Front cover image for Works


Poems, plays and prose
Print Book, English, 1829
J. Murray, London, 1829
6 volumes
v. 1. Childe Harold's pilgrimage
v. 2. Childe Harold's pilgrimage [continued] The Giaour. The corsair
v. 3. Lara. The bride of Abydos. Siege of Corinth. Parisina. The prisoner of Chillon. Beppo. Mazeppa
v. 4. Manfred. Hebrew melodies. Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte. Monody on the death of Sheridan. Lament of Tasso. Poems. Prophecy of Dante
v. 5. Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice. Cain
v. 6. Sardanapalus. The two Foscari. Notes on Captain Medwin's Conversations of Lord Byron