeues me most.
I can adde colours to the Camelion,

And for a need change shapes with Protheus,
And set the aspiring Catalin to schoole.
Can I doe this, and cannot get the crowne?
Tush were it ten times higher, Ile put it downe.

(Act III. Scene III.)



Enter king LEWIS and the ladie BONA,
and OXFORD and others.
Lewes. Welcome Queene Margaret to the
Court of France,

It fits not Lewis to sit while thou dost stand,
Sit by my side, and here I vow to thee,
Thou shalt haue aide to repossesse thy right,
And beat proud Edward from his vsurped seat.
And place king Henry in his former rule.

Queen. I humblie thanke your royall maiestie. And pray the God of heauen to blesse thy state, Great king of France, that thus regards our wrongs.

Enter Warwike.

Lew. How now, who is this?

Queen. Our Earle of Warwike Edwardes

chiefest friend.

Lew. Welcome braue Warwike, what brings thee to France?

War. From worthly Edward king of England, My Lord and Soueraigne and thy vowed friend. I come in kindness and vnfained loue, First to do greetings to thy royall person, And then to craue a league of amitie, And lastlie to confirme that amitie With nuptiall knot if thou vouchsafe to grant That vertuous ladie Bona thy faire sister, To Englands king in lawfull marriage.


Ox. Then Warwike disanuls great Iohn of

And after Iohn of Gaunt wise Henry the fourth,
That did subdue the greatest part of Spaine,

Whose wisedome was a mirrour to the world. And after this wise prince Henry the fift, Who with his prowesse conquered all France, From these our Henries lineallie discent.

War. Oxford, how haps that in this smooth

You told not how Henry the sixt had lost
All that Henry the fift had gotten.
Me thinkes these peeres of France should smile
at that,
But for the rest you tell a pettigree
Of threescore and two yeares a sillie time,
To make prescription for a kingdomes worth.
Oxf. Why Warwike, canst thou denie thy

Whom thou obeyedst thirtie and eight yeeres,
And bewray thy treasons with a blush?

War. Can Oxford that did euer fence the right,

Now buckler falshood with a pettigree?
For shame leaue Henry and call Edward king.

Oxf. Call him my king by whom mine elder Brother the Lord Awbray Vere was done to death,

And more than so, my father euen in the
Downefall of his mellowed yeares,
When age did call him to the dore of death?
No Warwike no, whilst life vpholds this arme
This arme vpholds the house of Lancaster.
War. And I the house of Yorke.
K Lewes. Queene Margaret, prince Edward

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War. The more, that Henry is vnfortunate. Did I let passe the abuse done to thy neece? Lew. What is his loue to our sister Bona? Did I impale him with the regall Crowne, War. Such it seemes

As maie beseeme a monarke like himselfe.
My selfe haue often heard him saie and sweare,
That this his loue was an eternall plant,
The root whereof was fixt in vertues ground,
The leaves and fruite mantainde with beauties sun,
Exempt from enuie, but not from disdaine,
Vnlesse the ladie Bona quite his paine

And thrust king Henry from his natiue home,
And most vngratefull doth he vse me thus ?
My gratious Queene pardon what is past,
And henceforth I am thy true seruitour,

I will reuenge the wrongs done to ladie Bona,
And replant Henry in his former state.
Queen. Yes Warwike I doe quite forget thy

Lew. Then sister let vs heare your firme Faults, if now thou wilt become king Henries


Bona. Your grant or your denial shall be mine,


War. So much his friend, I his vnfained

That if king Lewes vouchsafe to furnish vs
With some few bands of chosen souldiers,

But ere this daie I must confesse, when I
Haue heard your kings deserts recounted,
Mine eares haue tempted iudgement to desire. Ile vndertake to land them on our coast,
Lew. Then draw neere Queene Margaret And force the Tyrant from his seate by warre,
Tis not his new made bride shall succour him.
Lew. Then at the last I firmelie am resolu'd,
You shall haue aide: and English messenger

and be a

Witnesse, that Bona shall be wife to the English king.

Prince Edw. To Edward, but not the English


In post, and tell false Edward thy supposed king,

War. Henry now liues in Scotland at his That Lewis of France is sending ouer Maskers


Where hauing nothing, nothing can he lose,
And as for you your selfe our quondam Queene,
You haue a father able to mainetaine your state,
And better twere to trouble him then France.

Sound for a post within.

Lew. Here comes some post Warwike to thee or vs.

To reuell it with him and his new bride. Bona. Tell him in hope heele be a Widower shortlie,

Ile weare the willow garland for his sake.
Queen. Tell him my mourning weedes be
laide aside,

And I am readie to put armour on.
War. Tell him from me, that he hath done
me wrong,

Post. My Lord ambassador this letter is for And therefore Ile vncrowne him er't be long.


Sent from your brother Marquis Montague.
This from our king vnto your Maiestie,
And these to you Madam, from whom I know not.
Orf. I like it well that our faire Queene
and mistresse,

Smiles at her newes when Warwike frets as his.
P. Ed. And marke how Lewes stamps as he
were nettled.

Lew. Now Margaret & Warwike, what are
your news?

Queen. Mine such as fills my hart full of ioie.

War. Mine full of sorrow and harts discontent.

Thears thy reward, begone.

Lewo. But now tell me Warwike, what


I shall haue of thy true loyaltie?

War. This shall assure my constant loyaltie,
If that our Queene and this young prince agree,
Ile ioine mine eldest daughter and my ioie
To him forthwith in holie wedlockes bandes.
Queen. Withall my hart, that match I like
full wel,

Loue her sonne Edward, shee is faire and

And giue thy hand to Warwike for thy loue.
Lew. It is enough, and now we will prepare,
To leuie souldiers for to go with you.

Lew. What hath your king married the La-And you Lord Bourbon our high Admirall, Shall waft them safelie to the English coast, And now to excuse himselfe sends vs a post And chase proud Edward from his slumbring

die Gray,

of papers?

How dares he presume to vse vs thus ?
Quee. This proueth Edwards loue, & War-
wiks honesty.

War. King Lewis, I here protest in sight
of heauen,

And by the hope I haue of heauenlie blisse,
That I am cleare from this misdeed of Edwards.
No more my king, for he dishonours me,
And most himselfe, if he could see his shame.
Did I forget that by the house of Yorke,
My father came vntimelie to his death?


For mocking marriage with the name of France.

War. I came from Edward as Imbassadour But I returne his sworne and mortall foe: Matter of marriage was the charge be gaue me, But dreadfull warre shall answere his demand. Had he none else to make a stale but me? Then none but I shall turne his iest to sorrow. I was the chiefe that raisde him to the crowne, And Ile be chiefe to bring him downe againe, Not that I pittie Henries miserie,

But seeke reuenge on Edwards mockerie. [Exit.

(Act IV. Scene I.)

Enter king EDWARD, the Queene and CLARENCE, and GLOSTER, and MONTAGUE, ano HASTINGS, and PENBROOKE, with souldiers.

Edw. Brothers of Clarence, and of Glocester,
What thinke you of our marriage with the ladie

Cla. My Lord, we thinke as Warvvike and

That are so slacke in iudgement, that theile

No offence at this suddaine marriage.

Edw. Suppose they doe, they are but Levves

Warvvike, and I am your king and Warvvikes,
And will be obaied.


Why man be of good cheere, Ile prouide thee


Cla. Naie you plaide the broker so ill for
your selfe,

That you shall giue me leaue to make my
Choise as I thinke good, and to that intent,
I shortlie meane to leaue you.

Edw. Leaue me or tarrie I am full resolu'd,
Edward will not be tied to his brothers wils.
Queen. My Lords doe me but right, and
you must


Confesse, before it pleasd his highnesse to ad-
My state to title of a Queene,
That I was not ignoble in my birth.
Edw. Forbeare my loue to fawne vpon their

Glo. And shall, because our king, but yet For thee they must obay, naie shall obaie,
And if they looke for fauour at my hands,
Mont. My Lord, heere is the messenger re-
turnd from France.

Sudden marriages seldome proueth well.

Edw. Yea brother Richard are you against

vs too?

Glo. Not I my Lord, no, God forefend that
I should

Once gaine saie your highnesse pleasure,
I, & twere a pittie to sunder them that yoake
so well togither.

Edw. Setting your skornes and your dislikes

Shew me some reasons why the Ladie Gray,
Maie not be my loue and Englands Queene?
Speake freelie Clarence, Gloster,
Montague and Hastings.

Cla. My Lord then this is my opinion, That Warwike beeing dishonored in his embassage,

Doth seeke reuenge to quite his iniuries.

Glo. And Levves in regard of his sisters

Doth ioine with Warwike to supplant your state.
Edw. Suppose that Lewis and Warwike be


By such meanes as I can best deuise.

Enter a Messenger.

Ed. Now sirra, What letters or what newes?
Mes. No letters my Lord, and such newes,

as without

your highnesse speciall pardon I dare not relate, Edw. We pardon thee, and as neere as thou canst

Tell me, What said Lewis to our letters?
Mes. At my departure these were his verie

Go tell false Edward thy supposed king,
That Lewis of France is sending ouer Maskers,
To reuill it with him and his new bride.

Edu. Is Lewis so braue, belike he thinkes

me Henry.

But what said Lady Bona to these wrongs? Mes. Tel him quoth she, in hope heele proue a widdower shortly, Ile weare the willow garland for his sake.

Edw. She had the wrong, indeed she could


Mont. But yet to have ioind with France Little lesse. But what saide Henries Queene, in this

for as
was then in place?
Mes. Tell

Alliance, would more haue strengthened this our I heare, she
Common wealth, gainst forraine stormes,
Then anie home bred marriage.

Hast. Let England be true within it selfe,
We need not France nor any alliance with them.
Cla. For this one speech the Lord Hastings
wel deserues,

To haue the daughter and heire of the Lord

Edw. And what then? It was our will it
should be so?

Cla. I, and for such a thing too the Lord

Did well deserue at your hands, to haue the
Daughter of the Lord Bonfield, and left your
Brothers to go seeke elsewhere, but in
Your madnes, you burie brotherhood.

him quoth she my mourning
weeds be

Doone, and I am readie to put armour on.
Edw. Then belike she meanes to plaie the

But what said Warwike to these iniuries?
Mes. He more incensed then the rest my


Tell him quoth he, that he hath done me wrong,
And therefore Ile vncrowne him er't be long.
Ed. Ha, Durst the traytor breath out such
proude words?

But I will arme me to preuent the worst.
But what is Warwike friendes with Margaret?
Mes. I my good Lord, theare so linkt in

Edw. Alasse poore Clarence, is it for a wife, That young Prince Edward marries Warwikes That thou art mal-content,


Cla. The elder, helike Clarence shall haue the Yonger. All you that loue me and Warwike Follow me. [Exit CLARENCE and SUMMERSET.

Edw. Clarence and Summerset fled to Warwike. What saie you brother Richard, will you stand to vs?

Glo. I my Lord, in despight of all that shall
Withstand you. For why hath Nature
Made me halt downe right, but that I
Should be valiant and stand to it, for if
I would, I cannot runne awaie.

Edw. Penbrooke, go raiso an armie presentlie,
Pitch vp my tent, for in the field this night
I meane to rest, and on the morrow morne,
Ile march to meet proud Warwike ere he land
Those stragling troopes which be hath got in


But ere I goe Montague and Hastings.
You of all the rest are neerest allied

(Act IV. Scene III.)

Alarmes, and GLOSTER and HASTINGS flies.
Who goes there?


Richard and Hastings let them go, heere is the Duke.

Edw. The Duke, why Warwike when we parted

Last, thou caldst me king?

War. I, but the case is altred now.
Then I disgraste you from being king,
When you disgraste me in my embassage,
And now am come to create you Duke of Yorke,
That knowes not how to vse embassadors,
Alasse how should you gouerne anie kingdome,
Nor how to vse your brothers brotherlie,
Nor how to shrowd your selfe from enimies.
Edw. Well Warwike, let fortune doe her


Edward in minde will beare himselfe a king. War. Then for his minde be Edward Englands king,

In bloud to Warwike, therefore tell me, if
You fauour him more then me or not:
Speake truelie, for I hath rather haue you open
Enemies, then hollow friends.
Monta. So God helpe Montague as be proues Go conuaie him to our brother archbishop of
But Henry now shall weare the English crowne.


Hast. And Hastings as he fauours Edwards And when I haue fought with Penbrooke & his followers,


Edw. It shall suffice, come then lets march Ile come and tell thee what the ladie Bona


[Exeunt Omnes.

(Act IV. Scene II.)

Enter WARWIKE and OXFORD, with souldiers,
War. Trust me my Lords all hitherto goes well,
The common people by numbers swarme to VS,
But see where Sommerset and Clarence comes,
Speake suddenlie my Lords, are we all friends?
Cla. Feare not that my Lord.

War. Then gentle Clarence welcome vito


And so for a while farewell good Duke of Yorke. [Exeunt some with EDWARD. Cla. What followes now, all hithertoo goes


To tell the Queene of our happy fortune,
But we must dispatch some lettets to France,
And bid hir come with speed to ioine with vs.
War. I thats the first thing that we haue
to doe,

And free king Henry from imprisonment,
And see him seated in his regall throne,
Come let vs haste awaie, and hauing past these

And welcome Summerset, I hold it cowardise,
To rest mistrustfull where a noble hart,
Hath pawnde an open hand in signe of loue,
Else might I thinke that Clarence, Edwards le post to Yorke, and see how Edward fares.


Were but a fained friend to our proceedings,
But welcome sweet Clarence my daughter shal
be thine.

And now what rests but in nights couerture,
Thy brother being careleslie encampt,
His souldiers lurking in the towne about,
And but attended by a simple guarde,
We maie surprise and take him at our pleasure,
Our skouts haue found the aduenture verie easie,
Then crie king Henry with resolued mindes,
And breake we presentlie into his tent.

Cla. Why then lets on our waie in silent sort,
For Warwike and his friends God and saint

War. This is his tent, and see where his
guard doth

Stand, Courage my souldiers, now or neuer,
But follow me now, and Edward shall be ours.
All. A Warwike, a Warwike.

[Exeunt Omnes.

(Act IV. Scene V.)



Glo. Lord Hastings, and sir William Stanly
Know that the cause I sent for you is this.
I looke my brother with a slender traine,
Should come a hunting in this forrest heere.
The Bishop of Yorke befriends him much,
And lets him vse his pleasure in the chase,
Now I haue priuilie sent him word,
How I am come with you to rescue him,
And see where the huntsman and he doth come.

Enter EDWARD and a Huntsman.
Hunts. This waie my Lord the deere is gone.
Edw. No this waie huntsman, see where the
Keepers stand. Now brother and the rest,
What, are yon prouided to depart?

Glo. I, 1, the horse stands at the parke | Enter the Lord Maire of Yorke vpon the wals.


Come, to Linne, and so take shipping into


Mair. My Lords we had notice of your comming,

And thats the cause we stand vpon our garde, Edw. Come then: Hastings, and Stanlie, I And shut the gates for to preserue the towne. Henry now is king, and we are sworne to him, Edw. Why my Lord Maire, if Henry be


Requite your loues. Bishop farewell,
Sheeld thee from Warwikes frowne,
And praie that I maie repossesse the crowne.
Now huntsman what will you doe?

Hunts. Marrie my Lord, I thinke I had as good

Goe with you, as tarrie heere to be hangde. Edw. Come then lets awaie with speed. [Exeunt Omnes.

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Edward I am sure at least, is Duke of Yorke. your king, Truth my Lord, we know you for


no lesse.

Edw. I craue nothing but my Dukedome. Rich. But when the Fox hath gotten in his head, Heele quicklie make the bodie follow after. Hast. Why my Lord Maire, what stand you vpon points?

Open the gates, we are king Henries friends. Mair. Sai you so, then Ile open them presentlie. [Exit Maire. Ri. By my faith, a wise stout captain & soone perswaded.

The Maire opens the dore, and brings the keics in his hand.

Edw. So my Lord Maire, these gates must not be shut,

But in the time of warre, giue me the keies: What, feare not man for Edward will defend the towne and you, despight of all your foes. Enter sir IOHN MOUNTGOMMERY with drumme

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presently proclaime your selfe our king.

[Exit. Ile hence againe, and keepe them backe that

Enter EDWARD and RICHARD, and HASTINGS with a troope of Hollanders.


Thus far from Belgia haue we past the seas, And marcht from Raunspur hauen vnto Yorke: But soft the gates are shut, I like not this. Rich. Sound vp the drum and call them to the wals.

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