| English literature - 1821 - 676 pages
...metallic currency has been effected, by the authority given to the bank of England to commence its payments in cash at an earlier period than had been...continues to receive from foreign powers the strongest assurance of their friendly disposition towards this country. " Gentlemen of Hie Haute of Common*,... | |
 | Early English newspapers - 1821 - 726 pages
...metallic currency has been effected, by the authority given to the Bank of England to commence its payments in cash at an earlier period than had been...commanded us to acquaint you, that he continues to re ceive from Foreign Powers the strongest assurances of their friendly disposition towards this country.... | |
 | English essays - 1821 - 730 pages
...currency has been effected, by the authority given to tb* Bank of England to commence its payment! in cash at an earlier period than had been determined...His Majesty has commanded us to acquaint you, that be continues to re ceire from Foreign Powers the strongest assurances of their friendly disposition... | |
 | 1821 - 746 pages
...following speech: " My Lordi and Gentlfmen, " I have the satisfaction of acquainting you, that I continue to receive from Foreign Powers the strongest assurances...of their friendly disposition towards this country. " It will be a matter of deep regret to me, if the occurrences which have lately taken place in Italy... | |
 | 1821 - 720 pages
...you, that no alteration has occurred in the state of his Majesty's lamented indisposition. I continue to receive from foreign powers the strongest assurances...of their friendly disposition towards this country, and of their earnest desire to maintain the general tranquillity. The hostilities to which I was compelled... | |
 | Great Britain - 1821 - 720 pages
...currency has been effected, by the authority given to T liu.k of England to commence its pit-meats in cash at an earlier period than had been determined by the last Parliament "HU Majesty has commanded us to in, i you, that he continues to receive from Foreign Powers the strongest... | |
 | George Pretyman - Great Britain - 1821 - 524 pages
...the tranquillity 17s6. (jf Europe, had been brought to an amicable conclusion ; and that he continued to receive from foreign powers, the strongest assurances of their friendly disposition towards Great Britain. His majesty also informed them, that the resolutions which they had laid before him,... | |
 | Great Britain. Parliament - Great Britain - 1821 - 826 pages
...have been considered as sufficiently explicit. In the Speech it was stated that his majesty received " from foreign powers the strongest assurances of their friendly disposition towards this country, and that it would be matter of deep regret to his majesty if the occurrences which have lately taken... | |
 | 1821 - 438 pages
...as follows: "My lords and gentlemen, "I Uave the satisfaction of acquainting you, that '. continue to receive from foreign powers, the strongest assurances of their friendly disposition owards this country. "It will be a matter of deep regret to me, if the occurrences which have lately... | |
 | History - 1822 - 1100 pages
...authority given to the Bank of England to commence iti pay* merits in cash at an earlier period than bad been determined by the last parliament. " His majesty...this country. •< Gentlemen of the House of Commons; of all efforts for this purpose will mainly depend upon the continuance of domestic tranquillity; and... | |
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