Δ Econ 4255,= (1859)」 HARVARD J Warren Reprinted by The Gregg Press Limited 27 Palace Street. London S.W.1 Printed in Holland KEY TO THE REGISTER. The Stores of Vessels are designated by the Figures 1 and 2:- Vessels RESTORED to, or CONTINUED on the Character A, will have the number of Years for which they are restored or continued inserted separately under the number originally assigned, in the tenth column; where the term in the latter case has expired, the Letter "C" only will be placed before the figure denoting the number of Years for which Continuation had been allowed. Vessels marked "S.S." with a date, in red, denote that they have been surveyed at that time in accordance with the Rules, Sec. 60. The mark [B. S.] denotes that the vessel is classed subject to Biennial Survey. The mark | Expl. B.S.] denotes that the vessel is built experimentally, and classed subject to Biennial Survey. See Section 31. British North-American built vessels, opened as required by the Rules, Sec. 63, will be marked in the Register "S.S" with the number of years that may elapse before they are again opened, and the year of survey; thus-" S.S.54-3Yrs-" When the Rules, Sec. 63, have not been complied with, they will be marked in the Register; thus-" Not Op." and the Character omitted. When the term "almost Rebuilt" is used, it implies large repairs, but that the Rules for Restoration have not been fully complied with. The figures in the Tenth Column, to vessels in the E Class, imply that they were originally classed A, for that number of Years. The cipher 0 in this Column indicates that (from inferior construction) there were no "number of Years first assigned." Ships built under Special Survey will be shown by a Cross, thus +. pt. parts. - sheathedd. - doubled C. coppered-I. B. Iron Bolts c.f. - copper fastened M. -sheathed with Marine Metal YM.-sheathed with Yellow Metal-G. Iron-sheathed with Galvanized Iron Z.-sheathed with Zincr.-Felt. C.lm.-Coppered to light water or ballast mark. In the Third Column. "(1 Cls. Ex.)," "(1 Cls.)," or " (2 Cls.)," under the master's name, denote that the said master has received a certificate of qualification for the class indicated. Sailing Vessels thus distinguished, "A P. 30 H." denote that they are Fitted with Auxiliary Steam Power, equal to 30 Horses. In the Fourth Column. H. P.-Horse Power. M.C.-Machinery certified. Where two Tonnages are given, the upper one is the Measurement by the old Act, the under one is that by the new Act, which commenced the 1st January, 1836. h‡ KEY TO THE REGISTER. In the Fifth Column. The Timber of which vessels are built is marked by the following Italic Letters: Hm......... Hemlock RP........ Red Pine YP........ Yellow Pine Bh..... Beech L....... Locust Sabicu lrp. -large repairs Srprs-Some Cl.-Clincher len.-lengthened repairs --Drp.-Damage Repaired - ND. - New Deck - NTSds-New Top-Sides- w.s.-Wales sheathed -NW-New Wales -NB.- New Bottoms Kl.-New Keel-plk. - Plank - Kisn -New Keelson -alm. rb.-almost rebuilt - pt O.M.-part old Timbers or PlankRest.-Restored Cont. Continued. Blk Hds.-Bulk Heads. In the Eighth Column:-U.S. for American Property. St.J... St. John Shm.. Shoreham Wex.. Wexford In the Eleventh Column. The Figures under the Character denote either the Year, or the Month of the current Year, in which the Vessel was last surveyed. |