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academy aerial Alaska Albanian appears Atlantic salmon Beard become Bell cent chromatin committee Cuenot determination of sex determine the sex dog salmon electric wave embryo Engelmann engineer ether ether waves experiments fact female eggs fertilized flying machine flying weight germ-cells give rise gray Greek Hertzian wave telegraphy humpback salmon increased individual interest J. J. Thomson kinds of eggs kinds of spermatozoa king salmon kite built lakes long distance Louis Mabel Macedonia male and female male eggs Marconi meetings miles museum parthenogenetic parthenogenetic eggs polar body Poldhu population pounds present probably produce pure male queen question Quinnat received red salmon rivers rotifers Rouman rural salmon streams scientific shown in Fig Shumard signaling distance silver salmon spawning species specimens spermatozoa tadpoles tetrahedral cells TETRAHEDRAL KITE tion Trans triangular cell trout Turk water-tube boiler wing surface