Computed Tomography Principles, Design, Artifacts, and Recent Advances

Front Cover
John Wiley & Sons, Nov 9, 2009 - Technology & Engineering - 574 pages
Six years after its first edition, Computed Tomography: Principles, Design, Artifacts, and Recent Advances, Second Edition provides and updated overview of the evolution of CT, the mathematical and physical aspects of the technology, and the fundamentals of image reconstruction algorithms. Given the high visibility and public awareness of the impact of x-ray radiation, the second edition features a new chapter on x-ray dose and presents different dose reduction techniques ranging from patient handling, optimal data acquisition, image reconstruction, and postprocess. Based on the advancements over the past six years, the second edition includes new sections on cone beam reconstruction algorithms, nonconventional helical acquisition and reconstruction, new reconstruction approaches, and dual-energy CT. Finally, new to this edition is a set of problems for each chapter, providing opportunities to enhance reader comprehension and practice the application of covered material.

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About the author (2009)

Jiang Hsieh is a Chief Scientist in the Applied Science Laboratory of GE Healthcare Technologies and an adjunct Professor in the Medical Physics Department of the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He has more than 20 years of experience in medical imaging. He holds over 100 US patents, has coauthored more than 100 articles, book chapters, and textbook.

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