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and aspect.

THIS is a small county; but it contains a very conside- Boundaries rable population. It is bounded on the south-west by' the hills which run along the north-eastern or northern part of Airshire; towards the west, the north, and partly towards north-east, it is bounded by the river Clyde, or the territory nearly adjoining to it; and on the east, it is bounded by Lanarkshire without any particular natural line of separation. In general, and especially along the northeastern and northern part of it, it is a low, and upon the whole a level territory. In this respect, however, there are many exceptions, especially towards Airshire, from the vicinity of which the greater number of its waters descend. There are few hills in the county that rise to a Hills remarkable height. Some of them, however, upon the borders of Airshire, are of considerable elevation. In the parish of Eaglesham, the hills of Balagich and Dunware are nearly of the same height; their summits are about 1000 feet above the level of the sea. In the parish of Nielston is a hill called the craig of Nielston,

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Waters. which makes some figure, as standing by itself, and not forming part of a ridge or tract of country; it is 820 feet above flood-mark, and is all green and arable to the top. In general, however, the chief hills in the county are those adjoining to Airshire, which form a tract of bleak and elevated ridges rather than of remarkable mountains. From the summits of these heights, in some situations, a fine prospect is seen. On the south and west is the fertile vale of Cunningham, which seems at a distance covered with woods, and which is washed by the Frith of Clyde, whose broad waters seem to extend towards the setting sun, unless where the view is intercepted by the western isles, seen in the remote horizon. The mountains of Carrick and of Galloway can also be seen on the one hand, while towards the north-east the city of Glasgow and the low country of Renfrewshire are beheld; beyond the last of which Ben Lomond lifts his head, often covered with snow, to the clouds.


The waters of this county are of no great magnitude in themselves; but by the industry and enterprise of the inhabitants of the adjacent territory, they are rendered of considerable importance to society. Unlike the romantic waters of Airshire, the Doon, the Lugar, the Girvan, and the Air, which flow between woody banks in pleasing solitude, or are adorned by the vestiges of past, or the buildings and works reared by present magnificence, the streams of this district are everywhere rendered instruments of human industry, and made to toil for man. If they descend suddenly from a height, it is not to form a pleasing cataract, to give variety to the beauties of a park, or to please the eye or the ear with the wild and beautiful scenery which nature sometimes delights to exhibit, but to turn some vast water-wheel, which gives motion to extensive machinery in immense buildings, where hundreds

of human beings toil in the service of luxury, or form the Waters. materials which are to furnish clothing to distant nations. Here, if a stream spread abroad its waters, it is not to form a crystal pool, but to be subservient to the more vulgar, but more useful purpose of affording convenience to a bleachfield, or a reservoir for machinery in case of a want of rain. In proportion as we approach towards Glasgow, the great theatre and centre of Scottish manufactures and commerce, every thing assumes an aspect of activity, of enterprise, of arts, and industry. The principal streams here found are the White Cart, the Black Cart, and the Grif; all of which ultimately unite together, and fall into the Clyde below Inchinnan bridge; that is, about half-way down the river between Glasgow and Port Glasgow. The White Cart. White Cart, which generally receives, by way of eminence, the name of the Cart, runs in a direction from south-east to north-west, somewhat parallel to Clyde; it takes its rise in the high grounds or moors of East Kilbride in the county of Lanark, and of Eaglesham in Renfrewshire. It passes the town of Paisley, and thereafter joins the Grif at Inchinnan bridge. In the Cart are found perch, trout, flounders, and braises or gilt-heads, but none of them in any considerable quantities; owing no doubt, in a great degree, to the bleachfields, printfields, and a copperas work upon the banks of the river. As for the fine large pearls once found in this river, and which, according to our old historians, had been noticed by the most eminent jewellers in Europe, they have long disappeared; and the river has become a more certain source of wealth by its utility to an industrious and manufacturing neighbourhood. In its upper part, the White Cart passes through a country in which are a variety of small hills capable of being cultivated to the top. Among these the Cart winds its way in a very irregular

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