Hazel's Reviews > Losing My Virginity: How I've Survived, Had Fun, and Made a Fortune Doing Business My Way

Losing My Virginity by Richard Branson
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did not like it

When I reviewed this in 2011, I was young and naive, still believing the capitalist myth that becoming ridiculously wealthy was just a case of "trying your best". I'm quite embarrassed by this now, but here's my original review:

I thought this book was good. Although he's probably sensationalising quite a lot of it, there's no doubt the book left me feeling inspired - feeling like anything was possible, whatever your background. Definitely a motivational book: great if you're slightly doubting your ability to be an entrepreneur. The message of the book is certainly reach for the stars, no matter how cloudy the sky - the stars are much closer than you think.
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2011 – Started Reading
2011 – Finished Reading
August 24, 2011 – Shelved

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message 1: by Aureliano (new)

Aureliano ok so why the one star

Hazel As I said in my review, I now understand that the whole book is based on the capitalist myth that hard work = ridiculous wealth, so in my opinion, it is a one-star book. Not sure why it bothers you so much how one person rates a book. 🙃

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