Poetical Introduction to the Study of Botany |
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Amentum anthers beauty bend berry BIENNIAL PLANTS blooming blushing bosom bow'd bow'rs breast calyx capsule cells charms CLASS colour consists copy The Right corolla corolla of five DECANDRIA DIANDRIA Digynia ditto DODECANDRIA eight stamens fair filaments five petals five stamens florets fond foot-stalk four fragrant fructification fruit Genera gentle genus Gluma grace grows hand Hans Place Henley Hexandria Hyacinthus infant Lady Caroline Ponsonby large copy leaf leaves Lopezia maid Miss modest MONADELPHIA MONOECIA MONOGYNIA monopetalous native nectary o'er Octandria op'ning Orchis peduncles Pentandria pericarpium petals petiole Pistillum plant polish'd POLYANDRIA Polygamia pow'r pray'r purple receptacle Right Honourable Right Honourable Lady root rude seed-vessel seeds shade sheath sighs Silicle Siliqua simple six stamens smiling soft soul Spadix Spatha species stalk stamens stamens and pistils staminiferous flowers stem strains Strobilus sweet tear tender TETRANDRIA three pistils three stamens Tree Triandria Trigynia umbel valves Volva youths