How to Write and Publish a Scientific PaperAn essential guide for succeeding in today's competitive environment, this book provides beginning scientists and experienced researchers with practical advice on writing about their work and getting published. This new, updated edition discusses the latest print and Internet resources. Preparing, submitting and publishing scientific papers is now largely electronic, and the book has been revised to reflect this. New material includes more information on including supplementary material online, using reference management software, and preparing tables and figures; expanded sections on structuring a discussion section and the strengths and limitations of the research; and additional material on international aspects of scientific writing. The book guides readers through the processes involved in writing and publishing for scientific journals, from choosing a suitable journal to presenting results and citing references. It covers ethical issues in scientific publishing; explains rights and permissions; and discusses writing grant proposals, giving presentations and writing for general audiences. |
Approaching a Writing Project | 11 |
What Is a Scientific Paper? | 18 |
Ethics in Scientific Publishing | 24 |
7 | 39 |
8 | 45 |
9 | 53 |
10 | 59 |
Methods | 65 |
Use and Misuse of English | 191 |
Avoiding Jargon | 204 |
How to Write Science in English as a Foreign Language | 219 |
35 | 227 |
How to Prepare a Curriculum Vitae | 233 |
37 | 239 |
How to Write a Recommendation Letter | 249 |
How to Provide Peer Review | 257 |
16 | 89 |
How to Prepare Effective Graphs | 97 |
How to Prepare Effective Photographs | 104 |
Rights and Permissions | 113 |
The Review Process How to Deal with Editors | 122 |
The Publishing Process How to Deal with Proofs | 135 |
23 | 147 |
How to Present a Paper Orally | 173 |
How to Prepare a Poster | 179 |
Format | 185 |
An Admittedly Unvalidated Quiz | 263 |
Selected Journal Title Word Abbreviations | 267 |
Words and Expressions to Avoid | 271 |
Prefixes and Abbreviations for SI Système International Units | 277 |
Some Helpful Websites | 279 |
Glossary of Technical Terms | 281 |
287 | |
293 | |
Other editions - View all
How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper, 7th Edition: Seventh Edition Robert A. Day,Barbara Gastel No preview available - 2011 |
Common terms and phrases
abbreviations ABCology abstract accepted Antibiotics appear appropriate audience avoid Bacteria Bacteriology carefully CHAPTER citation cited colicin colleagues commonly conference report consider copyeditor detail discussion draft e-mail edition electronic English errors especially evaluate example experiments feedback field figures follow format funding source grant proposals graph hydrochloric acid impact factor important IMRAD instructions to authors interest introduction isoniazid jargon language literature manuscript materials and methods methods section one’s organization Palenzuela paragraph passive voice peer review perhaps photographs poster prepare primary journal problem proofs publication published papers readable readers receive recommendation letters references review paper revised scientific paper scientific writing scientists sentence sometimes spermidine streptomycin style manuals submit tables tense Texas A&M University thesis thors tion topic typically United Feature Syndicate words