Front cover image for The American kaleidoscope : race, ethnicity, and the civic culture

The American kaleidoscope : race, ethnicity, and the civic culture

Examines the historical patterns of ethnicity and the ways in which a national political culture has evolved to accommodate ethnic diversity. Compares the experiences of immigrant ethnic groups, African- Americans, and native Americans to each other and in relation to the national culture
Print Book, English, ©1990
Wesleyan University Press, Hanover, NH, ©1990
xviii, 618 pages ; 25 cm
9780819551221, 9780819562500, 0819551228, 0819562505
Available in another form:
"True Americanism": the foundations of the civic culture
"Reinforcements to Republicanism": Irish Catholic response to the civic culture
More Slovenian and more American: how the hyphen unites
"Go back to the country from whence you came": predatory pluralism and the Native American response
"This fourth of July is yours": African-Americans and caste pluralism
"I go sad and heavy hearted": sojourner pluralism for Asians and Mexicans
"The road of hope": Asians and Mexicans find cracks in the system
"Do you understand your own language?": Black Americans' attack on caste
"They never did really see me": the assertion of Black ethnic identity
"We want full participation": African-Americans and coalition politics
"We have to be part of the political system": redefining tribal pluralism
"America is in the heart": Asian sojourners no longer
"Can't they see? I love this country ... ": Mexican-Americans and the battle against sojourner pluralism
Blood of all nations: the sources of ethnicity become global
"From the mountains, to the prairies, to the oceans ... ": the spread of ethnic diversity
Tacos and kimchee: the quickening pace of ethnic interaction
Kashaya and the Nyingma: identities and boundaries
"The wish of the founding fathers": third world immigrants embrace the civic culture
"All these ... are the life blood of America": celebrating diversity
Xenophobia, racism, and bigotry: conflict in the kaleidoscope
"Equal and exact justice": the civil rights compact
"To get beyond racism": integrating education and housing
"To get beyond racism": political access and economic opportunity
Respecting diversity, promoting unity: the language issue
Questions of membership: who are the outsiders?