Fundamentals of Diagnostic RadiologyWilliam E. Brant, Clyde A. Helms The Brant and Helms Solution gives you a complete print and multimedia package consisting of the textbook, Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology, Third Edition, plus instant access to a brand-new interactive resource that keeps your radiology skills up-to-date. For your bookshelf—Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology, Third Edition. This fully updated classic guides you through the application and interpretation of all imaging modalities and is a comprehensive review of radiology that can be used as a first reader by beginning residents, referred to during rotations, and used to study for the American Board of Radiology examinations. It covers all ten subspecialties of radiology and includes over 2,700 illustrations. Features include...
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This edition is available in two formats—the traditional hardbound single-volume textbook, or a softbound four-volume set—both with the same great content. |
Pediatric Abdomen and Pelvis 1277 59 Gastrointestinal LiverSpleen | 52 |
Contributors xv | 377 |
Diagnostic Imaging Methods 3 13 Mediastinum and Hila | 389 |
Pulmonary Neoplasms | 433 |
Introduction to Brain Imaging 29 Timothy J Higgins and Jeffrey S Klein | 460 |
David J Seidenwurm | 479 |
Central Nervous System Infections 156 | 563 |
Abdominal Arteries Venous System | 711 |
Abdomen and Pelvis 733 | 1058 |
Liver Biliary Tree and Gallbladder 756 | 1063 |
Pancreas and Spleen 782 Clyde A Helms | 1086 |
Pharynx and Esophagus 798 Clyde A Helms | 1102 |
Stomach and Duodenum 816 Clyde A Helms | 1132 |
Colon and Appendix 848 | 1168 |
Adrenal Glands and Kidneys 867 Knee | 1192 |
White Matter and Neurodegenerative Karen K Lindfors and Huong T LePetross | 599 |
Nondegenerative Diseases of the Spine 271 22 Cardiac Imaging in Acquired Diseases | 629 |
Disk Disease and Stenosis 322 23 Cardiac MRI | 652 |
Thoracic Aorta Pulmonary Arteries | 677 |
Pelvicaliceal System Ureters Bladder 49 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of | 1205 |
Radiographic Imaging 50 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of | 1214 |
Skeletal System Scintigraphy | 1357 |