The High Potencies. By J. S. Remington, Jr., M.D., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.,
Sepia. Compiled from Dr. Kaspar's Lectures, by Carroll Dunham, M.D.,
Brooklyn, N. Y.,
Acute Catarrh. By Drs. Wurmb and Kaspar. Translated from the Homœo-
patisch-Klinische Studien, by H. C. Preston, M.D., Providence, R. I.,
Physiology of the Human Skin. By A. E. Small, M.D., Philadelphia,
Physiological Sympathies. By William H. Holcombe, M.D., Natchez, Miss.,
Bromic Acid. By C. G. M'Knight, M.D., Providence, R. I.,
Graphites. Compiled from Dr. Kaspar's Lectures. By Carroll Dunham,
M.D., Brooklyn, N. York., .
Consumption among Printers. By M. M. Mathews, M.D., Rochester, N. Y.,
Extracts from a Popular Lecture on the Uses of the Beard. By A. F., M.D.,
Alternation of Remedies. By William E. Payne, M.D., of Bath, Maine,
An Essay on Ephelides. By David Cowley, M.D., Philadelphia,
Incidental Provings. By C. E. Toothaker, M.D., Phila.,
Introductory Lecture to the Class of the Homœopathic Medical College of
Pennsylvania. By Wm. A. Gardiner, M.D., Philadelphia,
Provings of Cobaltum. By G. E. E. Sparhawk, M.D., Rochester, Vermont, 449
The Laws that Govern the Physical Man. By A. E. Small, M.D., Philada., 468
Suggestions for Proving Drugs on the Healthy. Reported to the American
Provers' Union by a Committee appointed for that purpose,
The Past and the Present,
Leucorrhea. By F. Humphreys, M.D., Philadelphia,
Nux Vomica. Compiled from Dr. Kaspar's Lectures by Carroll Dunham,
M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y.,
Arrangement of the Materia Medica of Homœopathy. By Dr. W. Geib,
Remarks on Canchilagua. By Dr. M. A. Richter, N. Y.,
Thoughts and Observations on Small-Pox; Its Prevention and Cure. By
Ira Burrows, M.D., Providence,
Case of Poisoning by Stramonium. By H. C. Preston, M.D., Providence,
Case of Paralysis of the lower Extremities. By J. J. De Wolf, M.D., Pro-
vidence, R. I.,
ture delivered at the Hahnemann Hospital. By Dr. A. Henriques,
A Letter addressed to His Excellency the Minister of War, Louis Von Luder;
Referring to the Interdiction of Homœopathic Practice in the Hospitals
of Bavaria. By Dr. Buchner, of Munich. Translated from the Journal
de Société Gallicane, by Dr. W. Geib,
Diseases Peculiar to Females. By F. Humphreys, M.D., Philadelphia,
Provings of Rumex Crispus. By B. F. Joslin, M.D., New York,
On the use of Valeriana officinalis in certain forms of Nervous Disease. By
My Review of the Complete Repertory of C. Hempel, M.D., and his An- swers. By A. Lippe, M.D., Philadelphia,
Discovery of Curatives by Observation. An Address delivered before the Homœopathic Medical Society of the State of New York, February 8th, 1853. By B. F. Joslin, M.D., New York, Women's Medical Guide. By J. H. Pulte, M.D., Diseases of Children, and their Homœopathic Treatment. By Dr. Franz Hartmann. Translated, with Notes, by C. J. Hempel, M.D.,
A Treatise on Apoplexy. With an Appendix on Softening of the Brain, and Paralysis, based on H. J. Rückert's Clinical Experience. By John C. Peters, M.D.,
Typhoid Fever, and its Homœopathic Treatment. By Aug. Rapon, Docteur en Medecine, &c. Translated by M. Cote, M.D., . Complete Repertory to the Symptomen-Codex. By C. J. Hempel, M.D.,
Systematization-Pratique de la Matiere Medicale Homœopathique. Par A. Teste. A Paris, 1853. Review furnished by Dr. W. Geib, Philada., The Complete Repertory to the Symptomen-Codex,
The Homœopathic Materia Medica, arranged Systematically and Practi- cally. By A. Teste. Translated by C. J. Hempel, M.D., Diseases of Females and Children, and their Homœopathic Treatment. By Walter Williamson, M.D.,
Dysentery and its Homœopathic Treatment. By Frederick Humphreys,
Nouvelle Homœopathie Domestique. By C. J. Hempel, M.D.,
Homœopathic Treatment of Indigestion, Constipation, and Hemorrhoids.
By W. Morgan. Edited, with notes and annotations, by A. E. Small,
Parents' Guide. By J. Laurie, M.D. Edited with additions, by W. Wil- liamson, M.D.,
Scarlatina Anginosa. By C. E. Toothaker, M.D., Philadelphia,
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