Psychiatry and Neuroscience Update: Bridging the Divide

Front Cover
Pascual 聲gel Gargiulo, Humberto Luis Mesones Arroyo
Springer, Oct 3, 2015 - Medical - 434 pages

The intention of this unique title is to bridge the gap between psychiatry and neuroscience, allowing a fruitful dialogue between both sciences. Recognizing that psychiatry has received important contributions from the basic neurosciences and that the basic neurosciences have received inspiration and objectives from the open problems of psychiatry, Psychiatry and Neuroscience: Bridging the Divide is designed to identify the borders, trends and implications in both fields today. Comprehensive and developed by a renowned group of experts from both fields, the book is divided into four parts: Epistemological Considerations About the Study of Normal and Abnormal Human Behaviors; From Basic Neurosciences to Human Brain; Neurosciences, Learning, Teaching and the Role of Social Environment and Explaining Human Pathological Behaviors: From Brain Disorders to Psychopathology. A unique and invaluable addition to the literature in psychiatry and neuroscience, Psychiatry and Neuroscience: Bridging the Divide offers an important and clearer understanding of the relationship between psychiatry and neuroscience.



Epistemological Considerations About the Study of Normal and Abnormal Human Behaviors
From Basic Neurosciences to Human Brain
Neurosciences Learning Teaching and the Role of Social Environment
Explaining Human Pathological Behaviors From Brain Disorders to Psychopathology

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About the author (2015)

Pascual 聲gel Gargiulo, PhD

Specialist in Psychiatry

Professor of Psychopathology

Catholic University of Argentina


Laboratory of Neurosciences and Experimental Psychology

National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET)

Professor of Pharmacology

National University of Cuyo

Mendoza, Argentina

Humberto Lu疄 Mesones-Arroyo, M.D., DPM

Psychiatrist by University Complutense of Madrid and University of Buenos Aires

Former Director of National Institute of Mental Health (Argentina).

Member of the Council of the Institute of Neurobiology (Buenos Aires)

Member of the Board of Certification, National Academy of Medicine (Argentina)

Buenos Aires, Argentina

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